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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 197 The Fast And The Furious 】

Kaibera, the busiest financial street.

On this day, one of the largest banks in Tuao, Roman Bank suddenly exploded underground.

The building felt a burst of shaking, and the customers and employees handling business in the bank lobby thought there was a big earthquake!

They fled in panic!

On the other side, an old Cadillac rushed out of the underground garage with a bang, with a raging fire behind it.

Like a volcanic eruption, it erupted violently and burned outwards, and Shaoze could feel the heat waves hitting his body.

“Hahaha~ Cool~”

Su Shaoze roared loudly, without any fear, but laughed out loud.

On the one hand, he was happy because he got five tons of gold and 800 million US dollars, and on the other hand, he was completely excited “700”.

After coming to Hong Kong Island, his net worth continued to grow, and he no longer needed to do many things himself.

It’s been a long time since I’ve experienced such intense and tense feeling. The constant secretion of adrenaline is very exciting.

At this time, Su Shaoze suddenly heard a siren, and just as he rushed out, he saw seven or eight police cars roaring towards this side.

Now that Li Zhendong and the others have left, Su Shaoze doesn’t know if they are safe, but his task is to attract the police to his side as much as possible.

Buy time for their escape!

So Su Shaoze didn’t think too much at all, stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the direction of the police car.


The police car on the opposite side didn’t know what was going on, so it just yelled as usual.

They received a report that the Roman Bank was attacked by bandits, and they had already broken into the underground vault with fierce firepower.

They immediately organized people to come here. After all, Roman Bank is a well-known big bank in Tuao, and their underground vault is very important, so the police responded very quickly.

Now I suddenly saw a car rushing out, of course I had to stop it and ask what was going on.

How could Su Shaoze stop the car, he stepped on the accelerator pedal to the bottom, and the two sides came towards each other, but they just passed by in an instant.

“No, there must be something wrong with that car. For the three cars behind, turn around and chase after me!” The commander on the car reacted and immediately ordered half of the manpower to turn around and chase.

And he will take the remaining half of the people to the bank to see what’s going on.

The three police cars slammed on the brakes on the road. When they turned the steering wheel, they turned around in one drift, stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and chased after them frantically.

But with such a delay of ten seconds, Su Shaoze had already driven the car for more than 300 meters, and they could only follow their buttocks to eat ashes.

“It’s over, it’s over, it’s over~”

In the center of downtown Kaiberra, sirens were blaring, and three police cars were chasing a car in a frantic gallop.

And they have already notified others and mobilized more police forces to pursue them.

This suspicious vehicle must be stopped.


Several shots fired one after another, and several bullets landed on Su Shao’s army.

Pistol bullets are almost like scratching an itch.

Do you have the same virtue as the police on Hong Kong Island, wanting to catch gangsters with a broken pistol? Don’t you need to learn from the old beauty?”

“Brother Ze will teach you a lesson today!”

The Turkish and Australian police are obviously not prepared enough. Their weapons and equipment are okay to deal with some petty thieves, but they are not enough to deal with Su Shaoze!

At this moment, Su Shaoze was driving with one hand, galloping crazily, and took out a submachine gun in the other hand.

“Da da da da~”

The windshield of the police car in the front was blown dry on the spot, and the entire windshield became white because of the shattering, completely obscuring the view.

The driver turned the steering wheel subconsciously, and the car rushed out towards the nearby store. Before rushing out, Su Shaoze saw a blood splash in the car, and a large area was red on the windshield.

In just a short moment, the second car obviously didn’t react. The driver hurriedly braked, but due to the speed of the car, it rolled over.

Fortunately, the car was fine, and the people in the car were not shot, they were just dizzy from being hit by the sudden brake, even so, they didn’t dare to pass.

How to chase, the fucking gangsters use submachine guns!


Su Shaoze laughed, the police force in Tuao is not good enough!

But the matter obviously won’t end like this, after all, this is the capital of Tuao, and there are many police officers. 0

Just after passing an intersection [Su Shaolong saw another policeman appearing in front of him.

“Da da da~”

Without further ado, Su Shaoze fired again, and the police car hit the police car with a clattering sound, and several policemen were shot.

But Su Shaoze slammed the accelerator to the end, and slammed straight into the temporary roadblock set up by the police, scaring the policemen with guns to rush towards both sides.

There was only a sound of “boom”, that kind of temporary iron fence barricade was useless, it simply flew away as soon as it hit, spinning and crashing into the police cars on both sides.

“Headquarters, headquarters, the culprit drove a white Cadillac with the license plate number ***** towards Preston Park, intercept, intercept!”

A policeman stood up in embarrassment, straightened his police cap, spat heavily, picked up the walkie-talkie and started yelling.

At this moment, all the policemen in Kaibera took action, chasing and intercepting this white Cadillac.

Even the helicopters are dispatched!

After all, it is a country with strong strength, and it is the capital of others. The speed of response and the strength mobilized by the police are really good.

There was a buzzing sound in the sky, Su Shaoze looked out of the car window, and saw that the 23,000 Australian police helicopters were already roaring and chasing this side.

Although this helicopter is not as good as the Mi-8 gunship that Su Shaoze bought from Lao Maozi, it has no heavy machine guns, and only two policemen sit on both sides, holding guns and shooting at Su Shaoze’s vehicle.

But even so, it has already posed a serious threat to Su Shaoze’s safety. Not to mention whether they can hit them, even flying overhead is disgusting.

How did Su Shaoze escape?

“Made, I’m going to try the feeling of masturbation today!”

Su Shaoze cursed angrily, slammed on the brakes, opened the car door, walked down, and a big guy was pulled out from among the people who couldn’t help it.

Individual howitzers!

It directly resisted on the shoulder, and the muzzle was aimed at the helicopter!


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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