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The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning — Chapter 7 The Overlord’s Color Begins to Show His Power

In the open field, Chen Darong looked at the arrogant-looking young man opposite him with great displeasure.

What the hell!

A mere C-level superpower, just like him, dared to mock his brother.

These bastards in the second middle school are really lawless!

Cursing secretly, layers of thick metallic texture began to appear on the surface of Chen Darong’s body.

C-level enhanced superpower, metallization!

This is the superpower he just awakened in the Awakening Hall.

It can be said that he has performed exceptionally well, even better than his parents.

This ability can make Chen Darong’s body become metal, his defense will instantly double, and his strength will also increase with his defense.

But relatively, the speed will decrease.

Unless one has complete control over the superpower, this only shortcoming will be difficult to make up for.

In fact, this is not only a shortcoming of Chen Darong’s metalization, but also a shortcoming of all physical strengthening abilities.

There are gains and there are losses. According to the law of conservation, there is nothing we can do about this.

Of course, this type of ability can be quite powerful if the timing is well controlled.

As long as it can hit the enemy, the effect will be outstanding!

“I didn’t expect that you also have C-level powers. No wonder you dare to speak for Su Mo.”

Opposite me, the young man smiled with a slap on his face: “But it’s a pity that you met me. We both have C-level powers, so you are destined to be suppressed by me!”

After saying that, the young man rushed out directly, his speed reaching 100 meters in five seconds.

This young man’s name is Zhou Qi, and he is one of the geniuses who has awakened C-level powers in No. 2 Middle School.

The awakened power is also a C-level enhanced type, but it is enhanced in terms of speed, which is indeed very restrained by Chen Darong.

In an instant.

Zhou Qi was already close to Chen Darong, and Chen Darong snorted coldly and punched out.


The wind of the fist roared, and the energy flew everywhere.

“If you can’t hit, what’s the use of having power?”

Unexpectedly, Zhou Qi just sneered and twisted his body in the middle of the Mercedes-Benz to avoid Chen Darong’s powerful and heavy punch. Then he used his rare spiritual energy with his right leg to hit the latter’s waist.


Being hit hard by a whip, Chen Darong was so painful that his body lost balance and flew sideways.

But fortunately, the metal had barely covered the body, and it was only painful, and no ribs were broken.


After regaining his balance, Chen Darong took a deep breath and his eyes gradually became sharp.

He spread his legs in big strides, and actually got into a horse stance.

When I was in physical arts class, the teacher said that you must be steady when facing an enemy who is faster than you.

You can’t let the opponent take the offensive, you have to stay calm and look for opportunities.

At this moment, he must calm down and pay attention to the trajectory of the opponent’s shot.

However, the theory is such that when faced with the first battle with supernatural powers, he still could not fully implement the effect.

No, he was once again approached by Zhou Qi. After two consecutive punches and leg sweeps failed, he was hit in the chest again.


The violent pain made Chen Darong cough lightly.

After the blow was successful, Zhou Qi suddenly stopped, crossed his arms over his chest and said with a smile: “Big guy, is this the third high school?”

With this look, it can be said that Chen Darong is not taken seriously at all.

“Haha! Is this the level of No. 3 Middle School?”

“It’s useless! It’s too useless!”

“I’m afraid I can defeat this big guy without even having to take action from Senior Zhou, hahaha…”

On the sidelines, all the first and second middle school students who came with them started whistling and getting excited.

This made the teachers of No. 3 Middle School look a little ugly, and the students even clenched their fists.

Beside Huang Chongguang, Su Mo had already narrowed his eyes, and a dangerous aura kept swirling in the gaps between his eyes.

“not good!”

Seeing this, Huang Chongguang reminded: “Student Su Mo, there are so many media watching the scene, we can’t beat people to death. If we take action later, we will just teach him a lesson.”

Su Mo: “Don’t worry, no one will die, at most they will be half disabled.”


Huang Chongguang was silent and could only look at the young man named Zhou Qi sympathetically.

At this time in the center of the field.

Chen Darong looked unconvinced. He had gone from being unable to resist to being able to predict Zhou Qi’s attack.

But even so, it is only a passive defense. If you can’t react, you can only get beaten.

If it hadn’t been for the metalization, he would have been seriously injured on the spot.

But now, his spiritual energy has been exhausted and is about to bottom out. Once the metalization cannot be maintained, he will be knocked down with one blow.

Of course, Zhou Qi on the opposite side was not very relaxed. Cold sweat began to break out on his forehead, which was a sign of excessive consumption of spiritual energy.

However, compared to Chen Darong, he obviously still has some energy left.

“Give me, let me.”

At this time, Su Mo squeezed through the crowd and came to the sidelines with countless people watching in surprise.

He slowly walked towards Chen Darong: “Thank you for your hard work, Darong.”

Chen Darong’s face turned red: “I can still fight. I’ve already figured out that guy’s secrets. I can definitely defeat him with one blow!”


I even planned to fight against my brother, but ended up being played like a monkey. It was so embarrassing.

Patting Chen Darong’s shoulder, Su Mo said speechlessly: “Are you still trying to be brave after this? Go down and rest. They are here for me, aren’t they?”

“Okay… then I’ll leave it to you, the protagonist, let them see how powerful Mr. Su is!”

Hearing this, Chen Darong had no choice but to remove the metal. After grinning, he trudged to the sidelines.

Turning his head, Su Mo’s smile disappeared and he looked at Zhou Qi: “Do you like to tease people?”


Zhou Qi, who was looking at Su Mo curiously, did not react when he heard this.

“Let me ask you, do you like to tease people?”

This time, Zhou Qi understood what he understood and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: “That big guy is useless and can’t touch me, so…”


Before he finished speaking, an overwhelming aura instantly came over him.

His knees were directly pressed to the ground, making a clicking sound.

Su Mo showed off his domineering aura and walked towards Zhou Qi expressionlessly.

Although only 5% of the overlord color has been unlocked, you must know that this is the overlord color of the strongest man in the pirate world!

If he hadn’t been merciful, Zhou Qi wouldn’t have simply knelt down, but would have fainted to death.

But that would be boring.

Walking closer, Su Mo looked down and put one foot on Zhou Qi’s chest: “How does it feel?”

“You…what did you do?!”

Feeling his unable to move body and the heavy pressure on his chest, Zhou Qi’s face was full of panic.

And all around, all the onlookers looked confused and horrified.

Why did Zhou Qi suddenly fall to his knees for no reason this time?

Did he run out of spiritual energy and be unable to move?

Everyone was puzzled, but those who were awakened in the golden realm like Huang Chongguang were as if struck by lightning.

He looked at Su Mo blankly.

The momentum is suppressed!

How can this be? !

A student who has just awakened his supernatural powers has not yet fought a life-and-death battle.

How could he have such a momentum without fighting the overwhelming monsters? !

Shouldn’t this be the invincible aura possessed by a strong man who has won every battle?

For a time, Huang Chongguang and others couldn’t calm down and were puzzled.


The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Su Mo traveled to a supernatural world where monsters are rampant. In this world, in order to fight against monsters, humans need to awaken their superpowers at the age of eighteen!
At this moment, the strongest template system was activated, unlocking the templates of the strongest characters in the world for your own use.
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the unlocked template of Edward Newgate, the strongest man in the pirate world!"
At the beginning, he had shocking fruit with one hand, three-color domineering power with the other hand, and double SS superpowers that shocked the audience!
And this is just the beginning.
The strongest template in the Naruto world: Sage of Six Paths? Eight-door Kaihuang?
The most powerful template in the world of spell return: Two-faced Su Nuo? Invincible Gojo Satoru?
Fairy Tail World…
The world of death…
"When all the templates in the world are unlocked, I, Su Mo, will be the only true god!"


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