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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 136 The Dragon Has Reverse Scales [Third Watch, Ask For Flowers! 】

At the back door of the hotel, two gangsters were standing in a shadow, their eyes aimed at the hotel from time to time. Not far from them, there was another group of people following them.

Obviously, these gangsters are also very experienced and know how to take care of each other.

“Who would have thought that it would be Zhao Yazhi this time, what a pity…”

“Being taken by the boss, Zhao Yazhi won’t be able to escape.”

“She’s my favorite star, hey~”

“Isn’t that the case with celebrities~ Look at the guy on our Bay Island, he’s a big celebrity outside, and he’s so relaxed in bed.

“have you seen?”

“I’ve heard it before, so I should send her back~”

While chatting about celebrity gossip, the two younger brothers looked at the door of the hotel from time to time.

Their mission is to keep an eye on Zhao Yazhi, absolutely not let her slip away from the hotel.

After the police took away the two capable bodyguards, it was time for them to go up and invite Miss Zhao to a banquet again.

“Hey, what’s the sound~”

But in the next second, they suddenly heard a muffled sound coming from behind.

A younger brother immediately turned his head to look, and was stunned for an instant. It turned out that a man jumped over the wall and landed behind them.


The younger brother opened his eyes wide and wanted to say something, but in the next second, the man moved quickly.

With a “click~”, he directly broke his neck, and the other little brother was not much better.

Just when he was about to open his mouth and yell, the man quickly kicked diagonally.

The hard leather shoe kicked him in the neck, hard against the wall behind him, and he died instantly.

After solving the two, the man found two pistols and four bullets from them.

He waved his hand towards the front of the hotel.

Then he came to a car parked on the side of the road, took out a wire, and opened the door in two or three clicks.

After sitting in, pull out the wire, start the ignition.

“Boom boom boom~”

The movement here was quickly discovered by another group of gangsters not far away.

shouted, “They’re gone, hurry up

“Run away, go and report to the boss.”

“Drive to chase~”

Outside the hotel, more than 20 younger brothers from the Northwest Gang started to move, driving towards the bodyguards one after another.

The roar of the car, farther and farther away.

In a corner of the back door of the hotel, Zhao Yazhi stood behind another bodyguard, watching the car go away, very sad.

She knew that he alone led the pursuers away to protect himself.

Her heart is very sad.

“He’ll be fine~”

“Miss Zhao, don’t worry, Lao Xiao will take good care of himself.” Another bodyguard said softly, looking at the back of the car going away, a flash of worry flashed in his eyes.

This is his comrade in arms!

He only has one gun in his hand. Although he has experienced many battles, he only has one gun in his hand. The consequences are completely unpredictable.

“Let’s go to the warehouse to hide for a while, the boss will come over soon.”

With that said, the bodyguards led Zhao Yazhi into the hidden warehouse they had found in advance, where they were going to wait for reinforcements to arrive.

This night, Su Shaoze was flipping through the documents, but suddenly received a call from Huo Ting’an.

“Boss~ something happened to Ms. Zhao~”

“What?” Su Shaoze’s face darkened instantly.

“what happened?”

Knowing that something happened to Zhao Yazhi in Gaoxiong, Yao, the boss of the Northwest Gang, wanted to invite her to dinner.

And there was a conflict between the two sides.

Su Shaoze suddenly became angry: “Looking for death~”

His face instantly became incomparably cold, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

His aura is terrifying, like a raging lion.

In his heart, Zhao Yazhi’s status is definitely not comparable to Guan Zhilin, Li Lizhen and other women.

In his view, women like Guan Zhilin and Li Lizhen were nothing more than a deal, or at most they were canaries he raised.

But Zhao Yazhi is his reverse lin.

I didn’t expect the gangs in Bay Island to be so rampant, daring to rob people in the hotel.


In the future, the security forces around her women will be strengthened again.

So, he directly ordered Huo Ting’an:

“Contact the airline, immediately charter a special plane, and rush to Gaoxiong, Bay Island as quickly as possible.”

“The operation department is ready. Fifty special forces members are fully armed and armed with heavy firepower. They will immediately follow me.


Su Shaoze was very angry.

Dragons have reverse scales, and Zhao Yazhi is an existence that he cannot touch.

A small boss of the Northwest Gang, dared to have his idea of ​​Su Shaolong’s woman.

Is it true that Su Shaoze can’t do anything to him when he is in Bay Island?

Loyal and trustworthy people are not easy to deal with, but the most important armed force in Su Shaoze’s hands has never been the association.

And this group of lone wolf special warfare commandos established entirely with soldiers from the Vietnam War.

Fifty commandos are enough to kill the so-called Northwest Gang.

As an important member of the Tiandao League in the future, in the eyes of Su Shaoze, the Northwest Gang at this time is just a gang of mobs.

But the biggest problem at this time is time.

Bay Island is thousands of kilometers away from Hong Kong Island, even by plane, it takes at least one or two hours.

Zhao Yazhi’s bodyguards had limited ammunition, so they might not be able to last for such a long time.

0 looking for flowers……

After arranging the manpower, Su Shaoze hurried to the airport. On the way, she connected Zhao Yazhi’s phone.

“Azhi, how are you doing?”

As soon as the phone was connected, Su Shaoze’s anxious and concerned voice came.

On the other side, Zhao Yazhi burst into tears, and for a moment, various emotions of grievance and nervousness came to his heart.

In the warehouse, I covered my mouth softly~


“Brother Ze, I’m fine, I’m hiding in the hotel warehouse.”

“I’m scared~”

This is his man, at this moment, Zhao Yazhi doesn’t need to put on any pretense at all, he doesn’t need to pretend to be strong, but he can release his emotions to his heart’s content.

“Azhi, don’t be afraid, I’ll be there soon.”

Knowing that Zhao Yazhi was safe for the time being, Su Shaolong also breathed a sigh of relief.


But the other lone wolf team member is in danger. Facing the Northwest gang’s pursuit alone, it’s okay if the firepower is enough, but it’s a pity~

Those policemen on Bay Island are really damned, they are even blacked out by gangsters.

When Su Shaoze arrives at Bay Island, he will definitely not let these guys go.

Su Shaoze tried his best to comfort Zhao Yazhi’s emotions, the car drove fast, and after hanging up the phone, he had already arrived at the airport.

Huo Ting’an, Lao Pao and others have brought fifty commandos to stand by.

“Boss, what about the weapons and equipment?”

Fifty commandos were uniformly wearing black suits at this time. Everyone’s face was silent and calm, without any expression, and their aura was overwhelming.

They knew what they were going to do, and went to Bay Island to destroy the rabble of a society.

But the problem is, what about the weapons and equipment? It is definitely not allowed to be carried on the plane, even if it is a chartered flight.

But this is not a problem for Su Shaoze.

“You don’t need to worry about the weapons and equipment, I will deal with them, and send them out after the plane lands.”

“Now, everyone boards the plane immediately, informs the captain, and takes off at the fastest speed.” Su Shaoze said.

Getting weapons through security is a big problem for others, but not for Su Shaoze.

Who made him such a big hanger!

Put all the weapons and equipment into the space warehouse, and no one can find them.

However, in Su Shaoze’s view, if there is an airline company of his own at this time, things will not be so troublesome.

You can fly wherever you want, and you can take whatever you want.

In the future, airlines can be built.

Su Shaoze said secretly.

The plane took off. In the darkness, Su Shaoze looked at the lights on the ground and gradually lifted off. .


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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