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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 104 The Underground Overlord Of Tuen Mun, Loyalty And Faith Was Established [Second Update,

“Tonight at eleven o’clock, Lu Zhaotang will go to the airport and send his son to Bay Island to avoid the limelight.

“There are six bodyguards around, all wearing pistols.”

“Haha, Lao Lin, you are indeed the confidant of that old rooster, even telling you such secret things as him.”

“Don’t worry, after killing Lu Zhaotang, you will be the leader of Zhongzidui, and Liansheng will fully support you.

In the main hall of Zhongzidui, a tape recorder was placed under the statue of Guan Gong, and a recording was played.

At this time, everyone’s faces were extremely exciting.

Especially Lin Guoyang, at this time his face was pale, his eyes were wide open, and he looked incredible.

All eyes were on him, because one of the people in this recording had the voice of Lin Guoyang, while the voice of the other was very similar to Gui Tian from Liansheng.

“Okay! Lin Guoyang, it turned out that he colluded with Guitian and killed Boss Lu, you bastard, we still trust you so much, you are no better than a beast.” Chen Tong patted the table angrily and cursed loudly.

“Lin Guoyang, it turns out that everything was designed by you, and you are the real murderer behind the murder of Boss Lu.” Jiang Heyun stood up, pointed at Lin Guoyang’s nose and cursed.

“Fart, I didn’t kill Boss Lu. This recording is fake. It was the bastard Su Shaoze who framed me. Don’t believe him.” Lin Guoyang panicked and roared angrily.

His eyes were flustered, the veins on his neck were bulging, his face was fierce, and he wished he could fight Su Shaoze desperately.

He doesn’t know where Su Shaoze got the recording, but it’s definitely fake.

Of course Lu Zhaotang was killed by him, and it was he who told Lu Zhaotang’s whereabouts.

But he dared to swear to his ancestors that he really never said the words in the tape, and the person who spoke in the tape was definitely not him.

When he talked to Gui Tian, ​​he just said an address and time, where is there so much nonsense?

“Lin Guoyang, in the face of ironclad evidence, you still dare to quibble. This is clearly the voice of you and Guitian, and you killed Boss Lu.” “Ah Tian stood behind Su Shaoze and said with a sneer.

“I didn’t, Su Shaoze, you framed me so badly.” Lin Guoyang pointed at Su Shaoze and cursed angrily.

At this time, Su Shaoze threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, raised his head, looked at Lin Guoyang with sharp eyes and said: “Lin Guoyang, you are the one who will die badly.”

“Wang Hongdong’s deception of the master and the destruction of the ancestors is already going three times and six times. Your crime is more serious than his. What punishment should you receive?”

“Nine knives and eighteen holes!” Ah Tian said coldly.

Lin Guoyang panicked, and his face was full of horror. Now everyone thinks that he killed Boss Lu, even his younger brother is convinced of this.

But this recording is fake!

In fact, this recording was made by Su Shaoze to have the film company’s voice actors give fake, imitated voices of Lin Guoyang and Guitian.

Naturally, the voices cannot be exactly the same. There are subtle differences in the sound line, but the tone is exactly the same. If you don’t listen carefully, you can’t hear it at all.

However, due to the limitations of the understanding of the times, no one thought about it, and never thought that such things as recordings could be faked.

Everyone believed that this recording was real, so Lin Guoyang was out of luck.

Nine knives and eighteen holes? Or was it buried alive like Wang Hongdong?

Frightened and angry, he took out a gun from behind and pointed it at Su Shaoze.

“Su Shaoze, you dare to frame me, go to hell!”


With a gunshot, everyone in the main hall panicked.

But the next moment, when they looked up, they were horrified to find that Su Shaoze, who thought he was going to be shot, was fine. He was still sitting calmly on the chair, his face not changing at all.

Chen Tong touched his head, it was wet, and he put it in front of his eyes, red, white, and red Baixiang, exuding a stench.


Chen Tong’s pupils widened, and he vomited out directly.

It turned out that at this time, Lin Guoyang lost half of his head, red blood plasma and white brains splashed out, and his body fell directly to the ground.


Jiang Heyun yelled in horror, half of his head was smashed in one shot, which was clearly the power of the sniper rifle.

Su Shaoze has a sniper under his command?


In the main hall, Chen Tong and Jiang Heyun looked at Su Shaoze with fearful eyes, not daring to move.

The viciousness of this young man was beyond their imagination. Is it really as Su Shaoze said? Times have changed, and the era of slashing people with a big knife is over.

Looking at Lin Guoyang’s body on the ground, they secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

“.`Su, Boss Su, Lin Guoyang colluded with Gui Tian and killed Boss Lu, they deserved what they deserved.

“That’s right, we are willing to support Boss Su to become the leader of Zhongzidui.”

Chen Tong and the two old guys said in a panic.

Although Su Shaoze has the least qualifications, it is obvious that it is not an era of qualifications, but of strength.

They can’t bow their heads!

Otherwise, they might not be able to get out of the main hall.

“Take care of this!” Su Shaoze didn’t seem to hear what they said, but turned his head and said to Li Zhendong beside him.

Lin Guoyang’s body was quickly dragged away and burned, destroying the body to prevent any evidence from being left behind.

In fact, the method of solving crimes in this era is very simple.

There is no evidence, no dead body, and the testimony of eyewitnesses alone is not enough to prove anything.

Even if everyone (with good money) knows that Su Shaoze ordered him to be killed, they still have nothing to do with Su Shaoze.

As for the issue of reputation, Su Shaoze doesn’t care.

In this era of rampant associations, a good reputation will only make people think you are weak and deceitful, you have to use both soft and hard to make people respect you

After dealing with Lin Guoyang’s hand and tail, Su Shaoze turned his head and stood under the statue of Guan Gong, facing everyone’s awe-inspiring eyes.

“From now on, Zhongzidui will no longer exist, and a new society will be established, its name is Zhongyixin.”

“Zhongzidui, Yizidui, Xinzidui, the three brothers will no longer distinguish each other, and will become one family from now on.”

“And the first leader of Zhongyixin is not me, Su Shaoze, but Chen Tianyu.”

Under the statue of Guan Gong, a man in a neat suit said these words, announcing the formation of the strongest underground overlord Zhong Yixin in Tuen Mun. .


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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