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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 132: Investing In Xinyicheng【Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

“how is it going?”

“Has Mr. Su agreed to invest in our film?”

When Mecca left in a daze, the two partners, Shi Tian and Huang Baiming, immediately greeted him.

Expectant eyes on Mecca!

Funny Times is the first project after the establishment of Struggle Films. If it can get the investment from Su Films, it will undoubtedly have a great advantage in theaters.

It can be said to be half a success!

Looking at the two partners, Mecca shook his head lightly.


Seeing his expression, Shi Tian and the two were immediately disappointed.

Struggle Company currently has 500,000 yuan in funds, and there is still a shortfall of 500,000 yuan. If Su Films does not invest, will they really be asked to mortgage the property?

“No~” Looking at the disappointed expressions of “Three Zero Seven”, Mecca quickly connected.

“What Mr. Su wants to invest in is not the movie Funny Times, what he wants to invest in is our company.” McGahn said.

Hearing this, Shi Tian and Huang Baiming were stunned for a moment.

“Are you sure that Mr. Su wants to invest in our company, are you kidding us?” Shi Tian said in a busy voice.

Their small company has just been established, it doesn’t even have a finished film, and its total assets are only 500,000 yuan.

And what about Su Films?

The family is big and the business is big, not only has the Terminator, the benchmark Hong Kong movie, been shot, but the next movie, Happy Ghost, is also a big hit.

And I heard that the current Su Film Industry is currently working on three films at the same time, all of which are large-scale productions, with an investment of tens of millions.

In the face of such a behemoth Su’s Films, their newly established Struggle Films is really pitifully small.

The two really don’t know why Su Shaoze is interested in their company!

“I won’t joke with you about this kind of thing. Mr. Su’s condition is 2 million yuan to buy 60% of our company’s shares.

Hearing Mecca’s words, Shi Tian’s voice suddenly rose: “Two million?”

Two million is a lot of money!

According to the valuation of 2 million 60% shares, the total value of their company will reach 3.3 million.

But the actual assets of their company are only 500,000 yuan!

From this aspect, they undoubtedly took advantage of it.

“However, Mr. Su still has a condition, that is, the three of us must sign a five-year actor-director double-line contract with the company, and we must not leave the company within five years.”

Cast director’s contract?

Upon hearing this request, Shi Tian and Huang Baiming immediately knew that their plans had failed.

They were thinking just now, after selling 60% of the company’s shares to Su’s Films, they would use the money to start a new business!

But obviously Su Shaoze is not so easy to deceive.

The most important reason for Xinyicheng’s success is their group of people.

They must be tied up.

He will not interfere with the independent operation of Xinyi City, but he will not let them leave at will.

“Let’s think about it too! This is not a trivial matter~” Mecca said in a deep voice.

“If we get the investment from Su’s Film Industry, it will represent that our company will get the best treatment in the Su Le Cinemas for the films we will shoot in the future.” Huang Diming said.

There are more and more film companies on Hong Kong Island, but there are only two theaters. The largest So’s Cinemas carries the releases and distributions of most film companies on Hong Kong Island.

When to show, how long to show, and even whether to allow the film to be shown, it is up to Su’s theaters to decide.

Film companies on Hong Kong Island all depend on the performance of the theaters.

And once Struggle Films is invested by Su Films, they will be the sons of Su Films.

Even if the film doesn’t get the treatment of Su’s film industry’s son film, Shen will definitely give the green light all the way.

The benefits are obvious!

And if Su’s film industry’s investment is rejected, then the filming, distribution and release of Funny Times will all be a problem.

Huang Baiming, who has the least share among the three, is already inclined to be a shareholder of Su Films.

But Shi Tian said: “It’s not impossible for Su’s Pictures to invest in shares, but 60% is a bit too much. It’s better to reduce it to less than 40%.”

Mecca nodded immediately: “Two million is not enough, I think the value of our company should be five million!”

This bald guy in Mecca is very confident!

Obviously the company didn’t even make a movie yet! But he dared to call out an offer of 5 million, looking at the future value of the company. 0

However, Mecca’s vision is still low. At this time, he would never have thought of what kind of influence their company would have on Hong Kong Island’s movies in the 1980s.

“Then continue negotiating with Su Films, asking for more money and less shares.” Shi Tian nodded.

Mecca and Huang Baiming nodded, and quickly reached an agreement that Su’s Pictures could take a stake in Struggle Pictures, but the conditions had to be discussed again.

But they don’t know Su Shaoze’s attitude towards Struggle Pictures, it’s okay to ask for more money, but the shares cannot be lowered.

He must maintain an absolute holding of Struggle Pictures, 60% is the bottom line, otherwise he would rather destroy this new city that is about to emerge.

As for the three of Mecca not agreeing and looking for another way out, Su Shaoze just smiled lightly, thinking too much.

Compared with the previous life, the current film structure of Hong Kong Island has undergone major changes.

The rise of Xinyicheng in the previous life was inseparable from the support of the Golden Princess Cinemas.

Lei Juekun bought the theater chain, but he didn’t have a film company in his hands, so he had to support Xinyicheng.

But it’s different now, the Golden Princess theaters are gone, and the Shaw Brothers theaters are gone too.

Su’s theater chain occupies more than 60% of the theaters on Hong Kong Island. If 0.5 Struggle Pictures does not rely on Su’s, then they can only go to Golden Harvest.

But it was Hong Jinbao and Cheng Long who were the main pushers on Golden Harvest. Even if they went to Mecca, Golden Harvest would not have a place for them.

Therefore, the rise of Xinyi City is by no means accidental. Without the support of the Su Clan, it would be difficult for them to achieve the glory of their previous life.

Finally, after a period of negotiations, the two sides finally reached an agreement.

Su Films invested 3 million yuan to acquire 60% of the shares of Struggle Films.

And Struggle Films will also change its name to Xinyicheng.

All three of Mecca signed actor-director contracts with Xinyicheng Company.

In this way, Xinyicheng Company, the overlord of Hong Kong films in the 1980s, became Su Shaolong’s godson. .


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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