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The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning — Chapter 87 The suspicious Mo Fan

Shocked, Su Mo and Shangguan Feiyan immediately said respectfully to the old man: “Hello, Senior Wan!”

Immediately, he greeted all the principals one by one.

Wan Tianlu nodded, stroking his white beard and smiled: “They really look like a young couple saying hello to their parents.”

Suddenly, Su Mo and Shangguan Feiyan’s faces turned red.


Principal Guo Zhang and other principals couldn’t help but smile at each other. Looking at the two of them, they sighed with emotion: “It’s great to be young.”

Now, Su and Mo were even more embarrassed.

Even Feng Xiaoyao, the principal of his family, once again joked: “Xiao Su, I had a chat with that guy Lao Feng last time. He was very satisfied with you. He also said that he would like to meet you when the time comes. It’s really about meeting the parents~”

The Lao Feng he mentioned was the contemporary head of the Shangguan family, Shangguan Feng who was also a big boss!

He is also the biological father of Shangguan Qinghong and Shangguan Feiyan.

Meet the parents…

Good guy, why is the topic getting more and more off-topic!

Su Mo was speechless.

After chatting with the principals for a while, the two of them walked towards Ye Xiaoxue and others.

Wan Tianlu kept watching the two people go away with an old face, and said with a satisfied smile: “Although the current situation of our human race is not very optimistic, in terms of talents, it is indeed getting better and better. As long as we old guys work hard Protect these little guys, and given time, our human race will surely be able to step into those unknown places!”

Hearing this, Feng Xiaoyao and others nodded heavily.

As long as hope lasts, humans will still have a chance!

“Tsk tsk~ So sweet!”

Coming closer, Shangguan Qinghong looked at the two of them with a smile on his face.

Yanqing also covered her mouth and smiled.

Ye Xiaoxue immediately stepped forward and held Shangguan Feiyan’s other jade arm, saying aggrievedly: “Feiyan, I’m sore.”

Seeing everyone’s ambiguous gazes, Su Mo coughed lightly, then looked at Shangguan Feiyan: “Senior, let’s eat something first.”

“Yes.” Shangguan Feiyan nodded gently, her heart still beating fast from the moment she held Su Mo’s arm.

This feeling is so strange, but not annoying at all.

Soon, the banquet officially began. Above the central stage, a host sent by the government looked at the people below with a smile on his face. He took the microphone and cheered: “Gentlemen and ladies, next is the singing and dancing session. Please grab your beloved lady and get ready to start dancing a beautiful dance!”

The words fell.

In the center of the open-air hall, a very wide stage with a height of more than one meter rose, with lights shining down and soft singing filling the air.

After a while, some girls and boys, all with smiles on their faces, came happily with their partners.

It exudes youthful vitality.

At this time, the girls who had just wanted to get to know Su Mo all looked at him like wolves and tigers.

The desire in his eyes is self-evident.

Yan Qing chuckled at the side and said, “They all want to dance with you, Junior Su Mo.”

Su Mo suddenly looked embarrassed: “Senior sister, they are destined to be disappointed this time because I can’t dance.”

He really doesn’t know how to dance this kind of waltz ballroom dance, not to mention his previous life, and he hasn’t danced it in this life either.

After all, he has to practice, so there is no time to learn this kind of social dance, and no girl was willing to dance with him before.

But just as he finished speaking, a familiar touch came again, and Shangguan Feiyan took his arm again.

With a beautiful little face, the beauty said softly: “My junior taught me how to cook a while ago. Now I’m teaching you how to dance, and I’ll take you with me.”

With that said, he pulled Su Mo onto the stage.

The little girls who had been staring at Su Mo were so angry.

Shangguan Qinghong looked at the two people walking on the stage, grinned and said: “Okay, I’m enlightened!”

“Stop laughing, we’re leaving too.” Yan Qing pulled Shangguan Qinghong and followed Su Mo with a smile on her face.

Ye Xiaoxue, the girl, stamped her feet and immediately caught up with Su and Mo.

Holding Su Mo’s other arm, she hummed: “I used to accompany Fei Yan at the dance banquet, but now you snatch her away, I can only dance with you two.”

As a result, Su Mo was held by the two women on both sides of his hands, and they started to practice together.

For a time, I don’t know how many people died of envy!

Cheng Wuxiong was also being taught how to dance by a pretty girl.

Even Chen Darong was invited by a girl from an ordinary school, and the two of them seemed to be in love.

At first, they were like little transparent ones, eating quietly. Unexpectedly, they accidentally collided with each other and fell to the ground.

Then he apologized hurriedly, and we actually got into a conversation. It was very silly, but we were also very close to each other.

Soft singing filled the air, and at this moment, a group of young people and girls were dancing on the stage, exuding youthful vitality.

From the initial unfamiliarity, Su Mo gradually got used to the two women. The handsome man and the beautiful woman were very conspicuous.

At this time, two figures passed by him. They were Mo Fan and a beautiful girl.

The two people’s eyes instantly met, and they nodded and smiled softly. Su Mo then withdrew his gaze and continued dancing with Shangguan Feiyan, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

Good guy!

Mo Fan is still observing him.

He is indeed a man who has the template of a protagonist. Faced with everything that he cannot control, he is full of doubts.

That’s right, Mo Fan was extremely confused at this moment and kept thinking about Su Mo’s existence.

In the last life, he had never heard of Su Mo. When he awakened the single power of Jiuxiao Tianlei, he was the most evil existence. No one could suppress his light until he became When he became the ultimate king, he did not find a figure like Su Mo in his social circle. Although he died for some reason in the end, he also gained great benefits. He was reborn and even had far better talents than before.

Could it be that the world line has changed because of his rebirth?

Only in this way can it be explained.

Looking at Su Mo, Mo Fan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, his eyes filled with endless fighting spirit, and murmured: “In my previous life, I was able to become the strongest ultimate king of mankind. In this life, my talent has improved to a higher level. With that thing, I will definitely No one can beat me if I can take that step! Neither can you!”

The girl with extraordinary temperament next to him saw his dazed look, and immediately flicked his forehead with her beautiful hand, and said with a sweet smile: “Afan, what are you thinking about?”

Mo Fan immediately withdrew his gaze, looked at the girl softly, and said with a chuckle: “It’s nothing. Didn’t I meet Brother Su Mo just now? I was just impressed by his talent. I still need to work hard.”

“Hehe, you are like this and you are still working hard. If you weren’t pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger, then Su Mo would not be your opponent. It’s just that you are too humble.”

The girl immediately revealed a pair of cute dimples and encouraged: “My Affan is the best!”

“Thank you, Yao!”

Looking at the girl, Mo Fan felt warm in his heart and secretly swore in his heart.

In this life, he will never let the woman he truly loves sacrifice in front of him again, never!


The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

The Awakening of the Heavens: Unlock the Whitebeard Template at the Beginning

Status: Completed Author:


Su Mo traveled to a supernatural world where monsters are rampant. In this world, in order to fight against monsters, humans need to awaken their superpowers at the age of eighteen!
At this moment, the strongest template system was activated, unlocking the templates of the strongest characters in the world for your own use.
"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the unlocked template of Edward Newgate, the strongest man in the pirate world!"
At the beginning, he had shocking fruit with one hand, three-color domineering power with the other hand, and double SS superpowers that shocked the audience!
And this is just the beginning.
The strongest template in the Naruto world: Sage of Six Paths? Eight-door Kaihuang?
The most powerful template in the world of spell return: Two-faced Su Nuo? Invincible Gojo Satoru?
Fairy Tail World…
The world of death…
"When all the templates in the world are unlocked, I, Su Mo, will be the only true god!"


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