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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 150: The Hero Saves The Beauty 】

On the side of the street, He Jiahui was about to cross the road and go to the restaurant on the other side, but suddenly saw a white van driving fast on the road.

In order to avoid being hit, she quickly took a step back.

He said unhappily: “It’s too dangerous, what should I do if I bump into someone, the traffic police on Hong Kong Island don’t care?”

But he didn’t expect that the van that he complained about didn’t leave, but actually stopped beside her.


There was a sound of brakes, followed by a bang, and the back door of the van was pulled open.

The two men got out of the car and walked towards He Jiahui without moving.

In an instant, He Jiahui’s expression changed.

It happened so suddenly.

In the next second, a man grabbed He Jiahui’s arm, trying to drag her into the car!


“Who are you? What do you want?”

He Jiahui reacted and shouted in panic.

Didn’t expect this to happen at all.

What is this for?

Want to kidnap on the street?

But unexpectedly, a man scolded loudly: “1++Stinky bitch, finally found you?”

“Your father gambled and borrowed a usury loan from us. Now he patted his ass and ran away. Of course you have to pay back the money.”

Facing the man’s words, He Jiahui and Yang Liqing were also very angry, and said loudly: “Don’t come here, we don’t know you.”

“My dad doesn’t owe you any money~”

“Don’t step on the horse nonsense, come with us

He Jiahui was completely speechless after hearing the man’s shameless words.

She even said that her father gambled and owed them usury.

What are you kidding?

In Hong Kong and Macau, when it comes to gambling and usury, who can be better than her father?

It is the ultimate in an industry.

“Don’t come here, help~”

He Jiahui shouted in horror, she was already frightened, her pretty face turned pale.

She has been pampered and spoiled since she was a child, and the environment and people she comes into contact with are all high society. She has never experienced such a situation!

I regretted it in my heart, went shopping with my best friend today, and thought it was troublesome for those bodyguards to follow, so I didn’t let them follow.

Now he was unlucky, fearful in his heart, holding the purse in a panic, swinging it indiscriminately, and resorted to the Chaofeng Chopping Hammer Fist, directly hitting the man’s face.

“Oh, shit, bitch~”

Under the pain, the man let go of his hand and covered his face.


Taking advantage of this opportunity, He Jiahui made a decisive decision and ran away.

“Catch her!”

A few men saw it and strode to catch up.

A girl like He Jiahui couldn’t outrun these guys, she was surrounded within a few meters.

Someone was about to come up to arrest the girl, He Jiahui screamed and kept beating her with her handbag, and was snatched after just two hits.

Frightened, he kept shouting to the people around him: “Help~”

“We don’t know these people at all, help

Seeing this scene, a boss said angrily: “Stop her mouth, don’t let her shout.”

The situation here also quickly attracted the attention of some pedestrians in the distance, and immediately some people were very angry that so many big men bullied a little girl.

Especially seeing that this girl is still so beautiful, it would be unreasonable to be ruined by these scumbags.

Some people wanted to call the police, but the boss directly took out a machete and pointed the edge at the people around him and said, “It’s none of your business here, so don’t meddle in your own business.”

“This woman’s old man owed us money, and now we want to arrest her and go back to repay the debt.”

“If anyone wants to be a hero, first ask me if the knife in my hand will agree.”


Hearing this, the people around began to hesitate. It is only natural to pay off debts, and it is not easy for the police to decide the case in front of this kind of thing.

Of course, kidnapping is definitely wrong.

But the problem is, looking at this vicious guy, who is still holding a machete to kill people, who dares to care?

In this day and age, the underworld is rampant!

Seeing the people around her watching with cold eyes, hesitating and fearful, He Jiahui was almost in despair.

Why are they all so indifferent, why is no one willing to lend a helping hand, watching her being taken away by the bad guys like this?

Two men grabbed his arm, pulling and pushing, and when they were about to push her into the car, an accident happened.

A man appeared.

Su Shaoze frowned slightly (babg) looking at the scene in front of him. He didn’t expect to leave the company and meet this girl again, and immediately knew what was going on.

He can’t ignore it.

And after hearing the girl’s name just now, he already thought of the girl’s identity.

Su Shaoze picked up a can of Coke from the booth next to him and threw it out.

In front of the van door, when a man grabbed He Jiahui and was pulling it, he felt as if his head had exploded.

With a sound of “Boom~”, a can of Coke hit his head heavily.


The force of the Coke bottle was so strong that the man only uttered a scream, rolled his eyes, and fell to the ground and passed out.


At this moment, everyone was surprised.

Turning his head to look in one direction, he saw a man walking quickly.

He is tall and handsome, just like the hero in a movie, but his temperament exudes a wild masculine charm.

“It’s him~”

He Jiahui’s eyes lit up.

She recognized it, this is the handsome guy she met in Su’s just now.

Unexpectedly, at the most dangerous moment, it was this man who stood up, just like the Prince Charming in his life.

At this moment, faint ripples appeared in He Jiahui’s heart.

But the reality is more dangerous.

Seeing that his younger brother was knocked unconscious, the robber boss was also very angry.

Holding a knife, he said to Su Shaoze: “Boy, don’t meddle in your own business.”

“Heroes have to pay a price to save the beauty.”

Facing the robber’s threat, Su Shaoze shook his head indifferently.

“Then do you know that kidnapping on the street requires a price.”

“I think you are looking for death, kill him for me.”

The two younger brothers rushed up, and this ignorant kid taught him a lesson, but in the next second, there was only a muffled sound.

Su Shaoze swung out a fist, the speed was unimaginably fast, and it hit a person directly in the face.

Immediately after another kick, the other robber suffered a heavy blow to the chest and was kicked flying.

In a short moment, the two robbers were solved.

Su Shaoze’s skill has become even more powerful.

They were just two little thieves, and it was easy for him.

At this moment, the robber boss was not calm anymore.


With a ferocious scream, he looked at the knife and rushed over, but in the next second, he only felt severe pain from his wrist.

The man’s pliers-like jaws grabbed his wrist, and the machete fell to the ground in an instant.

Then there was another punch, and the robber boss was directly punched in the face, bleeding from his mouth.


A group of robbers became injured in the blink of an eye. No one thought that such a handsome guy could be so good at fighting.


The boss yelled angrily, and a group of guys pulled up the injured man and drove away quickly.

With just a few strokes, they knew that this person was not easy to mess with.

I don’t want to fight, because after a long delay, the police will come.

Before leaving, the boss said harsh words to Su Shaoze, telling him to be careful in the future. .


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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