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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 173: Gold Store Robbery【Please Ask For Flowers And Monthly Tickets! 】

In front of the hospital, three black Mercedes-Benz cars stopped smoothly.

The doors opened almost at the same time, and seven or eight strong men in black suits got out of the car first, ignoring the pointing of the surrounding patients and nurses, and directly opened the rear door of the car in the middle.

Su Shaoze was dressed in a neat suit and black leather shoes. He was tall and handsome with stern eyes. He got out of the car and walked straight into the hospital with all the bodyguards.

After they left, the family members of the patients and nurses in front of the hospital reacted, as if they breathed a sigh of relief.

The aura of Su Shaoze and his group was so strong that they didn’t dare to speak loudly just now.

“Who are these people? What a powerful aura!”

“Those men in black must be bodyguards, maybe they all have guns!”

“So handsome! Cool~” Some little nurses had golden eyes and peach blossoms on their faces.

At that time, more people will pay attention to other aspects and speculate one after another:

“Just now there was a gold store robbery in Kwun Tong. Several policemen died and many passers-by were injured. 10 Maybe these people came here for this incident.

“It must be true, those injured were sent to this hospital.”

“It was broadcast on TV just now, and the live video came out. The masked robber stood on the street holding an AK47 and dared to shoot at the police. It was really crazy.”

“Dozens of policemen were so suppressed by the robbers that they couldn’t hold their heads up, and no one dared to rush forward. It was a total embarrassment.”

“What do we do with all the taxes we pay every year? Are those bastards drinking coffee or making Xiaomi?”

“The combat effectiveness of the police on Hong Kong Island is getting weaker and weaker. They are terribly afraid of death. They are very active when they fight against pornography and collect money. When they encounter big things, they just know to hide.”

The family members of the patients in the hospital hall were discussing one after another, don’t underestimate the gossip spirit of the people on Hong Kong Island.

After all, at noon today, the gold shop robbery in Kwun Tong was all broadcast on TV, which shocked the entire Hong Kong Island.

And these melon-eating people seem to have become messengers of justice one by one.

Scolding the robbers for hurting the innocent, and scolding the police for being useless, dozens of policemen can’t beat a few of them.

In the end, he even watched helplessly as the robbers left safely after the robbery was completed.

Regarding the combat effectiveness of the police on Hong Kong Island, the people who eat melons obviously feel extremely worried and anxious.

At this time, Su Shaoze had already arrived in front of the ward.

In front of a separate VIP ward, the two bodyguards were guarding it.

When Su Shaoze walked in, he saw the beautiful girl on the hospital bed at a glance, but at this moment, her face was a little pale, and she seemed quite frightened.

“Brother Ze~ woo woo woo~”

Seeing that Su Shaoze arrived, Zhou Huimin seemed to have found an outlet all of a sudden, and the panic and fear in her heart disappeared instantly.

It turned into endless grievances.

It didn’t matter where it was, he lifted the quilt on the hospital bed, stepped on the floor with his two delicate little feet, and threw himself into Su Shaoze’s arms.


At this time, Zhou Huimin seemed to have found her backbone, and began to cry loudly. Obviously, what happened just now scared her a lot.

A living person died in front of her.

The bullet penetrated the car and directly hit the bodyguard’s chest. Before he died, his face was terrified, his eyes were round and wide open, and his whole body was twitching.

This picture had a great impact on Zhou Huimin, it almost left a shadow.

At this time Wushou lay in Su Shaoze’s arms, only knew how to cry, could not even speak, and the clothes on Su Shaoze’s chest were soaked.

“Okay, Amin, I’m here, everything will be fine!” Su Shaoze comforted her softly, patting her back lightly.

Looking at the little foot that stepped on the ground without realizing it, he frowned slightly, worried that he would catch a cold.

Holding up her buttocks with both hands, she picked her up and put her on the bed.

After a good comforting meal in front of the hospital bed, Su Shaoze learned from the doctor that Zhou Huimin was fine.

It’s just that I was a little frightened, so I just need to go back and have a good rest.

After she was relieved, she talked with Zhou Huimin for a while, when she heard a knock on the ward [Ten bodyguards walked in.

“Boss, Mr. Jiang is here!”

Su Shaoze nodded lightly, covered Zhou Huimin with the quilt, touched her head, and said softly: “Amin, you should rest for a while.”

“I’ll go out for a while, let’s go home later!”

Zhou Huimin nodded obediently, and snuggled up on the bed, only showing a small head, like a kitten.

At this time, she was no longer as scared as before, and in Su Shaoze’s arms, she only felt very safe.

Full of happiness!

Outside the ward, Su Shaoze met Jiang Tiansheng.

There is nothing to say, it’s all for my own woman.

The situation on Fang Min’s side was better, but she was also terrified, and after all, it was her bodyguard who died, Jiang Tiansheng’s servant.

So Jiang Tiansheng is very angry at this moment.

Don’t look at this guy who usually looks like a gentle and temperamental uncle, but how could Jiang Tiansheng have a good temper if he can become the leader of Hongxing, the largest club on Hong Kong Island!

If you really get angry, the whole Hong Kong Island will tremble three times.

#937 Recently those people have become more and more excessive, and they don’t understand any rules. “After the two sat down, Jiang Tiansheng shouted in a calm voice.

Although the previous Hong Kong Island was chaotic and the associations were rampant, in the final analysis, the underworld also had to abide by the rules.

Only these new smugglers have no scruples at all and can do anything.

He dared to rob gold stores in broad daylight, and did not run away immediately after the robbing, and then robbed the next one.

Thought you were here to sweep the goods?

Holding an AK, he dared to spray at the police. After robbing five gold stores in a row, he left contentedly.

It’s just crazy!

But it’s okay if it’s just that, the robbers and the underworld don’t interfere with each other, and Jiang Tiansheng is also happy to see the police suffer.

But the problem is that this group of robbers hurt innocent people and almost killed their own women.

Therefore, Jiang Tiansheng was very angry, and the consequences were serious.

Facing the gloomy Jiang Tiansheng, Su Shaoze said in a deep voice, “What are you going to do, Brother Sheng?”

what to do?

I saw Jiang Tiansheng said with an angry face: “Of course I want to find those guys and let them know what will happen if they break the rules.”

Hearing this, Su Shaoze didn’t express his attitude immediately, but thought about how this matter would benefit him.

“It should be the police’s job to kill those robbers!”


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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