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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 138 Robbing The Helicopter, Reinforcement Arrives 】

Su Shaoze’s subordinates moved very quickly, and fifty special forces members in black suits and windbreakers appeared at Gaoxiong Airport.

These people are almost all the people Su Shaoze recruited for the first time, and the team leaders are all Su Shaoze’s hardcore subordinates.

Hou Weidong, the leader of the intelligence team, Zhang Lihua, the leader of the sniper team, and the old Pao, Da Zhuang, and Big Dog of the action team are all real old brothers.

Including their subordinates, there are more than 50 people in total, and a plane is fully loaded.

After more than an hour of fast flight, the plane finally landed at Gaoxiong Airport at 11 o’clock in the evening.

After getting off the plane, the soldiers divided into two groups. Lao Pao led a five-member team directly to a civilian flying club near the airport.

Regardless of the security guard’s obstruction, he broke in directly and grabbed the person in charge of the club from the bed.

This guy is still playing the game of one dragon and two phoenixes!

“Rent a plane?”

The person in charge looked dumbfounded, right?

It’s a big night to rent a plane, and it’s a good thing to disturb yourself!

no way!

Seeing the club’s security guards rushing over quickly, there were more than a dozen people, while the other party only had six people.

The person in charge of the club came forward courageously, and said directly: “I’m sorry, sir, we are a very formal flying club.”

“If you want to rent a helicopter, you need to go through a strict review, and you need to provide your identity certificate, flight driver’s license, health certificate, financial certificate…”

The person in charge, Balabala, made a big deal. This proves that, anyway, a word is useless.

And the auditors have already left work at 10, so they can’t handle it, and they have to go to other places to stamp and sign, come back tomorrow~

Hearing these words, Lao Pao let out a sneer: “I want to talk to you guys, but you don’t seem to understand human speech.”

Before he finished speaking, Lao Pao directly took out a long guy from the backpack behind him.

Black, thick and long~

assault rifle!!!

Seeing this thing, the person in charge was dumbfounded, all the security guards opened their mouths wide in horror, and quickly backed away.

“Da da da da da~”

But Lao Pao raised his muzzle and fired at the ceiling. The intense sound of gunfire nearly burst people’s eardrums.

The other five commandos also took out their assault rifles.


This stuff turned out to be real~

The person in charge screamed in horror, holding his head, his pants were wet~

All the other security guards also squatted on the ground, not daring to move.

And Lao Pao grabbed the person in charge by the collar, grabbed him, pointed his gun at his chin, and said viciously: “Now I want to rent two helicopters, what proof do I need?”

“No, no, no, no proof is needed~” The person in charge turned pale with fright, and was busy talking.

“Do you need to review it tomorrow?”

“No, no, you can drive away now~”

“Take me to the tarmac and find the two best helicopters~”

“Yes yes yes~”

Under the leadership of the person in charge, six strong men wearing black suits and running assault rifles came to the tarmac.

I saw two helicopters, and there is no shortage of retired Air Force pilots in Lone Wolf Shield Security Company~

Six people boarded two helicopters, filled up their tanks, and took off straight into the air.

Looking at the two disappearing red dots in the night sky, the person in charge sat down on the ground, with beads of sweat dripping down his pale face.

“Report report, call the police~”

Compared with the ups and downs of Lao Pao and his group, Su Shaolong and others on the other side went much smoother.

The rest of the people went directly to a car dealership near the airport. Although the dealership was closed at this time, Su Shaoze had the door smashed open.

The owner of the car dealership is a man in his thirties. Seeing so many strong men in black suits knocking on the door at night, he thought it was a robbery!

He was so frightened! He looked trembling and terrified.

“How many cars do you have here?” Hou Weidong asked directly.

The boss was a little confused when he heard the words, do you still need to ask the quantity before the robbery?

“Ah~~ There are 15 cars in total, 5 Fords, 3 Chevrolets, 1 Lincoln…” The boss counted with his fingers.

“Okay, we’ve got all of these, and you can figure out how much it is.” Hou Weidong interrupted him.

The boss was still a little confused. It turned out that these people did not come to rob, but to buy a car.

Immediately overjoyed.

What did this God say just now? Everything?

This is a big deal.

In the end, the 15 cars cost more than NT$800,000 in total. Su Shaoze didn’t have NT$ in his hand, so he just threw down a stack of American knives, which can be used all over the world!

He is also considered rich and powerful now, and he directly paid for the next batch of cars.

what is money

The most important thing now is time!

The car was filled with gas, everyone got in the car and drove to the dealership, and even threw the boss into the car before leaving.

Is there any map and satellite navigation now? It was the first time for them to come to Gaoxiong on this big night, and they couldn’t find the hotel where the crew was located in a short time without finding a local to lead the way.

At this time, Zhao Yazhi was hiding in a warehouse in the hotel where the crew was located, with a nervous expression on her face, holding her big brother tightly in her hand, this method was the only thing that could bring her confidence.

The sounds outside were very chaotic, Zhao Yazhi knew that the people from the Northwest Gang must have entered the hotel, and they were here to arrest him.

Fortunately, the other party thought that Zhao Yazhi and the bodyguards were trapped in the shopping mall, and did not search the hotel carefully and on a large scale, but only took the crew as hostages.

Otherwise, the warehouse where Zhao Yazhi hides is not safe.

Soon, the warehouse door opened, and the bodyguards who were waiting outside came in.

“How’s it going outside?” Zhao Yazhi asked hastily.

The bodyguard said softly: “People from the Northwest Gang have already arrested our crew.”


Zhao Yazhi was shocked, she knew that she had brought these colleagues down, and she was filled with guilt for a moment.

“Miss Zhao, don’t worry too much. The Northwest Gang’s target is us, and they won’t hurt the crew for the time being.”

“And I just contacted the boss, and if I persist for another hour, she will bring someone here.”

“One hour~”

Zhao Yazhi recited silently, his eyes dazed in a daze [holding big things tightly in his hands.

“Brother Ze, hurry up~”

At the same time, outside the shopping mall where the bodyguard Lao Xiao was hiding, more and more people from the Northwest Gang gathered outside the hotel, and the road was blocked by cars.

Listening to the gunshots coming from inside, Deng Kui, who was standing outside, was already blushing with anger.

At this time, another team of people ran out hastily from inside.

Several of them became corpses and were carried out.

“Boss, that man is so powerful, he is elusive. We couldn’t see him, so we were shot black, and the flies and the others were already dead.”

One of his subordinates said in horror, his eyes were full of fear.

They have never seen such a powerful person.

Hundreds of younger brothers from the Northwest Gang had surrounded the store for more than an hour, but they failed to capture him, and even killed a few people.

Who dares to go in now?

Seeing the terrified looks of the younger brothers, Deng Kui was furious, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and cursed:

“Damn it, I don’t believe he has three heads and six arms?”

“Today I must win this mall!”

After playing for an hour, Deng Kui had already lost his patience. Now it was not a woman’s problem, but a problem of face.

If a group of people can’t even deal with two bodyguards and let him run away in the end, then the Northwest Gang won’t be laughed at if the news spreads.

How is Deng Kui messing around! 450

This face must be recovered today!

Then he yelled at his subordinates: “Listen to me, the people inside have no bullets, so they can’t threaten us anymore.”

“Rush, one team uses firepower to suppress it, and the other team rushes in, I don’t believe it can’t be taken down.

Deng Kui roared angrily.

Deng Kui was angry,


Someone shouted from below, and all the members of the Northwest Gang moved.

At this time, in the shopping mall, there was a shooting point diagonally facing the gate, and the bodyguard hid in the darkness, adjusting his breathing to the minimum.

But the face is already very serious.

He knew that he couldn’t last long, because he was about to run out of bullets.

Although a few more guns were seized during the guerrilla warfare in the shopping mall, there were too many people outside.

If it was dawn and the reinforcements had not arrived, then he would surely die.

When more people from the Northwest Gang rushed in, he gritted his teeth and shot the last few bullets.

“Bang bang bang~”

After killing a few bosses, they silently picked up two knives. Even without bullets, they can kill seven or eight gangsters without any problem.

At this time, the people of the Northwest Gang gradually realized something, and a leader shouted in surprise: “They have no bullets, hurry up, rush in and kill them.”

Hundreds of people rushed towards the gate of the mall, and the crowd seemed to be able to collapse the entire hotel.

can’t stop~

but at this moment

There was a roar from the sky.


At this moment, the members of the Northwest Gang who were preparing to rush into the shopping mall were all taken aback.

Everyone was attracted by the sound and looked up towards the sky.

In the dark night, two helicopters were slowly approaching them.



The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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