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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 190 Su Shaoze Is In Tuao, Robbing A Bank?

Adam was arrested, and after a night of interrogation, this ‘tough guy’ finally couldn’t stand it any longer and spit out the information about the employer who cheated him.

“Nio Roman?”

In the early morning of the next day, Su Shaoze knew the result and sat on the sofa to meditate for a while.

Although he had never heard of this name, from the surname Roman, he could easily associate it with Roman Bank.

And then think of the Wing Lung Bank on Hong Kong Island, and the gambling agreement worth 800 million.

“It seems that they are desperate to lose this time! They actually thought of this way to take revenge on me.” Su Shaoze said in an indifferent voice.

He lit a cigarette, and under the smog, his eyes became more and more stern.

Regarding the matter of Wing Lung Bank, Su Shaoze did not use any unconventional methods, all of which were normal commercial methods.

It’s just that relying on the prophet’s memory, he outsmarted Wing Long by 800 million.

But it forced Roman Bank to jump over the wall in a hurry and came up with this kind of extra-discount trick to deal with Su Shaoze.

Think about it too!

As for Su Shaoze, if anyone dares to trick his company into bankruptcy, it’s okay, no matter what the rules are or are irregular.

Go straight to it!

Retaliation by any means is not an exaggeration, let’s talk about it when you are happy!

“Boss, what about 233?”

Sitting around Su Shaoze are his original group of old brothers.

Huo Ting’an, Hou Weidong, Lao Pao, Zhang Lihua and others!

They followed Su Shaoze in Hong Kong Island for several years, and now each of them is also a rich man with a net worth of tens of millions.

When making money in business, Su Shaoze takes them with them.

And they themselves are the top leaders of Lone Wolf Security with peace of mind, this is their foundation.

The relationship between them is no longer as simple as brotherhood, but a collection of interests.

Only by following Su Shaoze and uniting together can they keep their wealth in the chaotic Hong Kong Island, and then ‘earn’ more wealth.

Facing these old brothers, Su Shaoze has absolutely no need to hide his thoughts.

Whoever dares to provoke them, just use the most vicious and vicious means to get revenge.

“I’m planning to go to Tu’ao in a few days.”

“Old Huo, Da Zhuang, Big Dog, Tank, the four of you stay at home, and the others follow me.”

“Monkey, in the past few days, collect all the information about Tuao Roman Bank, the Roman family, and this Neo Roman. I want the most detailed information.” Su Shaoze said in a faint voice.


Huo Ting’an, who were named by Su Shaoze, were a little disappointed, after all, they hadn’t been active for a long time.

This time Su Shaoze will go to Tu’ao, and he will definitely do a big job.

They couldn’t help but envy Hou Weidong and Lao Pao!

On the other side, at this time, Neo Roman didn’t know the danger was coming, and was busy with his own business.

I didn’t pay too much attention to the affairs of Hong Kong Island, I just asked occasionally after thinking about it.

“How are things on Hong Kong Island?”

“Boss, don’t worry, Adam and the others are the most professional mercenaries, and they will definitely be able to complete the task excellently,” said bodyguard captain Joseph.

Although he has not been able to contact Adam in the past few days, he didn’t pay much attention to it, just because he was carrying out his mission.

This is the case with mercenaries. When performing tasks, the phone will definitely not be turned on, and no unrelated people will know their location.

Time passed slowly like this, and it was already three days later.

At the airport in Kaibera, a few men with Asian faces walked outside. They didn’t walk together, and they didn’t make any eye contact, as if they didn’t know each other.

In the evening, in a manor in the suburbs, a total of 20 people, including Su Shaoze and Lao Pao, gathered together.

They all arrived in Kaibera at different times, different places, and on different babd planes!

They were all silently checking their equipment.

Assault rifles, submachine guns, light machine guns, howitzers, tens of thousands of bullets, and numerous grenades, high-explosive landmines, etc.

I am very curious, how Su Shaoze managed to let so many arms pass through the security check at the airport safely, and brought them all to Tu’ao.

But no one asked this question [Lone Wolf’s principle is that if you shouldn’t ask, don’t ask.

And this is also the biggest effect of Su Shaoze’s coming to Tu’ao. His space is not given for nothing.

However, this kind of task cannot be done by the boss Su Shaoze himself every time. It is time to establish a lone wolf stronghold in Tu’ao.

First establish the Tu’ao branch where the lone wolf is placed, and buy more arms from Lao Maozi and transport them to Tu’ao.

The expansion of the lone wolf’s power begins with the generation of Nanyang and Tu’ao!

“This person is our target, the third generation head of the Roman family, Ni Roman!”

In the hall, Hou Weidong said while holding a photo of Neo Roman.

Introduces the basic information of Neo Roman and the security forces around him.

The main reason Su Shaoze and the others came to Tu’ao was because of this guy, but if they just killed him like this, it would be too cheap for him.

Su Shaoze frowned slightly and said, “How much assets does Roman Bank have? Where is their vault? How much cash is there?”

Don’t look at Su Shaoze’s net worth of several billion now, but he is very short of money.

The acquisition of Hong Kong Island Electric Lighting requires a large sum of money, even if it takes advantage of the financial crisis in Hong Kong Island, it is difficult to raise such a large amount of money.

So Su Shaoze could only find another way and find a way to borrow some money from Roman Bank.

“Boss, do you mean that we are going to rob Roman Bank’s vault?” Hou Weidong asked.

It’s a bit difficult to rob the vault!

After all, the security system of the bank vault is too strong and requires a lot of explosives to explode.

And at this time, if there was such a big commotion, the police would have arrived long ago.

The key is that all the deposits in the bank are cash, even if they snatch it, how can they get it away?

Do you know how much a hundred million dollars weighs?

How big is it?

Can a car pull it away?

And these problems are nothing to Su Shaoze at all.

With a powerful plug-in, Su Shaoze will not be reconciled if he does not get some money from Tu’ao!

“Forcing the Roman Bank’s vault is definitely not an option. It’s easy to trap the brothers.” Su Shaoze said in a deep voice.

“But don’t forget how our first bucket of funds came from!”.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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