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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 127: Happy Ghost, Hit Theaters [One More Update, Please Subscribe! 】

Queen’s Road, Kowloon, as one of the busiest streets on Hong Kong Island, is full of business districts, financial districts, and beautifully decorated shops.

Of course, entertainment and cinema are indispensable.

And it’s not just one, the theaters of Su’s Cinemas and Golden Harvest Cinemas are almost next to each other.

Golden Harvest Cinema.

“Miss, here are two tickets for the new Shushan Swordsman movie at nine o’clock.” At the ticket office, a young man held a girl’s hand and said to the ticket seller.

“Excuse me sir, the tickets for 9 o’clock have been sold out, and now we are selling movie tickets for 10 o’clock. “Do you think you need it?” The staff at the Jiji office asked politely.

“Ah, it’s sold out. Xiao Li, why don’t we come and see it next time. We’ll have to wait for more than an hour for the next show.” The man asked the girl in his arms.

“No, I want to watch it this time. This movie is played by Qiu Guan, he is so handsome! And there is Lin Qingxia too! She played “I am a Cloud” before, so beautiful.” Sixty Seven

This look is another Huaichun girl deeply influenced by Qiong Yao’s love movies.

Hearing the girl’s compliments to Zheng Shaoqiu, the boy felt sour, but he thought that there was still Lin Qingxia, a big beauty who could seduce his eyes.

I can only nod: “Okay then!”

“Miss, just give me two ten o’clock shocks.

“Yes, sir. Twenty dollars in total”

After the man bought the ticket, he took the girl to a nearby tea restaurant to wait for the movie to start.

But in Su’s theaters, the situation is not as good as the new Shushan swordsman.

After all, Happy Ghost doesn’t have any big-name stars. The director and the three girls are all newcomers, so they definitely didn’t have much appeal at the beginning.

Unlike the new Shushan swordsman, a lot of stars are piled up, and the stars are shining brightly.

Although the target group of Happy Ghost is the students who have just had their holidays, the first batch of people who entered the cinema were a group of men.

They were all attracted by the three young and beautiful girls on the poster in front of the cinema.

“Wow~ these three little sisters are so pretty~ especially this figure, it’s amazing~”

“Happy ghost? What a bad name? Is this a ghost movie?”

“Director Wang Jing? Never heard of it!”

“Hey, this is produced by Su’s Cinema? I’m still waiting to see the second part of Terminator! Why do you not do your job properly and come up with such a movie?”

“Forget it, let’s take a look first! Give me a Happy Ghost!”

Some people walked into the movie theater, and the sparse audience accounted for less than half of the theater, which formed a sharp contrast with the new Shushan Swordsman.

However, when the two films were finished and the audience left, the result was completely different.

Happy ghost here.

“Hahaha, it’s so funny, I thought it was a ghost movie! It turned out to be so funny!”

“Especially during the sports meeting, haha, throwing a shot put directly into the sky, I laughed so hard!”

“Lin Xiaohua is so beautiful! Especially those long legs, really exciting~”

Although the plot of Happy Ghost is simple, there are many funny episodes, especially the three young and beautiful girls who can seduce the eyes.

The audience came out happily.

On the other hand, at the Golden Harvest Cinema, when the guy walked out of the cinema holding his girlfriend’s hand, he looked at the sky and felt relieved.

He watched this movie with a dazed expression on his face, completely fooling around.

In terms of hotness and excitement, it is far worse than the Terminator, just a little more stars, and Lin Qingxia is still as beautiful as ever.

Looking at other viewers, I also feel confused. In retrospect, I seem to have seen it, but I don’t seem to have seen it.

I can’t remember what the plot of the movie is about. What I can remember are the stars.

As time passed, the word-of-mouth of Golden Harvest New Shushan Swordsman continued to decline, and the box office also decreased day by day.

This ebb and flow, “Happy Ghost” began to see a substantial increase in the box office because of word of mouth from those who had seen it.

Because it is a hilarious comedy movie, more and more student parties began to walk into the movie theater, and in the end it lasted for many days, and even the shows were full

“I’ll buy five tickets to “Happy Ghost” at eight o’clock in the evening.”

“Okay, fifty yuan in total, thank you.

“Hi, I’m buying two tickets for “Happy Ghost” at two o’clock in the afternoon.”

“I’m sorry, all the tickets for the afternoon have been sold out, and the latest one is already at six o’clock in the afternoon. Look, do you still need it?”


The box office on the first day was more than 400,000, the second day was more than 500,000, the third day was more than 700,000, and on the fifth day it had reached 1.2 million. Full situation.

For a period of time after that, the shows of “Happy Ghost” were sold out, so Wang Jing called Su Shaoze every day to tell him about the box office.

Afterwards, because the start of school was approaching, the box office of “Happy Ghost” began to decline. At the end of August, “Happy Ghost” was officially released, and the total box office reached 15 million Hong Kong dollars.

It became the third film on Hong Kong Island to break through the box office threshold of tens of millions.

On the other hand, Golden Harvest’s new Shushan Swordsman, with its sloppy plot and chaotic fighting plot, was constantly complained by viewers who had watched it, and the word-of-mouth of the film continued to decline, causing the box office to plummet day by day.

It also harvested a wave of box office in the early stage, but was quickly surpassed by Happy Ghost.

Although the final box office reached 12 million.

Compared with that huge investment, the new Shushan swordsman undoubtedly won’t make much money.

And Happy Ghost’s investment was less than 2 million, and he finally reaped 15 million at the box office, which can be described as a huge profit.

And as long as the local box office of Hong Kong Island is successful, it can also be sold at a good price in places such as Bay Island, Daoguo, Nanbang, and Malaysia.

According to a preliminary estimate, the movie Happy Ghost can bring Su Shaoze at least 10 million yuan in net income in addition to the investment and theater share.

So, when Wang Jing came to look for Su Shaoze excitedly, Shaoze waved his hand directly.

Open the celebration banquet!

In the future, as long as the films of Su Film Industry are successful, there must be a celebration banquet.

It is both for propaganda and to inspire the morale of the army.

At the same time, Wang Jing also took out a script he had prepared!

You know, in the middle of the release of Happy Ghost, Yin has already started filming the second part of Happy Ghost.

Su Shaoze intends to turn this movie into a series, which will make the group of happy girls popular.

So when Wang Jing handed over his script to Su Shaoze, Su Shaoze was a little surprised.

It is worthy of the name of the fast gunner!

In just a few months, this is Wang Jing’s third movie.

When he opened the script, he realized that the plot was somewhat familiar.

Chen Lipin, the only son of a Hawaiian oil tycoon, is shy by nature. In order to chase girls, he had to ask his childhood playmate for advice, and even invited him to Hawaii to help 1.0 find a marriage partner.

After the playmates arrived, they went to the beach with Chen Lipin to hunt for sex, and met Hong Kong tourists Yu Demei and Maozai.

Soon, Chen Lipin and his playmates were ordered to return to Hong Kong to investigate the manager’s fraud. When they returned to the company, their identities were reversed by misunderstanding, and Chen Lipin became the driver. In order to facilitate the investigation, the two made mistakes.

Yu Demei and Maozai are also employees of the company, and the four of them also develop into lovers.

At this time, Yun Piaopiao, a beautiful public relations manager, came to the company to deal with the two of them.

At the same time, it was announced that she would marry Chen Lipin. Playmates and Maozai despised what Yun Piaopiao did, and tried to obstruct and change Chen Lipin’s original intention.

Seeing these, Su Shaoze thought, this is a movie that Wang Jing once filmed.

Frog prince!

This movie seems to have won the box office champion of the year. .


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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