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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 156: The Premiere Of Taken Hurricane 】

Just when the stock market in Hong Kong Island was booming, and Carrian stock was soaring crazily, Galaxy Fund began to quietly sell the stocks in its hands.

At the beginning, it was snatched away almost as soon as it was sold. Later, as the selling volume gradually increased, the upward momentum of Carrian stock began to decrease.

It took more than a week, and the shares of Galaxy Fund announced that they were all sold out.

Looking at the 1.2 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash in the fund account, Su Shaoze actually had a dreamy feeling.

This is cash!

Even Bao Chuanwang, the richest man on Hong Kong Island at this time, would be hurt if he wanted to spend 1.2 billion in cash.

And how much did Su Shaoze spend to buy the 70 million shares of Carrian Group?

More than 200 million!

In less than a year, Su Shaoze earned nearly one billion~.

After being excited for a while, Su Shaoze finally considered how to use the money.

Let it lie in the bank and eat interest, that is the most stupid reason.

Must invest!


But don’t worry, in the next period of time, with the end of the Sino-British negotiations, the return of Hong Kong Island to the north will become a foregone conclusion.

After the Iron Lady fell, the stock market on Hong Kong Island plummeted like a basin of cold water.

Major investors have sold their shares one after another, preparing to immigrate to the country or return to the old one.

At that time, it was time for Su Shaoze to make an acquisition.

In a stock market crash, cash is always king.

But now the stock market is still in full swing, and the film market on Hong Kong Island is also booming.

Time passed quietly, and in a blink of an eye, it was time for Taken to be released.

As Su Shaoze’s third official film, Su Shaoze specially organized a premiere, creating a precedent for Hong Kong Island films.

After all, at this time, filmmakers on Hong Kong Island have never done anything like this!

Chinese Theater!

The premiere of The Hurricane, the largest leading theater in Su’s theater chain, was held here.

There is no other reason to choose here, purely because it is big and there are enough seats.

800 seats means excluding industry insiders and the media, there are 500 spectators.

Hurricane rescue also needs to be driven by word of mouth. In addition to the media these days, it is basically word of mouth. Of course, the more people the better.

When the premiere began, hundreds of spectators appeared in front of the China Grand Theater, and many media also rushed to it.

And there are quite a few colleagues in the film industry, including the two bosses of Golden Harvest, another major film company on Hong Kong Island.

Zhou Wenhuai and He Guanchang stood in front of the theater, looking at the red carpet at the entrance, surrounded by excited fans and reporters holding cameras.

The expressions of both of them changed a little, they nodded lightly and said: “This premiere is a bit interesting, we can also have a premiere when our movie is released next time.”

Zhou Wenhuai found that this premiere is a good way of publicity, attracting a large number of fans and reporters to promote the film.

Su Films has so many ideas!

“It seems that as long as the level of this hurricane rescue is qualified, the box office may not be lower.” He Guanchang said.

“After all, it is starring Wu Mengda. Among the male stars in Hong Kong Island, I am afraid that this is Mengda!” Zhou Wenhuai said.

It never occurred to him that a bad gambler from TVB before would turn into the biggest star on Hong Kong Island.

At the beginning, a Terminator was born, which directly broke the box office record of tens of millions set by Golden Harvest.

Even Cheng Long couldn’t stop the charm of the Terminator.

“It’s a pity that Aaron is gone. Otherwise, the action film market in Hong Kong Island would not be what it is now.” He Guanchang said with emotion.

What he was talking about was of course that Li Xiaolong, a generation of kung fu superstar on Hong Kong Island, was an actor of Golden Harvest at the beginning.

While feeling sorry for Li Xiaolong, they also explained Wu Mengda’s popularity at this time, only Li Xiaolong’s resurrection can overwhelm him!

Just between the two feeling emotional, the premiere had already begun, and the first star walked on the red carpet.

It directly detonated the scene, causing the audience on both sides to scream frantically.

It turned out to be three beautiful girls.

Happy girl group!

After Happy Ghost was released, it set a box office of 15 million Hong Kong dollars, ranking fourth in the box office records of Hong Kong Island film history.

And Li Lizhen and the other three girls also became popular because of this. While filming the sequel of Happy Ghost, Su Films also took this opportunity to make it a girl group.

Sing and dance, liven up!

Now this combination has already established a considerable foundation among Hong Kong audiences.

The premiere of Taken is the first premiere of Su’s Films. Stars under Su’s Films, as long as they have time and enough seats, can show their faces on the red carpet.

A number of well-dressed celebrities stepped onto the red carpet and killed a large piece of film in seconds, causing fans on both sides to scream and howl.

After the happy girl group left, the next one to play was ATV’s leading female star, Mixue.

The Grace of the Earth, which she starred in, is another huge production of ATV after Shanghai Bund, which caused a frenzy of watching movies by thousands of people.

Her popularity in TV dramas is even higher than that of Zhao Yazhi.

After the misty snow, there were a few lesser-known actors, and the cheers of the audience were much smaller. Finally, after an actor left, the audience suddenly burst into appalling cheers.

“Zhao Yazhi~”

“Chow Yun Fat~”

The camera lights kept flashing, and the reporters pressed the shutter as if they had run out of film.

Zhao Yazhi and Zhou Runfa walked over together.

I saw Zhao Yazhi walking on the red carpet in a white long dress, she was peerless and gorgeous, while Zhou Runfa had a gentle expression, with a humble smile on his face all the time

Huge cheers suddenly sounded at the scene, and the red carpet became more and more lively, with one wave after another.

Let Su Shaoze in the car in the distance hear the movement clearly.

In the car, four people sat facing each other.

Sitting next to Su Shaoze is the heroine of Taken, Zhou Huimin.

At this time, this little girl was looking at the red carpet in the distance with a curious face, lively and active.

On the opposite side, sitting Hong Xing’s leading boss, Jiang Tiansheng, and Hurricane Rescue’s second female lead, Fang Minkui, were holding his arms. .


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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