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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 236: The Film Industry Is Full Of Smog [Seeking Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

The meeting room on the top floor of Su Films is nearly two thousand square feet, and there is a long oval table in the middle.

Su Shaoze sat in the first place in a casual suit, and the little secretary who had just been admitted into the room by him sat in a separate seat behind her.

Wearing business attire, high-heeled shoes, black silk stockings wrapped slender legs, legs close together, looking at the man in front of him from time to time.

A burst of resentment or infatuation!

This man is sometimes very domineering, and he often likes to bully himself and see himself embarrassed. From the beginning, he was a big devil in Lin Mengmeng’s eyes.

But slowly, Lin Mengmeng discovered that this man was still so bad.

But it is bad so charming!

Sometimes he is so gentle to himself, so handsome, and so rich, and the smirk on his face is so heart-warming.

Slowly, Lin Mengmeng fell!

Thinking of her own madness these days, Lin Mengmeng’s cheeks became hot, her body felt numb for a while, and Su Shaoze’s figure was all in her head.

In other words, this is PUA!

“It would be great if I wasn’t so fickle~” Lin Mengmeng said secretly.

After following Su Shaoze for so long, Mengmeng Lin is very aware of Su Shaoze’s virtues.

I have no resistance to beauties at all, and I never say ‘no’ to beauties who come to my door!

At this time, Su Shaoze didn’t know what was going on in the head of the little secretary he had raised for so long.

Instead, they focused on listening to reports from Huang Xizhao and Shi Nansheng.

Today’s Su Shaoze’s status is different, and coming to Su’s film industry also feels a bit motivating.

Not only did a bodyguard team of 20 people follow, but the top executives of the Galaxy Group, Su Media Group, and Su Films almost all followed behind.

It feels like the leaders of the later generations of the Celestial Dynasty are patrolling the place.

But in the meeting room, Su Shaoze dismissed most of the people and told them to go back to work, Huang Xizhao and Shi Nansheng could just stay with him.

“Chairman, so far, our Su Film Industry has released six films this year, with a total box office of 87 million.

“Xinyicheng Company released four films, with a total box office of 54 million.”

“Panshi Films released…”

After Shi Nansheng reported the basic situation, he sat down with a hesitant look on his face.

Seeing this, Su Shaoze said: “What’s the matter? If you have something to say, just say it!”

Shi Nansheng has been with Su Shaoze for a long time. When Su Shaoze was established four years ago, she was the general manager.

It’s just that as Su Shaoze’s status rises, his own majesty becomes stronger, and Shi Nansheng can feel the pressure more in front of Su Shaoze.

“Chairman, something troublesome happened just now, it’s about Andy Lau!”

Andy Lau?

Su Shaoze naturally remembers him!

At the beginning, he came from a wireless training class, and just after the interview, he met Su Shaoze on the stairs, and was directly appointed as the leading actor in the movie Black Gold.

After Black Gold was released, although the box office was not as good as that of Terminator, it still achieved a good box office because of the hot and fierce gun battles and exciting plots.

It’s just that like Zhou Runfa’s role as the Terminator, Andy Lau, the male protagonist, was completely suppressed by the villain.

Zhou Runfa was able to get back to the stage by relying on the movie “Shanghai Bund”, which was empty for everyone, and the movie “Across the World”, but Andy Lau was not so lucky.

Now when the audience sees him, they just feel that his face is familiar.

This handsome lad is an actor!

“What happened to him?” Su Shaoze asked.

I was curious in my heart, what trouble did Andy Lau have, did he want to change jobs?

This kid doesn’t look like the kind of restless master!

Besides, Su Films is already the best film company on Hong Kong Island, where can they go if they want to change jobs?

But obviously, Su Shaoze was wrong.” Shinan Niu shook his head and said: “Yesterday he was beaten. “


Su Shaoze was even more surprised, did Andy Lau fight?

Shi Nansheng quickly explained the reason.

“Some time ago, the company didn’t arrange a role for him, so he took a job privately outside.”

“The other party said that they would pay 500,000 yuan for the film, and give 50,000 yuan as a deposit first, and the rest will be given to Andy Lau after the filming is finished.”

“But I didn’t expect…”

Su Shaoze said: “I didn’t expect that after the movie was finished, the other party would not admit it!”

Shi Nansheng nodded: “Liu Dehua only got a deposit of 50,000 yuan, when he went to ask for the rest of the money, the other party refused to give it and even slapped him.

“At the beginning Andy Lau didn’t dare to say anything. After all, this was his private job. He didn’t have the face to tell the company. It was his good friend Huang Rihua who was so angry that he came over and told me.”

After listening, nod less.

Very common routine, even after twenty years, this kind of thing is not uncommon in the Mainland!

Not only migrant workers were cheated, but many actors also had to pay the final payment.

It is agreed that the first-class cabin of the plane will be sent back to you, and after the filming, take a hard seat ticket on the train, and get out!

I can’t get the final payment for private work, I only blame Andy Lau’s eyes are not bright, bad luck, unlucky himself, Su Shaoze is not angry.

But this guy was slapped, and Shaoze was upset.

Anyway, this is also an actor of my own company!

“Who is the other party?” Su Shaoze asked quietly.

If he dares to be so tyrannical and refuses to give money, he is not afraid that Andy Lau will sue them with the contract, the other party must have some strength.

“It’s a film company called Hexing, with a community background!” Shi Nansheng said: “In fact, such things are not rare.”

“Over the past year or so, there have been a lot of film companies on Hong Kong Island. The Secretary for Home Affairs has registered nearly 200. 190 Hong Kong Island is only a little big, but there are already 200 film companies. This shows that At that time, the movie market was booming.

“And most of these companies have community backgrounds. There are more than a dozen of them, and they dare to make movies with just one camera.”

“Totally disregarding the quality of the movies, our theaters don’t show their movies, so they play them in video halls on the street, or sell CDs directly.”

“As for the actors, we can either use newcomers directly, or just like Andy Lau, trick some celebrities into starring roles.”

“Actually, Andy Lau is not the worst, Cheng Long is the worst.”

“He made a movie for a film company called American Star, and the other party promised one million yuan, but he only took one hundred thousand yuan, and the rest of the money was gone.”

“Cheng Long was so angry that he took a group of seniors to ask for debts, but he didn’t want the people from Meixing to directly pull out their guns, hold Cheng Long’s head with a gun, beat them up, and now he is still lying in the hospital!

Zhou Wenhuai and He Guanchang are not very popular, but there is no good way.

If they called the police, the police only caught two punks with top bags, but this kind of thing would be locked up for a few days at most.

After it is released, it will continue to trouble you.

Shi Nansheng slowly talked about the recent chaos in the Hong Kong film industry.

Su Shaoze found that the current film industry is a bit of a mess!.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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