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The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning — Chapter 47 Mutation, the coming of the tide of monsters

Soon, Su Mo carried Cheng Wuxiong to a hidden valley.

After building a fence with rocks, he breathed a sigh of relief.

This battle, first killing thousands of monsters, and then destroying a group of Silver Awakeners, was indeed quite costly.

Walking into the valley, Cheng Wuxiong was lying there with a look of remorse.

Seeing Su Mo come in, he lowered his head and said, “Brother Mo, I’m sorry, I didn’t listen to you.”


Su Mo suddenly had a dark look on his face, stepped forward and gave Cheng Wuxiong a surprise: “You didn’t finish it, and you knew how to apologize along the way. Is it your fault? It’s my fault, you are in the Black Iron Realm, You shouldn’t have been asked to follow them.”

This brat!

The look of self-blame made him feel very guilty.

“Brother Mo…”

“Okay, okay, if you blame yourself again, believe it or not, I will send you back immediately?”

Hearing this, Cheng Wuxiong shook his head violently.

Giving him an annoyed look, Su Mo suddenly asked doubtfully: “You obviously have something to protect yourself, why don’t you use it?”

“Uh…Brother Mo, I forgot.”


Helplessly holding his forehead, Su Mo shook his head and sighed: “Forget it, I don’t blame you. It’s inevitable to be nervous when facing such a crisis for the first time. Remember this lesson and be smarter next time, you know?”

“I know, Brother Mo.”

After throwing some healing medicine to Cheng Wuxiong, Su Mo walked aside and began to check the harvest.

The harvest this time is quite a lot.

The thousands of monsters alone have nearly 20,000 energy points.

Including killing the group of awakened people from Linhai University, the amount of psychic stones collected should be enough for 20,000.

The most important thing is that he found a fiery red and radiant elixir from the young captain’s storage bracelet.

When they were in high school, the teachers taught them this knowledge, so he recognized it at a glance.

Spirit expansion spark!

A rare elixir of intermediate quality!

In the market, there are things that have a price but no market, and it is difficult for ordinary diamond realm experts to buy them.

After all, this is a treasure that gives a person an 80% chance of being promoted to the golden realm!

If the person has a strong supernatural power, the awakened person with the talent of evil will cooperate with this medicine.

If nothing unexpected happens, it is easy to open up a psychic spring and advance to the golden realm.

Looking at the spiritual expansion sparks in the storage space, Su Mo asked in his mind: “System, can I exchange it for energy points?”

“In addition to obtaining energy points by killing creatures, all items with energy can be exchanged for energy points.”

After hearing the system’s answer, Su Mo gave up the idea of ​​exchanging it after weighing it.

His promotion to gold is actually as easy as drinking water, but what about Cheng Wuxiong and Chen Darong, and what about the future members?

Let’s keep it for now and see if his two little brothers need it later.

As for what can be exchanged for energy points, sorry, just spend some time killing monsters.

But the soul-expanding spark is hard to come across. When given a choice, any fool knows how to choose.

“System, absorb the psychic stone in my bracelet.”

A total of three people in that team of Awakeners have storage space.

The rest of them were carrying packages, but they didn’t have psychic stones, which was a pity.

Although the psychic stones in the three storage spaces combined are all low-grade and low-grade, there are still hundreds of them.

By estimation, it should be able to exchange for more than 3,000 energy points.

“Ding! The host absorbed a low-grade psychic stone and gained 90 points of energy.”

“Ding! The host absorbed a low-grade spiritual energy stone and gained 110 points of energy.”

“Ding! The host absorbed a low-level spiritual energy stone and obtained…”

A total of 3607 energy points.

Plus the 19504 points gained from killing those monsters and the team of awakeners.

A total of 23111 energy points were obtained.

Enough progress to unlock two more points of Shock Power.

Of course, this time, he doesn’t plan to unlock it. He will upgrade the team mode first.

As his thoughts fell.

“Ding! The team mode is being upgraded…”

“Ding! Upgrade progress: 1%…10%…24%…”

“Ding! The team mode has been upgraded. The current level is level two, the feedback ratio is 20%, and the team size is 6 members.”

“Very good, I should be able to get more now.”

Su Mo grinned and felt very comfortable.

Next, because Cheng Wuxiong needed to heal, Su Mo could only stay with him.

Wait until the injury is almost healed before you can continue to go out and kill.

After all, Su Mo didn’t feel at ease if he was left alone.

At night, the temperature drops sharply.

Su Mo took out the food because Cheng Wuxiong couldn’t move.

He could only feed this guy with his hands.

If those pretty girls from Shanghai University saw this scene, they would be extremely envious.

How they wish that the person feeding Master Su Mo was themselves, not Cheng Wuxiong.

After eating and drinking, the two of them lay down on the prepared quilt.

Cheng Wuxiong suddenly spoke curiously: “Brother Mo, um…can I ask a question?”

Su Mo: “Say.”

“Your current state…”

“Yes, as you can see, Silver Realm.”

Su Mo didn’t hide it either. After all, he had shown strength that was not in line with the Black Iron Realm in front of Cheng Wuxiong many times.


After swallowing a handful of saliva, Cheng Wuxiong felt numb inside.

Silver Realm!

Their awakening ceremony has only been about twenty days, right?

Brother Mo is already a Silver Awakener, and he has to catch up with the legendary records in the textbooks!

The most irritating thing is that Brother Mo is so low-key. He doesn’t pretend to be a cup in a high-profile manner, but just does so invisibly.

It’s really…

If God had not given birth to me, Brother Mo, forever would be like a long night!

Cheng Wuxiong was filled with emotion, and he admired Su Mo even more: “Brother Mo, you hide it so deliberately, I won’t tell it.”

Su Mo nodded: “Well, anything good as good as Lin Feng will destroy it. If you draw too much attention, you will be in a lot of trouble. Although I am already somewhat noticeable now, I still have to keep a low profile.”

Cheng Wuxiong:? ? ?

A little eye-catching? Do you need to be more low-key?

He is the strongest top student in the freshman year at Modu University, and the whole school knows it, and he might even make the news by then.

Is this a bit eye-catching?

Why does it feel like it doesn’t sound human?

Although he was complaining in his heart, Cheng Wuxiong still nodded heavily: “Brother Mo is right, you should be more low-key as a person. The old beggar also said so.”

“Well, just understand. Go to sleep.”

“Yes, Brother Mo!”

In the next three days, Su Mo practiced martial arts while accompanying Cheng Wuxiong.

It is worth mentioning that with nine consecutive slashes with the heavy sword, Xiaocheng’s realm has been completely controlled and is approaching Dacheng.

It can already be slashed five times in a row. The superimposed power of the fifth sword is terrifying!

Cheng Wuxiong’s health gradually improved and he was almost fully recovered.

The resilience is indeed extremely abnormal.

On the fourth day, the two walked out of the valley again.

Cheng Wuxiong grinned: “Brother Mo, I am a good man again!”

The words fell.


The earth suddenly shook, and the hard ground above began to fall down as if it had suffered a huge impact.

Immediately afterwards, a majestic sound spread throughout the underground maze.

“All awakened people under the maze, listen to the order. In case of emergency, the army is waiting outside. The wave of monsters is coming. Return to the base city quickly!”


The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Su Mo traveled to a supernatural world where monsters are rampant. In this world, in order to fight against monsters, humans need to awaken their superpowers at the age of eighteen!
At this moment, the strongest template system was activated, unlocking the templates of the strongest characters in the world for your own use.
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the unlocked template of Edward Newgate, the strongest man in the pirate world!"
At the beginning, he had shocking fruit with one hand, three-color domineering power with the other hand, and double SS superpowers that shocked the audience!
And this is just the beginning.
The strongest template in the Naruto world: Sage of Six Paths? Eight-door Kaihuang?
The most powerful template in the world of spell return: Two-faced Su Nuo? Invincible Gojo Satoru?
Fairy Tail World…
The world of death…
"When all the templates in the world are unlocked, I, Su Mo, will be the only true god!"


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