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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 234 Buying The Bottom, Laying Out The Mobile Era [Seeking Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

What is the attitude of the police on Hong Kong Island when the clubs on Hong Kong Island go to make movies?


Very supportive!

Although the entry of associations will bring a lot of money to the entire film industry, it will also bring unprecedented chaos.

But for the overall environment of Hong Kong Island, it is still very beneficial!

At least it’s the right way!

serious business!

If they don’t make movies, why should they continue to sell white fans? Open casinos? Lend usury, robbery and extortion?

We can’t let them continue to go astray, ~bringing chaos to society!

Filmmaking is a new way out for the society!

It doesn’t matter if it’s a three-episode movie or a villain movie, as long as it doesn’t go too far, the police don’t care.

Just like at this moment, Cheng Long was forced to have no way out!

“Hmph~ no schedule?”

Facing Cheng Long’s obvious refusal, Huang Guangqiang sneered: “Since I want to invite you to make a movie, how could I not be prepared?”

“I’ve inquired about it a long time ago. This movie of Golden Harvest is about to end, and I will prepare a new movie for you after it’s released.”

“Holding back, do you look down on me as a dick?”

Hearing Huang Guangqiang’s stern voice, Cheng Long was taken aback, and hurriedly said: “No, no, I really don’t have time~”

“I’m already preparing for my next movie!”

“Then push it back~” Huang Guangqiang said domineeringly, directly interrupting Cheng Long’s excuse.

“My movie won’t take you long, it can be finished in a month, and as long as you shoot it with your heart and make it well, we brothers will definitely benefit from you.”

“I heard that old Jiahe Zhou Wenhuai paid you 500,000 yuan?”

“Too stingy!”

“If you do it well for me, and the box office is really good, I’ll give you a million dollars!”

A million paychecks?

Hearing this, Cheng Long was stunned, and his heart began to beat!

If there is a million, it is not impossible to consider it!

Now Golden Harvest is paying him 500,000, which is a bit low to be honest.

But after all, Golden Harvest made him popular, and Boss Zhou treated him well, and the second boss, He Guanchang, almost treated him like a godson.

Therefore, Cheng Long has never been embarrassed to raise his salary.

This villa and this sports car were saved from several movies he made.

“Boss Huang really paid me a million dollars?” Cheng Long asked worriedly, his heart moved.

And Huang Guangqiang laughed loudly: “Don’t worry, you are Cheng Long! In my eyes, you are definitely worth a million!”

Huang Guangqiang was very generous.

Among the current Hong Kong male stars, although Qiu Guan, Si Ge, Di Long and others are still top male stars, they are already middle-aged after all.

Among the young actors, the three are the most famous!

Wu Mengda, Zhou Runfa, Cheng Long!

These three people have become the Big Three among the new generation of male movie stars in Hong Kong Island!

No matter in terms of popularity, strength or resources, almost none want to surpass the three of them.

So listening to Huang Guangqiang’s bole-like attitude and the temptation brought by one million Hong Kong dollars, Cheng Long nodded directly: “Okay, I agree!”

Make more money, take advantage of the opportunity of lower land prices on Hong Kong Island, and buy more houses!

“Hahaha, this is it!”

“Ajie, give him a deposit of 100,000 yuan!”

Huang Guangqiang laughed and said, patted Cheng Long on the shoulder, and glanced into the sports car behind him.

“It’s beautiful, I won’t bother you tonight!”

Huang Guangqiang walked away, if it wasn’t for Cheng Long’s use value, if he needed to win over temporarily, he would really have taken a fancy to this girl.

But that’s okay!

There will be opportunities in the future, the entertainment industry really has a lot of beauties!

Watching Huang Guangqiang’s car leave, Cheng Long took a 100,000 deposit and heaved a sigh of relief.

“One million~”

Cheng Long murmured and laughed.

And since he debuted recently, he obviously hasn’t experienced the dangers of people’s hearts.

in the car!

“Boss, are you really going to pay this kid a million dollars?”

Huang Guangqiang was smoking a cigar, and the big gold chain shook.

“One million? Do you think I’m being taken advantage of?”

Huang Guangqiang sneered, and the younger brother immediately understood, “hehe laughed:

“Let me just say, we earned the money by selling white powder so hard, it can’t be cheap, kid!”

Huang Guangqiang nodded: “I still learned this trick from Jiang Tiansheng.”

“At that time, we will make an account of the one million film salary. As for Cheng Long, after the movie is finished, I will send him another one hundred thousand!”

That’s 800,000 clean!

The younger brothers raised their thumbs in admiration: “High, boss, this move is really too high.

It is very common in later generations to use actors’ remuneration to launder money.

The little fresh meats received sky-high salaries one by one, but each one was controlled by capital behind them.

But in this day and age, this kind of operation is still very novel.

Su Shaoze pioneered film money laundering!

The Hong Kong Island entertainment industry will be ruined by him!

Poor Cheng Long at this time doesn’t know that he won’t get the follow-up 800,000 yuan, and he is excitedly playing poker with the actress!

Similar to Cheng Long, there are many actors in Hong Kong Island!

Even actors from Su’s Films and Asia Television were involved. After all, Hong Kong Island’s film and television market was so big before.

Well-known actors are almost all concentrated in several companies.

But Su Shaoze didn’t pay too much attention to this situation, after all, his net worth is billions, and Galaxy Group is in charge of many industrial companies.

It is no longer a small group with only a few film and television companies.

“Now is the time when Hong Kong Island’s economy is at its lowest point. Try to buy some high-quality assets as much as possible, focusing on the land on the island and Kowloon.

Su Shaoze was sitting on a swivel chair with his body fully lying on the back, holding the phone in one hand, while the other hand was even more busy.

The little secretary of the girl with glasses has now become Su Shaoze’s personal assistant, wearing a short skirt business attire, high-heeled black silk, standing with his back to Su Shaoze, helping him clean up the table.

And it is obvious that the body is trembling from time to time.

And Su Shaoze didn’t seem to notice it at all, holding the phone in one hand and saying: “The phone company must be fully acquired, and then forced to delist!”

This is the only telephone company on Hong Kong Island, and it is related to the industrial layout of the future mobile network era. Whoever controls the telephone company can become the rule maker.

This is much more useful than opening several Internet companies and developing several social software.

As for this piece of cake, Su Shaoze doesn’t want to share it with others.

Anyway, the telephone company’s assets are not high now, and it can be won with little money.

After Su Shaoze arranged the matters on the phone, the little secretary finally trembled and sat limply on the ground.

“Boss, the table has been cleared~”

After the resentful voice finished speaking, he ran out directly, as if there was some terrifying monster behind him.

And Su Shaoze took out a tissue and wiped his hands, shook his head and smiled, after following him for so long, he still has this temperament.

“However, the king’s almost

Su Shaoze murmured three!.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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