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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 100 Serious Traffic Accident, Being Crushed Into A Meat Paste [One More, Please Subscribe! 】

He Liansheng’s Tuen Mun Main Hall, Gui Tian was having a meeting with several of his bosses, and they won more than half of the letter pile’s territory in this battle, which is the time to digest it.

However, the great opportunity should not be missed. Everyone thought that we should take this opportunity to take down Zhongzidui in one go. Otherwise, it would be difficult to destroy Zhongzidui after the civil strife in Zhongzidui was over and the leader’s vitality recovered.

“Brother, I’m back!” Liang Zuoyu returned to the main hall.

Gui Tian saw his face brightened, and hurriedly said: “How is it? Would those fit people in Zhongzidui be willing to beat me and Liansheng?”

“Boss, I didn’t go to Lin Guoyang’s place, Su Shaoze, Chen Tong, and Jiang Heyun, the three Fit people, just said they were thinking about it.

“Only Wang Hongdong, he has already let go, but the condition is that the original site and people will be retained, and he also needs a piece of the Xinzidui site, and the most important thing is a transfer fee of five million.”

Hearing this condition, Gui Tian cursed: “Ma De, that bastard Wang Hongdong is so greedy.”

Five million is not a small amount, but Gui Tian could only say with a dark face: “Promise him!”

As long as Wang Hongdong leads the team to cross the ranks and win a joint victory, the loyalty pile, which was originally leaderless, will become even more unstable.

The other four Fit people also have their own thoughts, just wait for him and Liansheng to make a move, and the pile of loyalty will become history. 600

After speaking, Liang Zuoyu left again to contact Wang Hongdong, asking him to raise the flag of rebellion as soon as possible.

On the other hand, Guitian gathered his troops again, preparing to take down the loyalty pile in one fell swoop.

Even if the police had entered a state of high combat readiness and all the police officers canceled their vacations, even if Miao Zhishun called Gui Tian personally to ask him not to cause trouble.

But it’s all useless, everything has to wait until the end of the game, this opportunity to win the loyalty pile, he can’t miss it.

“Baby, take someone to Gloucester Road.”

“Ah Hong, take someone to apologize.”

“Fat Chong, take someone to Qingshan Bay.

“As for me, I personally took people to Yunsheng Street to meet Lin Guoyang, a 25-year-old boy. No one would have thought that Lu Zhaotang was killed by Lin Guoyang! He was the one who told me about Lu Zhaotang’s whereabouts.


“As for that villain of his who can only hide behind his back, he still wants to be the seat of Zhongzidui. Today, I will let Zhongzidui become history.”

Guitian formed his troops here, and thousands of younger brothers were sent out to attack the territory of the four loyal bosses, Su Shaolong, Lin Weiyang, Chen Nao, and Jiang Xianwei.

They even sent people to inform Wang Hongdong to gather troops and attack Lin Guoyang together with him.

Guitian soldiers are divided into four groups, each with thousands of younger brothers, adding up to four or five thousand people, the whole Tuen Mun is in chaos.

Big knives, big iron rods, and bluffing are like parading through the streets, and the police can’t stop so many people.

Of course, Gui Tian’s four or five thousand younger brothers must have a lot of moisture, most of them are just some punks, just follow behind and yell, and build up their momentum.

There are only a few hundred people who really belong to Dazai, and these are the real backbone and elite of a society.

Fighting depends on them.

But it takes a lot of money to raise a baby, and I really can’t afford to raise more.

Gui Tianbing divided into four groups and began to attack Zhongzidui, while he led people to Lin Guoyang’s territory.

After he got in the car and left, Hou Weidong on the other side also received the news.

“Did Tim come out? Which way?”

“I seem to be going to Yunsheng Street. I am riding a black Honda 431 with the license plate number…”


Hou Weidong hung up the phone and pulled it out for the first time.

“Are you ready? The target is expected to reach your position in about ten minutes.”


On the other side, on a truck full of muck and a heavy truck with a total weight of 20 tons, a man with cold eyes put down his phone.

His name is Chen Xingguo, a member of the Lone Wolf Security Operations Department, he participated in the Vietnam War, and his favorite thing is to drive.

Today, he is going to cause a car accident.

“Fasten your seat belt, hold on to the handrails, don’t be nervous, it’s just a traffic accident at most, we will hire the best lawyers to help you file a lawsuit, and strive for an alkali sentence of up to three years (under bacd.”

Chen Xingguo looked at a middle-aged man with an unshaven beard on the co-pilot seat and said.

And the man took a deep breath and nodded silently.

What he has to do is very simple, that is, to take the blame, and the reward is 200,000 Hong Kong dollars. Of course, the premise is to keep his mouth shut. No matter who asks, he can only say that it was an accident caused by his own driving.

200,000, even if he worked hard for 20 years, he might not be able to earn so much money, so after struggling for a while, this man firmly agreed.

In fact, it is easy to find someone who takes the blame like him. Two hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars is a lot of money in this era, and most people want to make this money.

“We will hand over the remaining 100,000 cash to your wife, and we will take care of your two children for you until you are released from prison.” Li Xingguo said again.

The man nodded, he knew that it was a warning to himself, telling himself not to talk nonsense, just take everything down.

“The target is still two thousand meters away!”

At this time, the intercom rang, Li Xingguo nodded silently, put on a top racing driver’s clothes, and put on his helmet.

This kind of clothes can resist the damage caused by the impact of the car accident to the greatest extent and protect your own safety.

Put on your seat belt, turn on the ignition, and the heavy-duty truck slowly starts to drive towards the predetermined road.

The voice of the command continued to come from the walkie-talkie, pointing out the route of Guitian and his party to ensure that no accidents would happen.

Listening to the report, Li Xingguo estimated the distance to the intersection and began to step on the accelerator slowly. The speed of the slag truck with a total weight of 20 tons gradually increased.

“The target is still 200 meters away!” A voice rang through the intercom, Li Xingguo looked sternly, stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom, and the big truck roared like an ancient monster

The diesel engine was running crazily, and in the black air, the muck truck rushed forward unstoppably.

We were about to pass a crossroad ahead, and Wei Tian was on the phone: “Have Wang Hongdong’s troops started?”

“Brother, he has already led people to fight against Lin Guoyang’s men.”

“Okay, let him hold on, ten minutes, my people will be here soon.”

An excited smile appeared on Guitian’s face, and he threw his fist hard, dreaming of a better tomorrow.

After tonight, he is the underground king of Tuen Mun!

But at this moment, Gui Tian’s eyes were suddenly white, and his eyes were instantly blinded by the strong light.

It can be vaguely seen that a huge truck on the side of him seems to be out of control, making a huge roar.

“Woo woo woo~”

Like a crazy ancient monster, roaring ferociously, crushing towards him with an invincible posture.

Gui Tian’s face was pale, his body stiffened instantly, his whole body was cold, and his hair stood on end.



The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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