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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 181: A Gambling Agreement Worth 800 Million 】

Galaxy Fund, in the office of Ye Tianci, General Manager.

Lu Desheng, the general manager of Wing Lung Bank, received the warm hospitality from Ye Tian, ​​and the long-legged secretary served coffee and left.

Lu Desheng quickly explained his purpose.

“Mr. Ye, I came here this time to terminate the gambling agreement between you and me in advance.” Lu Desheng said.

But Ye Tianci had already expected this, put down his coffee in a calm manner, and said softly: “Mr. Lu, I remember that the gambling agreement seems to have not expired yet!”

“If it is terminated now, it will be very bad for us!”

“Although the Hang Seng Index has dropped slightly in the past few days, compared to when we signed the gambling agreement half a year ago, it has still increased by more than 200 index.

“So, to terminate the agreement early at this time, our Galaxy Fund will pay you a large sum of money to Eternal Bank!”

Of course Ye Tianci would not agree.

According to Su Shaoze’s prediction and the estimation of their Galaxy Fund professional team, Hong Kong Island’s stock market will soon usher in a major turmoil.

As long as the stock price falls and the Hang Seng Index falls, they can poach a large sum of money from Wing Lung Bank with this VAM agreement.

As for this result, Wing Lung Bank certainly has predictions, so it is even more anxious.

“Mr. Ye, we, Wing Lung Bank, do not need to pay compensation from Galaxy Fund, we just need to terminate this agreement peacefully.” Lu Desheng said generously.

They no longer think about making money, they just need not to lose money.

It’s a pity, after planning for so long, it’s almost time to harvest, how can Ye Tianci, who is about to make a fortune, let go?

You must know that in every sum of money the Galaxy Fund earns, there is a promotion from heaven.

Although the ratio is very low, it can’t stand to make more money.

If this deal is done, Ye Tianci will be able to buy several villas again.

Gently shaking his head, Ye Tian smiled and said: “Mr. Lu, I personally respect the spirit of the contract very much. Now that the agreement has been signed, we should wait until the contract expires to see what happens.”

“If the stock market is bullish at that time and the Hang Seng Index is still rising, our Galaxy Fund is willing to gamble and admit defeat, and we will hand over the money to you Wing Lung Bank.”

“And on the contrary…”

Ye Tianci smiled, the meaning is self-evident.

Our Galaxy Fund abides by its reputation and will not deny it even if it is sold out. We just hope that Wing Lung Bank will also take the initiative to pay back the money when the time comes.

Don’t make it too ugly for both parties, it will be very troublesome to go to court.

And once it gets to that point, Yong Long might really go bankrupt.

Hearing Ye Tian’s words, Lu Desheng’s expression turned ugly: “Brother Ye, our Wing Lung Bank is sincerely cooperating with your Galaxy Fund……

Ye Tianci directly interrupted his words: “We are not hypocritical…”


In business, if anyone is really that honest, he will definitely be cheated to death!

“Let’s talk straight! Brother Ye, how can we terminate the gambling agreement.” Lu Desheng said in a deep voice.

Although the Hang Seng Index has only dropped slightly now, it is still at a high of 1834 points.

But according to the estimates of their Wing Lung Bank experts, this is only the last hold of the Hong Kong Island stock market.

With the deepening of Sino-British negotiations, the return of Hong Kong Island to the north may not be prevented.

What awaits the Hong Kong Island market will be an all-round crisis in real estate, finance, and industry.

At that time, it is impossible to predict how far the Hang Seng Index will fall.

Wing Lung Bank is doomed!

What Lu Desheng has to do now is to reduce losses as much as possible.

“The time agreed in our VAM agreement hasn’t come yet!”

“Ten million!”

“It’s not about the money, it’s about following the spirit of the contract!”

“Twenty million!”

“Brother Lu, I’m just a part-time worker. Our boss has told you about the VAM agreement, and it won’t end until the time comes!”

“thirty million!”

Seeing Ye Tianci still shook his head, Lu Desheng was furious!

Tap the table.


“Lao Ye, don’t go too far, no one can say for sure what will happen in the future, and the Hang Seng Index is only likely to drop.

“Thirty million is already a lot.”

“Even if the Hang Seng Index fell on the day the VAM agreement was completed, your Galaxy Fund may not be able to earn 30 million yuan.”

“Know when enough is enough!”


Lu Desheng said angrily, in his opinion, it is simply too greedy for Ye Tian to bestow this guy.

Thirty million people are unwilling to let themselves redeem the gambling agreement.

Want to blackmail more?

What a dream!

Now Lu Desheng still has illusions about the Hang Seng Index.

The drop is certain, but the key is its magnitude.

According to the estimates of the bank’s experts, when the VAM agreement expires, Wing Lung Bank may pay 100 million to the Galaxy Fund.

It would be best if he could redeem it with 30 million now.

If there are too many, he won’t add any more!

But Lu Desheng would never have imagined that the impending financial crisis would be more destructive than he imagined.

The Hang Seng Index plummeted crazily, down 60%.

Wing Lung Bank needs to pay far more than 100 million yuan.

But eight hundred million!

Lu Desheng left angrily,

Ye Tianci doesn’t care, sooner or later he will cry!

Go back to Su Shaoze’s office and report to him about the conversation with Lu Desheng just now.

On the other side, Lu Desheng returned to the bank with a gloomy face, and the people around him immediately knew that the negotiation was unsuccessful.

The VAM agreement was not redeemed.

“Old Zhang, the Hang Seng Index will drop by at least 20%?” Lu Desheng said to the bank’s analyst.

“According to our estimates, it will drop by at least 20 percent, or even more.” The analyst nodded.

Lu Desheng rubbed his head, feeling very headache.

“Ye Tian gave that bastard to be very greedy and refused to end the agreement early.

“Now we can only be prepared to lose money.”

Their Wing Lung Bank’s total assets are only a few billion yuan, and they still have a lot of liabilities.

If they need to pay the Galaxy Fund 100 million according to the analyst’s estimate, their Wing Lung Bank will also be hurt.

“Go back first!”

“I want to call Mr. Roman of the head office and report the situation here.”

Lu Desheng took a deep breath and waved the others to leave.

He didn’t want his subordinates to see him being scolded. .


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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