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The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning — Chapter 2 Whitebeard template, double S-level powers!

“This is…my golden finger?!”

Holding the already dim psychic stone in a daze, Su Mo felt overwhelmed and shocked.

In the past eighteen years, he had no longer had any illusions.

Unexpectedly, the golden finger that he had been looking forward to day and night was about to undergo the awakening ceremony, because of a psychic stone…

And activated!

In other words, the golden finger is always there, but it cannot be activated because it cannot obtain energy.


For a moment, Su Mo didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

But after thinking about it, he felt relieved. After all, he was an orphan when he traveled back in time.

Food and accommodation are a problem, let alone luxuries like psychic stones.

Besides, it’s not too late to activate it now, with the system’s golden finger and the perseverance I have honed over the years.

You will definitely reach the top in this extraordinary world!

Trying to control his body that was shaking with excitement, Su Mo then looked at the virtual panel in front of him.

[Host]: Su Mo

[Cultivation]: None

[Superpower]: Shocking power (S+), three-color domineering (S)

[Martial Skills]: None

[Energy Points]: 11

[Character Template]: Edward Newgate (Character details and unlocking levels can be found in the template list by clicking on it.)

After a brief glance at the character panel and system introduction, Su Mo roughly knew what the system he had obtained was.

This most powerful template system is a system that extracts character templates from various worlds.

Specially select the strongest people, and then continuously unlock the characters’ abilities, use them for your own use, and even surpass them!

Su Mo’s first novice benefit was to draw the template of Edward Newgate, the strongest man in the pirate world.

Daddy with white beard!

He has also seen the Pirate King Su Mo in his previous life, and he is very fond of this powerful and charismatic figure.

“System, have Whitebeard’s demonic power and three-color domineering energy been converted into superpowers?”

Not only has it been transformed into a superpower, but the Shock Fruit and Three-Color Haki are still rated S-level!

The legendary S-class!

Cultivation to the extreme, the strongest superpower that can cause natural disasters!

In this world, the levels of abilities are divided from strong to weak: S, A, B, C, D, E, F

Before this, Su Mo couldn’t even think about it, let alone S-level, even C-level.

As long as he could awaken his D-level powers, he would be satisfied.

Because you have awakened a D-level or above power, you can go to a top university to continue your studies.

Develop abilities with massive resources and the guidance of strong men, and truly step into the ranks of the strong!

As a result, now, he is given double S-levels directly. If anyone finds out about this later during the test.

Wouldn’t it be a direct blow-up?

Secretly shocked, the system’s cold mechanical voice replied in time: “Change according to the rules of the world and eliminate side effects.”

Eliminate side effects? !

After coming back to his senses, Su Mo’s eyes widened, and then he became ecstatic.

Does that mean that Devil Fruit users no longer have to be afraid of sea water?


The system is produced and it is perfect.

Just as Su Mo continued to communicate with the system with consciousness, a loud sound spread above the awakening hall.

“Dear students, your class teacher should have explained the process of the awakening ceremony in detail. Here, I will simply add a few words. First, relax and don’t resist the next ceremony because of nervousness. Second, even if you can’t Don’t be discouraged if you awaken your powers. You can also continue to take the liberal arts college entrance examination. As long as you work hard, you may become a scientific researcher and continue to contribute to the country. Well, that’s all I have to say. I declare that the awakening ceremony has officially begun! “

As Principal Huang Chongguang finished speaking, all the teachers and students, including the family members and media members who were watching, applauded.

Nodding with satisfaction, Huang Chongguang then looked at an old man in the Awakening Hall.

Dean Wang Zhou is the person in charge of this test.

After receiving the signal, Wang Zhou immediately turned on the psychic tester in the center of the hall.

As long as you place your hand on the tester, the psychic energy stored in it will flow to the genes in the human body.

Then start activating the latent ability.

For those with special powers, the tester will glow and give the answer.

Those without superpowers are dim and dull.

After turning on the instrument, Wang Zhou looked at the front row seat.

“Students from Class 1, as usual, you come up first.”

Class 1 is the class led by Wang Zhou.

At this moment, when he thought that his class was the face of No. 3 Middle School, his old face was filled with pride.

But at the next moment, he froze slightly.

Because he thought of Su Mo, who barely surpassed the students in his class in all three physical abilities.

What if the student named Su Mo really awakened a power that was even better than the students in his class?

Wouldn’t his old face be completely lost?

“Probably not. Excellent physical fitness may be able to awaken superpowers, but if you want to awaken high-level superpowers, the real focus is genetic strength. The students in my class are all from awakening families, and many of them have D-level parents. The little guy in class two is probably not the descendant of an awakened person with supernatural powers, otherwise he wouldn’t be an orphan.”

After comforting himself in his heart, Wang Zhou’s old face showed a proud look again.

“Zhao Hong, Class 1, come on stage.”

As soon as he finished speaking, a tall boy with a confident face walked up the steps from class one.

Just a few seconds after he put his hand on the tester, a burst of light slowly came on.

After a while.

“Zhao Hong, E-level superpower, strengthened body!”


The sound of the tester fell, and there was a burst of exclamation from the surroundings.

“Awesome! The top students are the top students. They were the first ones to take the stage. They have E-level powers. Although they are common powers, they have already surpassed 80% of their peers. As long as they polish it more , it’s absolutely no problem to go to a key university!”

“This year’s top class in No. 3 Middle School seems to be as good as No. 2 Middle School!”

“Zhao Hong’s three physical fitness tests in Class 1 ranked among the top ten in the class, and his parents are E-level awakeners. It’s normal.”

“Guess what level of abilities Tang Zihao and Lin Ting, who are ranked first and second in that class, can awaken?”

“With their background and physical abilities, these two are at least E-level!”

Below, students from other classes cast envious glances at Zhao Hong, and the surrounding media started talking even more.

Zhao Hong enjoyed this scene very much. He turned around and walked down the steps, and suddenly looked at the location of Class 2.

To be precise, he should be looking at Su Mo who was beside Chen Darong.

“Common Su, it’s still some time before your second class’s test. Aren’t you known as an iron man? Why not take this opportunity to do a few more sets of push-ups. Maybe you will awaken an S-level power later. Yeah, hahaha…”

With a playful smile, Zhao Hong looked like a villain at this moment.

Most people in the class looked down on Su Mo, and Zhao Hong was one of the most unhappy.

Now that he was attracting much attention, he naturally couldn’t help but mock Su Mo.

Haha, so refreshing!

“Ah Mo, don’t pay attention to this idiot, I believe you will be able to awaken your D-level powers!”

In the second class seat, Chen Darong first glared at Zhao Hong, then patted Su Mo on the shoulder to encourage him.

Without looking at Zhao Hong, Su Mo looked at Chen Darong and said with a smile: “Don’t worry, I won’t be familiar with this thing. Besides, Darong, won’t you give your best wishes to my brother? He only has D-level powers. You You should congratulate me for awakening the S-level power. When I awaken the S-level power, I will definitely protect you.”


Good guy, Chen Darong was immediately silent.

He thought his brother’s mentality would be affected.

Who would have thought, not only was he acting like a normal person, but he was actually making a joke.

I’ll be a good boy~

It also has S-level powers.

If Su Mo could awaken his S-level powers, he, Chen, would swim butterfly in the manure pond to celebrate his brother!


The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Su Mo traveled to a supernatural world where monsters are rampant. In this world, in order to fight against monsters, humans need to awaken their superpowers at the age of eighteen!
At this moment, the strongest template system was activated, unlocking the templates of the strongest characters in the world for your own use.
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the unlocked template of Edward Newgate, the strongest man in the pirate world!"
At the beginning, he had shocking fruit with one hand, three-color domineering power with the other hand, and double SS superpowers that shocked the audience!
And this is just the beginning.
The strongest template in the Naruto world: Sage of Six Paths? Eight-door Kaihuang?
The most powerful template in the world of spell return: Two-faced Su Nuo? Invincible Gojo Satoru?
Fairy Tail World…
The world of death…
"When all the templates in the world are unlocked, I, Su Mo, will be the only true god!"


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