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The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning — Chapter 57 Intermediate Armed Color

Feeling that someone was watching her, Su Mo turned around and immediately met those beautiful eyes with unwillingness.

The corner of his mouth twitched, but he still nodded. After all, they were all classmates in the future, and there was no big hatred.

Superficial relationships are still necessary.

Moreover, this girl was killed by him last time. I don’t know how the Murong family will react and whether they will hold a grudge against me.

A family with a powerful king!

But after thinking about it again, Su Mo felt that he might have been overthinking it.

The reputation of the Murong family in the Magic City is pretty good, but that girl has an unpleasant personality and is a bit spoiled.

Otherwise, there is nothing wrong with him, and he probably won’t bully others.

Soon, Su Mo and others returned to the dormitory.

“Junior, you haven’t rested all day and night. You must be hungry now, right? I’m going to make something to eat.”

As soon as she entered Villa No. 10, Shangguan Feiyan pulled herself together and whispered softly. Although there was still a trace of worry hanging in the corners of her eyes, she was obviously much stronger than Ye Xiaoxue, unlike the latter who still looked weak with red eyes. .

Su Mo shook his head: “Senior, you are tired too. I can just eat something. Let’s rest first.”

After saying that, he stepped into his bedroom first.

In the bedroom, Su Mo sat cross-legged on the bed: “System, help me block it.”

He is going to improve himself a lot next. In order to protect Shangguan Feiyan this time, Mr. Bo is still guarding him upstairs.

If a high-star diamond awakener is not careful, he can sense something unusual even through subconscious perception.

It’s better to be careful.

As he finished speaking.

The system immediately opened the shield, and an invisible barrier immediately enveloped Su Mo.

Su Mo immediately clicked on the character template.

[Host]: Su Mo

[Cultivation]: Silver Realm Five Star

[Superpower]: Shocking power (S+), three-color domineering (S)

[Martial skills]: Nine consecutive slashes with heavy sword (lower intermediate grade: Xiaocheng), Wandering Dragon Step (high grade low-level: Xiaocheng), Tiangang Demon Fist (high grade intermediate: entry level)

[Energy Point]: 178560

[Character Template]: Edward Newgate (Character details and unlocking levels can be found in the template list by clicking on it)

Looking at the energy point, Su Mo was smiling.

A total of 170,000!

This is definitely the most I have ever done!

Moreover, if most of the monsters killed this time were not first-level monsters, I might be able to obtain more.

“The battlefield in the south…I will definitely go!”

Just one wave of monsters that feinted to attack could get him 170,000 energy points.

So what will be gained in the southern fort where there are at least level 3 monsters on the battlefield?

Although it is very dangerous, there is even a possibility of death.

But wealth comes from danger, so there is no way he would just sit back and watch.

After all, this kind of opportunity may be a disaster for others, but for Su Mo, as long as it is not a situation of death and no life.

It’s a paradise for earning energy points.

And if you miss this opportunity, you still don’t know when the next one will be.

Therefore, he must go!

Thinking about it, Su Mo clicked on Whitebeard’s character template.

If you want to go to that battlefield, you only need to have the strength of the golden realm.

For him who can compete with one or two, if he improves a lot, he should be qualified.

Shocking Power (unlock level 17.1%)

Overlord color domineering (unlock level 8.2%)

Armed color domineering (elementary level, unlock level 40%)

Seeing and hearing domineering (elementary level, unlock level 20.9%)

Taijutsu (unlock level 16.1%)

Sword skills (unlock level 21.3%)

After a day and night of fighting, the abilities used have improved a lot.

Shock power increased by 0.1…

The color of knowledge has increased from 20.1 to 20.9, an increase of 0.8, which is almost the same!

Physical skills went from the original 15.2 to 16.1, which is also about the same!

As for swordsmanship, it has increased the most, from 20.3 to 21.3, which is just a full point.

Looking at the changes on the panel, and feeling the increased strength and spiritual power, Su Mo was very satisfied: “Although it is not as fast as the energy points to unlock, it is still very good. As long as it can continue to get stronger, it is a good thing. “

Next, he began to think seriously.

If you want to go to the battlefield, you must reveal your strength.

The shock power he is currently exposed to is definitely unusable, and he will not improve it for the time being.

And this time, he plans to hide his identity and sneak into the battlefield. Disaster is ahead, and the military is eager to have more and more manpower.

So naturally I won’t check for any awakening certificates, and it should be safe to sneak into the battlefield with a mask or something.

“Let’s upgrade the weapon color first. They are at least level three monsters. This is no joke. Once they are besieged, their defense will definitely be enough.”

After thinking about it, Su Mo immediately spent 60,000 energy points to redeem 60% of the progress of unlocking the weapon color!

Adding the original 40.2%, you can directly unlock and upgrade to the intermediate armed color!

Immediately afterwards, another 28,000 was spent to redeem 14% of the physical skill progress, reaching 30.1%!

The weapon color matching technique can definitely fully unleash the close combat power.

If you want to see the sex, you also spent 30,000, redeeming 30% of the progress.

The overlord color is more expensive, but now that you have money, you can do whatever you want and exchange it for 2%, which costs 16,000.

So far, Su Mo has spent 134,000 energy points.

Biggest purchase ever!

His little heart couldn’t help but beat fast.

Shocking Power (unlock level 17.1%)

Overlord color domineering (unlock level 10.2%)

Armed color domineering (intermediate level, unlock level 0%)

Seeing and hearing domineering (elementary level, unlock level 50.9%)

Taijutsu (unlock level 30.1%)

Sword skills (unlock level 21.3%)

“Ding! Since the host’s armed color domineering has been unlocked to the intermediate level, the exchange price has been increased from 1,000 points to 3,000 points.”

“Ding! Since the host’s physical skills have been unlocked to 30% progress, the exchange price has been increased from 2000 points to 4000 points.”

Listening to the sound of the system in his mind, Su Mo suddenly felt a pain in his balls.

He has speculated before that if the ability is unlocked to a certain extent in the future, the price will increase. After all, as the progress continues to increase, the power gained will become more powerful. According to the rules of the conservation law, more will inevitably be needed. Energy points.

Sure enough, after the weapon color was upgraded to the intermediate level, every 1% would cost 3,000 points.

After 30% of physical skills, it will cost 4000 points!

Then when the most expensive overlord color and shocking power reach a certain level, wouldn’t it be even higher?


Three great pressures!

“Ding! Do you want to initiate the initiation now?”

Listening to the system prompts, Su Mo took a deep breath. The feedback this time was definitely not small.



Several waves of vast power surged into his body instantly.

Overlord color and domineering…

Seeing and hearing the domineering…

Armed and domineering…


The power of the physical body…

Psychic power…

Soul strength…

Everything was being initiated, and Su Mo was like a sponge, absorbing these powers without any hindrance.

In particular, armed color and physical skills, after being unlocked to a large stage, are obviously the two most prominent points.

Just talking about the weapon color, not only the defense and attack power have been improved, but also the use of skills has been continuously improved.

Armed color hardening, armed color covering and surrounding, armed color exposed, etc…


The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Su Mo traveled to a supernatural world where monsters are rampant. In this world, in order to fight against monsters, humans need to awaken their superpowers at the age of eighteen!
At this moment, the strongest template system was activated, unlocking the templates of the strongest characters in the world for your own use.
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the unlocked template of Edward Newgate, the strongest man in the pirate world!"
At the beginning, he had shocking fruit with one hand, three-color domineering power with the other hand, and double SS superpowers that shocked the audience!
And this is just the beginning.
The strongest template in the Naruto world: Sage of Six Paths? Eight-door Kaihuang?
The most powerful template in the world of spell return: Two-faced Su Nuo? Invincible Gojo Satoru?
Fairy Tail World…
The world of death…
"When all the templates in the world are unlocked, I, Su Mo, will be the only true god!"


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