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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 22 Return To The Mainland And Gather The Brothers【Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

After lunch, Su Shaoze took Ye Yingwen to the shopping street and started the street sweeping mode.

Famous brand clothes, handbags, jewelry, as long as they are suitable for Ye Yingwen, Su Shaoze bought them.

He was incapable before, but now that he has money, Su Shaoze naturally can’t treat his woman badly.

During the period, he also received a lot of small notes, all of which were shopping guides of the store.

After all, there are very few men like Su Shaoze who are young, handsome and rich, and who are willing to spend money on their girlfriends.

If given the chance, they definitely wouldn’t mind snatching Su Shaoze over.

What’s more, it’s okay to have a spring breeze overnight. Seeing Su Shaoze’s magnificent appearance, he will definitely not treat them badly.

But in the end, Su Shaoze threw those little notes into the trash can in front of Ye Yingwen. As for whether there were one or two left, Ye Yingwen didn’t know.

“Aze, where did you get so much money?”

Looking at the clothes bags piled up in the back seat, Ye Yingwen’s pretty face was dull, and her eyes were full of shock.

She could never have imagined that Su Shaoze, who was working in a restaurant a month ago, is now throwing thousands of dollars at himself.

There are tens of thousands of dollars spent in one afternoon!

Apart from the sweetness in her heart, Ye Yingwen was also a little uneasy.

Although she already knew that Su Shaoze had joined the club, she shouldn’t have so much money!

“Don’t worry, I helped the club to do a big business a few days ago. These are all dividends, and there will be more in the future!”

“In the future, you can buy whatever you want, don’t worry about money!”

Su Shaoze drove with one hand, and said while holding her hand with the other.

Naturally, he would not tell Ye Yingwen the truth. Although the club is also a sidewalk, after all, it has integrated into the society and become a part of Hong Kong Island.

In the eyes of Hong Kong Islanders, it is not too difficult to accept making money from clubs, not to mention that Ye Yingwen has relatives who are members of clubs, so she just worried.

“Then you have to be careful! If something happens, don’t rush to the front. If you meet the police, don’t resist. Even if you go to jail, I will find a way to save you!”

In Ye Yingwen’s view, making money is the best thing, but she is more worried about Su Shaoze’s safety.

It is not troublesome to fall into the hands of the police. She is a lawyer, and she is good at turning black and white. As long as there is no solid evidence, she has a chance to fish people out.

But the fight between clubs is the most likely to hurt people’s lives! In that case, she can only worry in vain.

“Don’t worry, I won’t be so stupid, nothing will happen!”

“And from what you said, it seems like I’m going to die!” Su Shaoze said jokingly.

“I don’t care about you!” Ye Yingwen said with a wink.

“I’m going back to the north in two days, it may take half a month.”

“You put away the 20,000 yuan, go to school, don’t go to part-time jobs anymore, buy whatever you want, don’t treat yourself badly, we will not be short of money in the future!” Su Shaoze said!

Ye Yingwen didn’t refuse the money given by her beloved man. After stuffing it into her bag, she pouted and said, “Does this count as being taken care of by your boss Su?”

“Besides, in the store just now, many girls left notes asking for care!”

Although it was a joke, she must be jealous seeing her like this!

At this time, Su Shaoze knew that he had to express his firm position.

“What are you thinking? You are my girlfriend! It’s only natural for me to raise you!”

“And how can those vulgar fans compare to you? I threw those notes into the trash can in front of you!”

“In my heart, you are the most beautiful!” Su Shaoze said righteously.

Sure enough, women like to hear such words!

The corners of Ye Yingwen’s mouth slightly curled up, expressing her joyful mood, and she hummed softly, “You’ve passed the test!”

As he spoke, he took his little finger and ticked Su Shaoze’s palm as a reward.

How could Su Shaoze stand such a test?

The palm of his hand gradually became dishonest, and as he walked slowly on the long legs, Ye Yingwen looked at her beautifully and let him do what she wanted.

That night, the two went to the hotel to spend the night!

The next day, when Ye Yingwen returned to the dormitory with the big bags of expensive clothes, her two roommates were shocked.

“Yingwen, did your boyfriend buy this for you?”

The two gold diggers stared straight at the clothes, their faces full of envy, so many things probably cost tens of thousands!

Did you really miss it?

Ye Yingwen’s boyfriend is rich, and he is so handsome!

The two women felt sore and began to get jealous!

In the next two days, Su Shaoze prepared a large amount of food and water, as well as emergency medicines and many other survival materials in the wild, and put them all into the space warehouse.

This time he is going to South Vietnam to search for arms. The terrain there is complex, full of mountains and dense forests. Su Shaoze must make adequate preparations for survival in the wild.

After arranging the affairs of the club, before leaving, I went to see Zhou Huimin’s grandfather and grandson.

I left them 10,000 Hong Kong dollars, and found someone to change A Min to a better school.

In the past, because of her poor family background and her good looks, Amin would inevitably be excluded and bullied.

So Su Shaoze asked Dazuiyao to take a dozen of his younger brothers to the new school to check his presence, find out the school bully and the punks around him, and fix them up.

Warn them, if anyone dares to bully A Min, Brother Ze will break his leg.

A boy of fifteen or sixteen years old, at the time of passion, always has an inexplicable sense of admiration for the boss of the club.

Especially after hearing about Su Shaoze’s ‘record’, everyone nodded crazily, wishing to join Su Shaoze’s sect immediately, and follow Brother Ze to fight everywhere.

And Su Shaoze didn’t expect that Amin became the sister-in-law of these people in school.

At night, in Butterfly Bay, a fishing boat gradually stops on the shore, which can only accommodate a dozen people.

The three of Su Shaoze stepped up, and soon the fishing boat sailed away from the coast.

Sitting on the swaying boat, Su Shaoze’s eyes were fixed on Butterfly Bay in the darkness, which was a very desolate village.

Although it is very large, it has a small population. It is relatively poor on Hong Kong Island. There is only one ferry for some smuggling business.

But according to some vague memories, Su Shaoze knew that just a year later, the Hong Kong Island authorities decided to build a large port in Butterfly Bay, enough for ocean-going ships to sail.

At that time, Butterfly Bay will become extremely prosperous and prosperous.

It’s a huge piece of cake, enough to fill anyone up.

Su Shaoze looked thoughtfully, since he has the prophetic advantage, he should carve up a large piece of this cake as much as possible.

It is certain to include Butterfly Bay into his sphere of influence, but Su Shaoze has already begun to be dissatisfied with the expansion of the society’s influence.

He is going to expand his business territory, land, buildings, ships and freight are all his expansion goals.

There is still one year to go, before that, all Su Shaoze has to do is make money!


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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