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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 179: Carrian Collapsed And Made Another 400 Million [Third Watch, Ask For Flowers! 】

Before, Su Shaoze also thought about killing Ye Jihuan.

But that was carried out under the premise that the Hong Kong Island Police agreed to their own conditions and let Lone Wolf Security become the war contractor of the Hong Kong Island Police.

But now, the goal of war contractors cannot be accomplished in a short period of time, and requires a lot of follow-up public relations.

Therefore, there is no need for Su Shaoze to help the Hong Kong Island police catch criminals.

On the contrary, a series of cooperation with Ye Jihuan can also be carried out.

Robbing a gold store is just a small game, if you want to play it, you can play it big!

With Ye Jihuan as a catfish, it can further stimulate the dissatisfaction of the society on Hong Kong Island with the police, and it will make the security of the lone wolf even more important.

From Su Shaoze’s point of view, Ye Jihuan’s incident was just an episode, leaving behind for some future actions.

But now his eyes are gradually shifting to the stock market. He knows that the stock market crash is coming.

A few days later, a piece of news published in major newspapers instantly attracted everyone’s attention.

“Zhong Zhengwen, the second largest shareholder of Carrian Group, absconded with a huge amount of property.”

You must know that Carrian Group has always been a fairy stock in the stock market in the past few months.

Stimulated by continuous good news, stocks rose crazily.

But a lie is a lie after all, Carrian Group has no ability to earn that much profit, and its valuation is extremely high.

It’s just holding on by weaving good news unchanged.

But in today’s increasingly bad environment, Carrian Group finally couldn’t hold on.

The second largest shareholder, Zhong Zhengwen, felt that Carrian Group was going to die, and worried that he would be locked up, so he quickly emptied his stocks.

Get ready to escape Hong Kong Island!

And once he runs away, Carrian Group’s scam can’t be concealed at all!

It directly caused an uproar on Hong Kong Island, and people began to suspect that something was wrong with Carrian Group.

The Carrian myth began to shatter, and the stock price of Carrian Group began to fall rapidly

“Twenty Eight” “Mao”

“Twenty seven cents”

“twenty six cents”

The 20 yuan threshold also paused for a short while, and then it fell after a large number of sellers who were no longer optimistic about Carrian stock sold.

At the same time, news that is not conducive to Carrian Group continues to come.

“Carrian’s creditor bank petitions the court to liquidate it”

“Securities Regulatory Commission Appointed Investigators to Carrian for Investigation”

“The prosecution subpoenaed Chen Songqing, head of Carrian Group”

Facing so many unfavorable news of Carrian Group, the stockholders who bought the shares of Carrian Group were caught off guard.

Is this still the monster stock from before? Is it still the stock market myth that only rises but never falls?

Under the double blow of a large number of unfavorable news about Carrian Group and large sales orders, stockholders sold the shares of Carrian Group even more frantically.

In order to be the first to sell the Carrian stock in their hands, people in the stock market fought violently, and countless bloody incidents occurred.

The stock price of Carrian Group was out of control, and it changed from a stock market myth that stockholders are rushing to hold to a stock market disaster stock that stockholders are rushing to sell.

“Fourteen dollars and seventy cents”

“Fourteen dollars and six cents”

“Fourteen dollars and fifty cents”

At this moment, because of the continuous decline of that number, countless wealth in the stock market evaporated, countless stockholders went bankrupt, and countless families may also become fragmented due to the downward fold of this line.

Unlike these stockholders and the big players in the market, Galaxy Fund appears to be very calm, and all employees look at all this with a state of shock and lingering fear.

Because as early as a month ago, under the order of Su Shaoze, Galaxy Fund had already emptied all the shares of Ning Group in its hands.

Moreover, it also signed a betting agreement with some bulls and carried out short selling.

At the beginning, these operators found it very difficult to understand, but now they have to admire the wisdom above.

But Su Shaoze’s mood at this time is quite good.

Sitting in the office on the top floor of the Galaxy Fund, facing Ye Tianci, the two are drinking tea leisurely!

“Boss, Carrian Group’s stock price has fallen below 10 yuan, and it won’t be long before Carrian Group will be forced to delist.

“If you hadn’t asked us to liquidate all our positions a month ago, now we are like those bulls, and I am afraid that we will lose everything.”

Ye Tianci said with lingering fear.

He knew that Carrian Group’s stock was abnormal and would go bankrupt sooner or later.

But the problem is that no one can predict this time.

Under the premise that the stock price has risen wildly, everyone will have a fluke mentality.

If you wait a little later, you can make a lot of money by yourself.

I feel that I will definitely be able to leave early before the crash.

But in fact, the more lucky people are, the more they lose their money in the end.

Clearing the warehouse one month in advance, although Su Shaoze has made a lot less money, at least he doesn’t have to play heartbeat with other people.

He only has certain prophetic conditions by virtue of the advantage of rebirth, but he doesn’t have such a precise vision to judge the exact time of collapse.

And now, it’s time for Su Shaoze to harvest another sum of money.

`We still have 20 million short-selling orders of Carrian Group in our hands. If we continue with this momentum, we only need to spend some negligible funds to fill these short-selling orders (confirmed) forever. . “

“Preliminary estimates, with this short sale, you, boss, will have a profit of 400 million yuan.” Ye Tianci said.

And this is just one of the gambling agreements conducted by the Galaxy Fund, and there is another larger gambling agreement that is short-selling the Hang Seng Index.

Adding in the 1.2 billion cash from Carriant’s liquidation, the cash flow in Su Shaorong’s hands will reach more than 3 billion at that time.

And with this money, Su Shaoze will be able to do a big job in the next stock market crash.

Acquire a large amount of excellent assets at a very low price!

“Lao Ye, collect information on Hong Kong Island’s electric light and telephone companies!” Su Shaoze said.

“Boss, do you want Hongkong Electric and the telephone company? This is indeed a good deal with no loss, and I will complete the collection as soon as possible.” Ye Tianci nodded and said. .


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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