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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 178 Ye Jihuan's Ambition Is Equal To That Of Brother Ze [Second Watch, Please Ask For F

In the wilderness, three cars parked in an open space.

Ye Jihuan and his younger brothers all looked at each other nervously, clenched the guns in their hands.

If something goes wrong, do it right away!

But at this time, the doors of the two cars on the opposite side opened first, and the leading masked strong man in the co-pilot’s seat walked down first.

Behind, six or seven masked strong men also got out of the car, all wearing black combat bulletproof vests, holding submachine guns and assault rifles, and pineapple bullets hanging on their bodies.

There was even a man with a bazooka on his shoulder, pointing at Ye Jihuan’s army.

Seeing this scene, Ye Jihuan and the others looked even worse.

The equipment gap between the two sides is too great.

If there is a real fight, no need to think about it, it must be my side that was wiped out!

And looking at the other party’s equipment, Ye Jihuan was even more envious.

If he gave these things to himself, he would dare to rush to the police station and let those useless policemen see what a real gangster is!

Seeing that the other party did not intend to attack immediately, Ye Jihuan got out of the car bravely and told the younger brothers to be ready to shoot at any time.

“My friends, what’s the offense? Does 10 need such a big fight?” Ye Jihuan said in a calm voice.

Then I heard the leading masked man say: “If the team is small, I’m afraid I won’t be able to invite you, Ye Jihuan!”

Hearing the other party call out his name, Ye Jihuan’s heart tightened suddenly.

Knowing that the other party is definitely coming for me, that’s right!

The question now is what does the other party want to do?

It is very likely that black people eat black people!

Sure enough, the next moment he heard the other party say: “I heard that you have a batch of goods in your hand, which is almost ten million!”

Sure enough, it was for that batch!

Now that it has been said here, there is no point in concealing it.

Ye Jihuan said in a deep voice: “I have a batch of goods in my hand, but if you want to take them away for no reason, I, Ye Jihuan, am not a vegetarian.”

The majestic No. 1 gangster on Hong Kong Island, the guy who dares to confront the police on the street, will never give in easily.

At worst, let’s do it!

If I die, I won’t make it easier for the guys on the other side!

Clinker, seeing Ye Jihuan’s tense and desperate posture, the masked leader on the opposite side suddenly smiled: “We have done things like black and white!”

“But for you, Ye Jihuan, we don’t intend to do that!”

“Because in our opinion, you are a rare talent, and talent has value to be used.

“We’re pretty lenient when it comes to people of value.”

“Actually, we are the same kind of people, so there are many places where there is the possibility of cooperation!”


Hearing this, Ye Jihuan did not relax, but asked in a calm voice, “How do you want to cooperate?”

“Let’s start with the batch in your hand!”

“You shouldn’t be able to get out of that batch of goods!”

“Jing Guiqiang gave you 20% of the price, and we will give you 30%!”

“It’s the first time we’ve cooperated, showing sincerity!”

As he said that, a masked man opened the trunk of the off-road vehicle, took out a package from it, and threw it on the ground.

“There are three million Hong Kong dollars in it, enough to buy the batch of goods in your hand.”

three million!!

Seeing the bag of Hong Kong dollars on the ground, Ye Jihuan was moved.

Although under normal circumstances, this batch of goods can sell for four million, but after all, the case is now chasing Daxi.

No one dares to accept it!

Three million is more than Jinguiqiang that bastard, and Ye Jihuan can barely accept it.

“Okay, I promise!”

Ye Jihuan nodded, and asked the younger brother behind him to remove all the gold from the car.

It’s too unsafe to keep this thing around.

Holding the three million Hong Kong dollars in his hand, he saw that it was true, but Ye Jihuan did not relax at all.

Because the next is the most critical moment.

Who knows if the guys on the opposite side will suddenly attack after getting the gold.

After killing yourself and these people, take another three million and leave.

He would not overestimate the integrity of these people. If he was given the opportunity to earn three million without any pressure, he would do it without hesitation.

It’s completely normal to be black and eat black.

Ye Jihuan was already ready to fight to the death, even if he did, he would have to kill a few people from the other side.

Clinker, the other side has no intention of doing anything at all, only the masked leader on the other side said.

“Don’t be so nervous!”

But Ye Jihuan didn’t believe it at all.

With a big guy facing me from a distance, everyone will feel nervous and panic!

“I said, you are a valuable person.”

“Worthy people don’t die!”

“This is our first cooperation, very successful!”

“If there is an opportunity for cooperation in the future, we will come to you again.

“Thirty to seven points!”

After leaving a few words, the masked leader opened the door of the car and sat in without further ado, and his subordinates also left one after another.

Ye Jihuan was truly relieved when he was sure that these people had really left and would not hit him again from a distance.

After recovering, he realized that 863 was already covered in cold sweat.

These damned guys, do business when they do business, and talk about cooperation when they cooperate.

It’s okay to scare someone with a bazooka!

“Brother Huan, are they really gone? Didn’t they take advantage of others?” Ahao asked in disbelief.

Look at the three million Hong Kong dollars again, the amount is correct, it is all real.

Ye Jihuan also couldn’t figure it out, what are these guys doing and what do they want to do?

“Maybe, you really want to do business with us!” Ye Jihuan comforted himself.

I don’t think so much anymore, anyway, the gold has already been sold, and three million is enough for him to spend a while.

And seeing how powerful those people are, if they can really do business with those guys, they might be able to make more money.

There is no need to worry about having no place to sell the stolen goods when robbing gold stores, and there is also a place to buy arms.

He can even become bigger and stronger and create greater glories.

Robbing cash vans, robbing banks, robbing and kidnapping rich people are not dreams!

It’s just that 30% is a bit low!

In the future, when you have enough strength, you can think of ways to make more points!

In fact, Ye Jihuan’s ambition in the future has always been thinking about how to do business with Brother Ze, to be able to score 50-50 points!.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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