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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 110 Layout Of The Electronics Industry, Pager [Second Update, Please Subscribe! 】

“When you take apart the case of the mobile phone, you can see a motherboard, but the integrated circuits on it are very complicated, and you can’t learn it just by looking at it and imitating it.

“It is necessary to get their industrial design drawings, otherwise, I don’t know how much time and energy it will take to figure out the key points.”

“What’s more, even if you understand these, it still involves issues such as what materials to use, power consumption, heat generation, etc.”

“Moreover, we can’t produce some of the key electronic components, even on Hong Kong Island, so they have to be imported, and the price is very expensive.

“The most important thing is to understand their algorithm code. If you don’t crack this thing, you won’t be able to use it even if you produce the exact same one.”

“Motorola in the United States spent hundreds of millions of dollars on the research and development of mobile phones, which involved a lot of intellectual property patents, how could it be so easy for outsiders to figure it out.

Yan Guojiang explained Datong, obviously he has a lot of research on this thing, maybe he thought about getting a fake mobile phone before, but finally found that it couldn’t be done at all.

So now Balabala has a big pass and ran to Su Shaoze to find a sense of superiority.

Hearing these things, Su Shaoze slammed his mouth, and finally cursed: “Fuck, a thing that is almost obsolete, but 680 is so difficult to deal with.”

“The Yankees just take it in the coffin.”

Big brother going out of date?

That’s for sure, but it’s not that fast yet, there are still a few years to come!

And what is its end?

Hit the walnut artifact, Nokia!

The emergence of Nokia candy bar mobile phones made Big Brother a thing of the past, and now Nokia, a paper company, has established an electronic information department.

Candy bar mobile phones should have achieved preliminary results!

Thinking of these, Su Shaoze’s thoughts diverged.

Instead of trying to make a big brother, it is better to get a Nokia candy bar in one step.

As for Nokia’s industrial design drawings and algorithm codes, try to buy them, if you can’t, steal them, and if you can’t, grab them.

Don’t think that this is violent. In fact, stealing other people’s technology patents is a very common abnormal business behavior.

Arranging commercial espionage, stealing company secrets, many big companies have done it, and even started like this!

It’s a common reference!

But Su Shaoze’s bottom line is lower than theirs, and even when necessary, a group of terrorists may appear on the streets of Finland.

Dressed up like Brother Deng, holding an AK47 to shoot at the police, and finally fled to Nokia, taking hostages, looting property and so on.

I’m done!

But it takes careful planning.

The big brother can’t handle it, it’s not cost-effective, and the Nokia candy bar can’t be done in a short time. In the mobile communication industry, only pagers are left.

“Old Yan, big brother, you can’t figure it out. The pager is headquartered, right? This thing doesn’t need so many precision components?”

This thing is also huge profits!

A big brother costs 30,000 yuan, which is something rich people play.

And a pager only costs 3,000 yuan, although the profit is not as large as that of the big brother, but the sales volume of the pager is large, at least many middle-class people can afford it.

Even some ordinary workers, for the sake of face, spared no expense in food and expenses, saving three or four months’ wages just to buy a pager, which often happens.

Therefore, in the past few years, the market for pagers is no bigger than that of big brothers.

Moreover, Su Shaoze plans to use the pager as a practice hand, laying the foundation for Tencent Electronics to produce mobile phones in the future.

Hearing that Su Shaoze wanted to produce pagers, Yan Guojiang said: “Chairman, the same sentence, I need the industrial design drawings and algorithm codes of pagers.”

“And as far as the current conditions of our factory are concerned, the basis for producing pagers cannot be met.”

“It is necessary to update equipment and purchase more advanced assembly lines for electronic components.”

Regarding Yan Guojiang’s request, Su Shaoze nodded (babb) and said, “I took 20 million of the profit from the slot machine before, and left half in the factory. Is it enough for you to buy a new production line?”

Hearing this, Yan Guojiang was overjoyed, and nodded quickly: “Enough, enough, the chairman can rest assured, with this money, I will guarantee to make the best equipment in the factory.”

This is 20 million Hong Kong dollars!

In the early 1980s, before the economic crisis broke out, purchasing power was still very strong.

In fact, even buying a state-of-the-art electronic component production line doesn’t cost that much money at all.

But no one will dislike having a lot of money in their hands.

“As for the industrial design drawings and algorithm codes of the pager, where are these things?” Su Shaoze said.

“Motorola in Mi, Sony and Rip in Island Country, their technologies are all relatively powerful.”

“As for Hong Kong Island, there is a branch of Rip, and they should have industrial design drawings and algorithm codes for pagers.”

Yan Guojiang thought for a while, and said cautiously, feeling a little guilty.

He naturally knew what Su Shaoze’s question meant, and he was even vaguely aware of his boss’s black background.

If it is said that Su Shaoze wants to use normal means to obtain the industrial design drawings and algorithm codes of Rip Corporation, he is a little bit unconvinced.

Moreover, these two things belong to the core secrets of Rip Corporation, and they cannot be leaked or traded.

“Okay, I know about this, I will bring it back to you in a while.”

“But my ugly words are in front, I will give you the money, and I will give you the information, but if you can’t get me a pager by then, I won’t spare you!”

Su Shaoze said with a faint smile, his expression was very flat, but Yan Guojiang felt the pressure on his shoulders increase sharply.

Military order!

“Chairman, I understand that as long as I can get the information, I will definitely get you a pager!” Yan Guojiang said seriously.

Then he seemed to think of something: “In addition, if you really plan to develop in the mobile communication industry in the future, Chairman, it is best to hire some professional engineering and technical personnel

“For example, some university professors, doctoral students, etc.!”

“Otherwise, it would be good for the master craftsmen in our factory to understand the drawings and follow suit, but it would be difficult to make some innovations.

“As an electronics factory, we can’t just rely on copying other people’s things.” Yan Guojiang said carefully.

Hearing this, Su Shaoze felt a little impressed by him. He didn’t expect him to have such awareness.

For an electronics company, innovation is indeed the most important thing, and innovation cannot do without people.

It is indeed necessary to go to universities to recruit some professors and doctoral students. .


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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