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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 24 Shock! Mi Ammunition! [Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

At the beginning, in Su Shaoze’s class, there were eleven people with him, but two people died in the battle.

So in the next few days, Su Shaoze went to see the families of the two deceased comrades-in-arms, and left them a sum of money before leaving.

Although they can no longer follow Su Shaoze, Su Shaoze must take care of their family as much as possible.


Su Shaoze got off the coach and immediately saw Huo Ting’an and Hou Weidong not far away, as well as Li Zhendong and Lao Pao who had arrived in Guangzhou ahead of schedule.

There are four other people beside them, all comrades-in-arms who used to be in their same class.

“Squad leader!”

“Squad leader!”

All the people gathered together seemed to be in high spirits.

“Big Zhuang, Huazi, Tank, Big Dog, haha!”

Su Shaoze punched those four guys hard, and smiled happily.

These four were also former Su Shaoze’s subordinates, Miao Zhengzhuang, Zhang Lihua, Sun Mingyong and Gou Wenjie.

Add Lao Pao, Hou Weidong, Li Zhendong, Huo Ting’an, and two comrades who died, and they are all in one group.

Da Zhuang, as his name suggests, is tall and strong, looks a little simple and honest, some people will be deceived by his appearance, but he is also a ruthless man.

How can you not be ruthless in the reconnaissance company?

For future generations, this is the special forces! Be proficient in everything!

And Zhang Lihua is very handsome. In Su Shaoze’s opinion, among his brothers, only his appearance can compare with his own, but he is still slightly worse than himself.

There is nothing to say about the tank and the big dog. The standard soldier looks like a short cut, with a straight waist and chest, and is very energetic.

These four people were found by Huo Ting’an and Hou Weidong respectively.

The moment they listened to Huo Ting’an’s explanation of their intentions, they decided to continue working with Su Shaoze!

As former scouts, they have also experienced fierce battles. Like other comrades in arms, they are somewhat traumatized in their hearts.

Leaving the army suddenly felt very uncomfortable and out of tune with the people around.

Now I have the opportunity to continue working with my former brothers, and I can also go to that prosperous place on Hong Kong Island to make a lot of money.

Of course the four of them would!

Seeing so many young men gathered together, the surrounding passengers waited and watched, but after realizing that they were a group of soldiers, everyone smiled knowingly.

Not long after the Vietnam War, the folk atmosphere is still very strong. Everyone welcomes these soldiers, knowing that they have shed blood for the motherland, and some people even salute Su Shaoze and them!

In the evening, everyone drank and chatted together, each talking about his own situation, talking about what happened in the army back then, and remembering the few comrades who died.

Sometimes crying bitterly, sometimes laughing.

The next night, Su Shaoze arranged for them to take a stowaway boat to Hong Kong Island, while he stayed behind.

He traveled west by car, went to Guangxi Province, and then entered South Vietnam. He was going to find the batch of munitions.

It’s not that he doesn’t trust these brothers!

Although it was safer with the help of these brothers, he couldn’t explain how he transported the arms away.

Watching a lot of ammunition disappear out of thin air, how should he tell these brothers?

The space warehouse is his biggest secret.

Besides, after strengthening his body, Su Shaoze believes that he has enough ability to deal with the dangers of the South Vietnamese jungle.

South Vietnam, Tien Giang Province!

Between the high mountains and dense forests, a man wearing South Vietnamese national costumes was walking, observing the surrounding environment with a very vigilant look.

Not long after the Vietnam War ended, the defeated South Vietnamese had strong resistance to the Chinese. Su Shaoze could only pretend to be a South Vietnamese, and he could speak a few words of South Vietnamese.

But this is not very safe, he was found to be Chinese twice.

He had no choice but to kill and silence.

Relying on the food and water stored in the space warehouse, he walked day and night, and went to rest in the warehouse when he was tired. It took him three days to reach Qianjiang Province.

After another two days of searching in the surrounding mountains and dense forests, he finally found the hidden cave.

The surroundings are not the same as the photos I saw on the Internet in later generations, but the terrain is similar, and Su Shaoze is sure that this is here.

Removed the cover, turned on the flashlight and walked in.

After dozens of meters passed, what appeared before his eyes was a shocking scene.

The entire cave was filled with army green wooden boxes, stacked high and extending into the depths.

Su Shaoze’s breathing became heavy for a moment, and he knew that this was the ammunition he wanted.

I can’t wait to open a box, and there are five assault rifles neatly placed inside!

The whole body is pitch black, and each one is painted with gun oil, all of which are new and unused!


Su Shaoze picked up one, opened the safety, loaded it, and pulled the trigger. The thimble hit the gun wall and made a crisp sound.

perfectly worked!

“M16 assault rifle!”

Su Shaoze said excitedly.

The M16 assault rifle is an individual combat weapon that the Mi Army began to equip after World War II.

Nicknamed Black Widow, powerful.

The overall length is close to one meter, the weight is 3.5 kilograms, the effective range reaches 600 meters, and it can fire 30 bullets at a time.

It is a big killer on the battlefield. Although he has never fought against Black Widow himself, Su Shaoze is still very clear about its prestige.

Put down the M16, then walked to the middle position and opened a box again, and what appeared made his eyes shine again!

It turned out to be an MP5 submachine gun!

The length is 70 cm, and the rate of fire is 800 rounds per minute!

Suitable for short-distance urban combat with complex terrain, it has almost become the standard equipment for police and gangs in western countries.

In street fighting, submachine guns fired and strafed, simply invincible!

After opening several boxes one after another, Su Shaoze felt a little numb.

Mi Jun is really a big dog, he is so rich, and his individual equipment is really enviable.

The equipment in this cave is not only assault rifles and submachine guns, but also a large number of pistols, shotguns, grenades, and ammunition.

There are even individual howitzers, which are better than RPGs.

RPG is the rocket launcher carried on the shoulder to hit the helicopter in the film and television drama.

The M79 howitzer of the Mi Army has a caliber of 40 mm and an effective range of 400 meters. It adopts a single-shot loading and launching mode.

It can launch high-explosive bombs, smoke bombs, armor-piercing bombs, incendiary bombs, illumination bombs and other types of bombs.

In the Mi Army, each squad is equipped with a grenade gunner!

So there are a total of forty howitzers here!


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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