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The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning — Chapter 78 At this level, do you want to embarrass Shanghai University?

On the side, Li Tianyi and Murong Zi suddenly turned their heads to look at Cheng Wuxiong. They were stunned for a moment, and then exclaimed: “Black Iron Six Stars!”

If they remembered correctly, half a month ago, Cheng Wuxiong was on par with the two of them, a four-star black iron star.

Even at the time of the monster wave, they were only Black Iron Five Stars, but at that time, they had already been promoted to Five Stars.

How come it had only been a few days, not to mention the pervert Su Mo, even Cheng Wuxiong surpassed them.

In the past few days, they have digested the experience of fighting in the monster tide, and their cultivation level has reached more than half of five stars.

But compared with Cheng Wuxiong’s cultivation level, which was promoted to Black Iron Sixth Star, it’s still a bit behind!


Being surpassed by Cheng Wuxiong, the two people’s expressions immediately turned into unwillingness.

If Su Mo’s talent made the two of them despair, it was almost surpassed by Cheng Wuxiong.

That means unwillingness to give in!

In the audience.

The students and specially recruited teachers who had watched the last friendly match also showed shocked expressions.

“Junior Brother Cheng has been promoted to the Sixth Star of Black Iron! Although he is not as perverted as Junior Brother Su, he is still very evil!”

“The Bloody Golden Lion is really terrifying!”

“It is indeed one of the strongest talents with animal transformation abilities. Compared with this junior, my S-class Red-Blooded Holy Eagle is still a bit behind. I really want to bring him into our team.”

“Don’t think about it. This junior fellow student is inseparable from junior fellow student Su. It is very likely that junior junior fellow student Su has already recruited him into the team.”

“Alas…another incredible monster!”

In a small group of specially recruited teachers.

The teacher who specially recruited Cheng Wuxiong suddenly smiled proudly and said: “During this period, Wuxiong went to the wild with Su Mo to practice fighting. Even during the monster wave, he performed extremely bravely, coupled with the monster’s talent With a tenacious mind, it is normal to be promoted to the Sixth Black Iron Star.”

He said this, but his proud tone could not be concealed at all.

Cheng Wuxiong was specially recruited by him. The former performed outstandingly, so he was naturally happy.

The most complicated thing in my heart at this time is Teacher Zhuang. It’s okay to be unable to compare with Yan Yun.

Now I can’t even compare to this one, it’s uncomfortable.

In the center of the battlefield.

After the initial reluctance, Li Tianyi and Murong Zi immediately entered a fighting state.

Although I am very reluctant, at present, the quota is still important!

The other special admissions students also came to their senses, looked at Su Mo solemnly one by one, and activated their own powers.


Waves of powerful aura emerged.

Yang Xiang’s demon arm…

Yu Qiang’s instant acceleration…

There is also the S-level special healing ability, Paradise of Life. Although its combat effectiveness is not strong, if it keeps blessing itself, it will definitely be the most durable in the field!

next moment.

Eighteen special recruits were immediately culled from Xiang Su Mo.

“Brother Mo, I’m here!”

Cheng Wuxiong roared, stepped on the Thunder Movement, and was the first to reach Su Mo like a bolt of lightning mixed with golden light.

The extremely sharp claws immediately slapped Su Mo’s head hard.

“The speed is good.”

With a chuckle, Su Mo just raised his palm, skillfully placed it against Cheng Wuxiong’s palm, and then exerted force.


Cheng Wuxiong’s entire lion arm was directly shaken to the side, and his entire body flew out with it, and then fell to the ground.

At this time, Li Tianyi’s figure carrying the golden thunder and Murong Zi’s strange movement skills immediately approached him.

The two of them struck with thunder fists and swords, one on the left and the other on the right. The purple absolute zero-degree cold air continued to spread towards Su Mo. From the hiding place of the cold air, the tip of a sword that breathed out cold light quickly stabbed!

They learned well and never attacked Su Mo head-on. Instead, they attacked from both sides and retreated if they missed.

The terrifying space explosion made neither of them want to try it at all.

However, there was still a slight smile on Su Mo’s lips, and his body moved back strangely, as elegant as a breeze.

Then, he took another step forward, swept his legs, and kicked Li Tianyi and Murong Zi away.

That understatement made all the teachers and students in the audience horrified.

This scene also caused the special recruits who were about to attack and attack to stop.

“They’re all cowards!”

When Cheng Wuxiong saw this, he cursed loudly and then killed Su Mo again.

Standing in mid-air, his claws struck again. Su Mo frowned: “Takeo, your attack route is too…”


Before he finished speaking, Cheng Wuxiong roared in mid-air, and the terrifying sound hit Su Mo.

The sudden roar made Su Mo slightly stunned.

And just when Su Mo was stunned for a moment by this roar, Cheng Wuxiong’s domineering body writhed.

The tail that looked like a golden iron whip whipped directly towards Su Mo’s face.

Cheng Wuxiong was overjoyed, but the next moment, his lion face showed a hint of panic.

Su Mo smiled strangely, and a big footprint kicked his lion’s face.


Ever since, this guy flew out again.

But at this moment, looking at Cheng Wuxiong, Su Mo felt happy in his heart.

The perverted behavior of his little brother just now would have caught a normal Silver Realm awakener.

That is to say, he has knowledge, knowledge, and color, so he can react even when he is stunned.


This guy seems to have worked hard to hone his fighting ability during my absence.

Thinking happily, Su Mo’s expression turned cold and he glanced at the special admissions students who dared not move: “Do you not want the quota anymore?”

The words fell.

The faces of this group of special recruits changed drastically. They no longer hesitated and charged forward with gritted teeth.

Yu Qiang held the sword in his hand, and in an instant he accelerated and approached Su Mo. He slashed out with the long sword, but was still kicked away.

Ning Keke, this pretty little girl, also blessed the body with the power of Paradise of Life, and came over with a long sword to kill, and then…


With a sweet cry, a straight man Su Mo kicked him in the chest, and his smaller body flew out on the spot.

This scene made many of Su Mo’s nymphomaniac fans tremble in their hearts, but in the next moment, they became even more obsessed.

Mr. Su Mo, who has a bit of straight male attributes, is so handsome~ I want to be kicked.


A strange scene appeared. No matter how this group of special recruits used it, even with their astonishing various elemental powers, they could not touch Su Mo’s clothes at all. His elegant figure was like a breeze. Kick these poor babies out.

One person is fighting against eighteen people, and he seems to be so at ease, it’s almost despairing!

Sit on the stage.

Shangguan Qinghong’s Junyi expression showed emotion: “Fight! I, Shangguan Qinghong, didn’t obey any of my juniors before, because they were not as fierce as me, but my brother-in-law, I really obeyed. This is completely ravaging. I’m afraid some of the Nine Silver Stars will be ravaged as well, right?”

Shangguan Feiyan on the side did not refute the title of brother-in-law, her beautiful eyes flickered: “Junior’s dodge is still so good.”

She recalled the scene where her particle sword was easily dodged.

I wonder if her junior classmate can still be so relaxed when she spars again and explodes with all her strength!

The senior special admissions students near Shangguan Qinghong looked at Su Mo, their expressions gradually becoming shocked.

Gu Chen, who had a calm expression on his face, nodded and said, “He is very strong. I am not 100% sure of defeating him at the same level.”

The implication is that it may be defeated, but not necessarily.

The charming woman on the side widened her beautiful eyes when she heard this. This was the first time she saw the captain commenting on a person like this.

After a while, except for Cheng Wuxiong, Li Tianyi, and Murong Zi, they were still struggling to get up.

A group of special admissions students were already lying on the ground screaming in pain. They were kicked so hard that they couldn’t get up.

Seeing this, Su Mo shook his head and said in a disappointed tone: “At this level, do you want to embarrass our Shanghai University? One week from now, if there is no change, no one will be able to get a quota.”


The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Su Mo traveled to a supernatural world where monsters are rampant. In this world, in order to fight against monsters, humans need to awaken their superpowers at the age of eighteen!
At this moment, the strongest template system was activated, unlocking the templates of the strongest characters in the world for your own use.
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the unlocked template of Edward Newgate, the strongest man in the pirate world!"
At the beginning, he had shocking fruit with one hand, three-color domineering power with the other hand, and double SS superpowers that shocked the audience!
And this is just the beginning.
The strongest template in the Naruto world: Sage of Six Paths? Eight-door Kaihuang?
The most powerful template in the world of spell return: Two-faced Su Nuo? Invincible Gojo Satoru?
Fairy Tail World…
The world of death…
"When all the templates in the world are unlocked, I, Su Mo, will be the only true god!"


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