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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 101 The Tiger Of Tuen Mun [Second Update, Please Subscribe! 】

In the dark night, a giant truck full of sand comes roaring madly with an invincible attitude. The crisis of death makes Gui Tian frightened and screams crazily.


At this moment, his soul was already flying, and he wanted to avoid this damn big truck, but it was too late.

Li Xingguo slammed into Guitian’s car at a speed of 80 kilometers per hour.


The front of the truck slammed into Guitian’s car hard, and the powerful impact instantly made his car roll over.

Japanese cars are just like their bouncing tanks, with thin skin and heavy stuffing, and the protection is simply pitiful.

Most of the car body has sunk in, and the twisted car body is constantly squeezed inward. Under such a powerful force, the human body is really extremely fragile.

Gui Tian’s bones were crushed, and his whole body was like a collapsed balloon, with blood and flesh splattered all over the car.

The collision didn’t end, the big truck kept pushing Guitian’s car and sprinted forward for more than a hundred meters, and finally encountered a downhill slope, and even ran over Guitian’s car directly.

A small car was completely reduced to a layer of iron, and the people inside were too dead.

After doing all this, Li Xingguo drove the truck roaring away.

And Guitian’s little brothers behind were already staring dumbfounded, hundreds of people came running over one after another, and they gathered next to the scrap metal that had been crushed and couldn’t look like a car at all.


From time to time, pieces of minced meat could be seen splashing out on the road, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

The scene was extremely bloody, and many people couldn’t help it.

It’s not that these gangsters haven’t seen dead people, and they’ve seen bloody scenes more often, but at most they cut people, stabbed them or something.

But now, it is comparable to a large corpse dismemberment scene!

Remnants of limbs and arms, internal organs, flesh and blood, and plasma flying everywhere can make them have nightmares for several weeks.

Everyone has a scalp tingling feeling.

“Brother Gui is in this car, right? He, he…

Ghost Tim is dead, what to do?

The younger brothers were all dumbfounded, looking at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do next.

Do you still want to do Zhongzidui?

At this time, Wang Hongdong didn’t know that Gui Tian was finished, and the reinforcements would not come again.

He is bringing his little brother along with Lin Guoyang and Huo!

“Wang Hongdong, you actually turned to He Liansheng, deceiving your master and destroying your ancestors!” Lin Guoyang shouted angrily.

He really didn’t expect that Wang Hongdong would join He Liansheng and help He Liansheng to beat him.

“Fart, it’s you, Lin Guoyang, who really deceived the master and exterminated the ancestors.” Wang Hongdong cursed loudly.

Then he shouted to the little brothers behind Lin Guoyang: “Brothers, you don’t know how Boss Lu died, do you? It was Lin Guoyang who killed him. I’m here today to avenge Boss Lu.”

“Those who still care about Boss Lu’s kindness, come to my side.

Hearing Wang Hongdong’s words, Lin Guoyang’s younger brothers were a little confused. Did Lin Guoyang kill Boss Lu?

But speaking of it, Lin Guoyang is indeed the biggest beneficiary of Boss Lu’s death. After all, at present, the person who is most likely to become the leader of the restaurant is Lin Guoyang.

Feeling the suspicious eyes of his subordinates behind him, Lin Guoyang vomited blood in his heart.

Although Lu Zhaotang’s death was indeed related to him, he was the one who revealed Lu Zhaotang’s whereabouts to Gui Tian, ​​but he must not admit it at this time.

Ghost Tim has no proof, it’s just nonsense!

“Wang Hongdong, at this moment you are still trying to sow discord, it seems that you are not far from death, today I will clean up you, a traitor, for Boss Lu.”

“Hahaha, it’s not certain who will die today!” Wang Hongdong laughed loudly: “Gui Tian will bring people here soon, let’s see how arrogant Lin Guoyang is.

“Brothers, give it to me!”

Thousands of people from both sides fought together on the street here.

On the other side, He Liansheng’s big boss Fei Chong also brought people to Qingshan Bay.

Su Shaoze, who has known their route arrangement for a long time, gathered all his younger brothers and waited for them in Qingshan Bay!

Ah Tian stood at the front, and behind him were Da Zui Yao, Superman Qiang, Ji Zai, and Ah Hu.

Afterwards came more than 200 thugs with machetes and iron bars. These were all the thugs under Su Shaoze, the kind who cut people desperately.

After that, there is a group of gangsters with a strong momentum. It is okay to ask them to collect protection fees to see if they can fight, and they can only paddle behind.

Su Shaoze didn’t care much about the association, and didn’t think about how formally he trained these people.

As long as you can help yourself occupy the territory, it will be fine.

He Liansheng’s leader, Fei Chong, is the most capable person under Guitian’s men. He looks tall and fierce, and there is a scar on his face from his forehead, across his eyes to his mouth.

It was precisely because of this terrifying scar that he became famous.

Standing at the front of the line, Fat Chong saw that the manpower on the opposite side was no less than his own, and sneered disdainfully: “It seems that we have prepared for it, but it is useless.

Then he said: “Where is Su Shaoze? If I don’t come out and let my younger brother stand out, is it possible that he was scared to hide and become a turtle when he heard my name as a fat worm?”

“Hahahaha.” The little brother behind him laughed loudly, waving the knife and stick in his hand, making the sound of howling ghosts and wolves.

“Finished?” Ah Tian looked at Lao Jiu expressionlessly, picked up the cigarette butt and took one last puff, then threw it on the ground and stamped it out with his foot.

Only then did he look up at Fat Chong: “Fatty, I hope your bones will be as hard as your mouth soon!”

After finishing the sentence, he suddenly pulled out a machete from his waist, and rushed forward without saying a word: “Hack them to death with me!”

Just yesterday, Su Shaoze talked with him for a long time, and told Ah Tian that he was going to retreat behind the scenes, and wanted to support Ah Tian to become the leader of Zhongzidui.

After hearing the news, Ah Tian was a little shocked, but also a little excited.

Life is alive, what you want is vigorous.

Before following Su Shaoze, he was just a low-level forty-nine boy with no future, and he became a red stick after following Su Shaoze.

Now that he has the opportunity to become the leader of Zhongzidui, Ah Tian is extremely grateful to Su Shaoze while being excited.

And he also knows that although the most important thing to become a leader is Su Shaoze’s support, helping him to cut off the obstacles of becoming a sitter, but his own efforts are also indispensable.

And today’s battle is Chen Tianyu’s fame battle, let all the brothers see that he has the ability to become the leader of Zhongzidui.

Although Ah Tian is not as strong as Superman and can fight, but if he really moves his hands, he is stronger than Superman and fiercer. A machete in his hand is three-point murderous.

Dazuiyao and Superman Qiang, who had been prepared for a long time, were naturally not to be outdone, and rushed up side by side with Ah Tian with a knife in their hand.

The little brother behind him also confessed early on that today is not about head counting, but about the record of killing people.

·0 for flowers……

A head fee of 200 yuan per person was paid before, and after that, as long as they can kill one person, they can get a bonus of 500 yuan.

Fei Chong has only a thousand people under his command, and even if they were all cut off, it would only be half a million.

Of course, in the end, it definitely won’t cost that much money, and Liansheng also has a lot of thugs who are fooling around. As long as half of those thugs are killed, the rest of them will definitely turn around and run away.

At this moment, the boss took the lead in the charge. Driven by the atmosphere and encouraged by the bonus, the young and Dangerous boys who dreamed of getting a job and making a lot of money immediately rushed forward, waving the knife and iron pipe in their hands and shouting. go up.


Seeing the younger brothers of Zhongzidui rushing over so fiercely, Fei Chong and his younger brothers were a little dumbfounded.

Why are you fat four? Are these people on the opposite side taking drugs?

It’s just a land grab, it’s like being killed by your parents!

Ah Tian took the lead, and slashed down with a knife in his hand, directly chopping down one of Liansheng’s thugs to the ground, and then the second.

Fei Chong was also a little dumbfounded, feeling that something was wrong!


Then I heard a shout: “Fat insect, where are you running?”

Where did I run away? Don’t frame people!

When I looked up, I saw Ah Tian was covered in blood, rushing over with a bloody machete.


The two exchanged wounds for wounds, and the clothes on Fat Chong’s back were torn apart by the knife, and a gash more than ten centimeters long was pulled out in the flesh, and the moment the flesh turned over, blood gushed out.

He chopped down Fei Chong with a single knife, and even though Ah Tian was also injured, he remained expressionless and continued to slash towards Fei Chong.

Fat Chong was so frightened that his face was shocked, and he was sweating, are all the youngsters so fierce now?

Ah Tian is fierce enough, and his hands are dark enough, and Fat Chong, who is opposite him, is a little timid. At this moment, his aura has been driven by Ah Tian, ​​and the little brother rushed forward screaming, and between the blades [Yi Shi chopped down more than a dozen times] indivual.

Fighting in groups is really not enough if you have more people than you, you have to be courageous, not to mention that Su Shaoze has already stated that you can get 500 yuan if you kill a person, for these bonuses, the younger brothers are also brave Come forward.

On the other hand, with Liansheng, those who really dare to fight and rush are only the top few dozen, and the rest of them will not fight desperately for Liansheng.

But now, the dozens of people standing in front were either cut down or beaten back again and again, even the boss Fei Chong was dragged back by the younger brother, which immediately made the people behind feel bad.

Putting the knife in his hand into his bosom, he turned around and ran away without saying a word, some simply ran away without even using the knife and stick.

It was almost a charge, and Liansheng’s 1,000 people quickly collapsed as if squeezed by mud, and everyone rushed to escape with big strides.

The situation took a turn for the worse. Seeing this situation, the more than a thousand people brought by Ah Tian’s subordinates were even more excited. They waved the knives and sticks in their hands like ghosts and wolves, and chased after them like a group of demons dancing wildly.

Those with Liansheng who ran behind and were caught up either knelt down and begged for mercy, or were cut down to the ground.

After chasing him for a whole street, Ah Tian stopped panting. He was already covered in blood. There were other people’s blood, but he himself was cut several times.

Although it hurts, the benefits are obvious.

This battle has achieved his title of “The Tiger of the Door in Chen Tianbao”.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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