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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 254: Howitzer, Covered Firepower【Please Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

Su Shaoze took Lin Qingxia out of her apartment and found the nearest villa to live in.

There are more than 20 villas like this in Su Shaoze, which are vacant all year round, but cleaning companies often go to clean them, so the inside is also very clean.

Lin Qingxia fell in love with this simple two-story villa immediately.

“Okay, Miss Lin, it’s getting late, so many things happened today, I must be tired, you should go to bed early!” Su Shaoze said softly.

“Ah? Okay~ Thank you, Mr. Su!”

Lin Qingxia suddenly came to her senses and breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now she thought that Su Shaoze was going to stay, and she was thinking about what reason to refuse.

Now that Su Shaoze has arranged everything for herself, she offers to leave, which avoids a lot of embarrassment and makes Lin Qingxia feel good about him. “Zero Two Three” compared with Su Shaoze, who is a gentleman, that bastard Qin Xianglin is simply a scum, I am really blind, it took me so long to see the true face of that person

“Miss Lin, the bath water has been put away for you, you can go wash up.” After Su Shaoze left, the nanny came over and said.

“Oh, yes, thank you.”

Lin Qingxia is still a little uncomfortable with this kind of life, but she also feels good in her heart.

Apart from myself, there are two nannies who cook and clean in the villa.

Does this count as being taken care of by Su Shaoze?

Thinking of this, Lin Qingxia was suddenly taken aback, her face turned red.

“Bah, what are you thinking, I’m just staying here with Mr. Su for a few days, and when I find a house, I will naturally move out.

She kept making excuses for herself, anyway, she would never admit that she had a relationship with Su Shaoze.

If Su Shaoze is really going to chase her, it’s not like she can’t agree.

But if it is a purely monetary interest relationship, this is something she cannot tolerate.

After all, Lin Qingxia and Guan Zhilin are not the same kind of people at all.

On the way back, Li Zhendong asked Su Shaoze what to do with Qin Xianglin.

Just now this guy was beaten up by the bodyguards, it was very miserable.

If Su Shaoze’s previous behavior was followed, he would be reclamation directly.

But after all, the status and status are different now, you can’t do things just according to your own preferences, you have to consider all the consequences clearly.

Killing is very simple, but there is no need to kill, but restraint.

“Let him stay in prison for a while.” Su Shaolong said.

“Understood~” Li Zhendong nodded with a smile.

This matter is very simple for him, even Su Shaoze doesn’t care how Li Zhendong operates.

During this time, for Su Shaoze, the most important thing was the matter of the puma.

“Notify everyone to get ready and start action next Monday.”

In South America, on the edge of the virgin jungle in Malawi, there is a small town that looks like a military restricted zone, with barbed wire, elevated gun towers, and thick walls. Pumas have completely built this place into a military fortress.

And this kind of situation is also very common in South America where warlords are fighting.

At that time, in the Puma headquarters, in a three-thick building, a huge table was placed in the middle.

The room is filled with various communication equipment, maps, information files and so on.

Almost all of the core members of the Cougars stand around the table.

All eyes were on Wilhelm, who was at the front, and he roared angrily.


The table was slapped loudly, and Wilhelm’s face was grim.

“Tony team is also missing!”

For some time now, bad luck seems to have been hanging over the puma’s head.

First, the British Island branch was completely wiped out, then the Puma stronghold in Africa was wiped out, and now another team that was performing a mission lost contact.

There has been no news for three days, something must have happened.

Because after the fall of the British Island branch, Puma stipulated that the members outside should contact once a day.

“It must have been done by a lone wolf!” said one.

Lone Wolf Shield Security Company!

If it is said that half a year ago, Lone Wolf Security was still unknown in the world, then now, mainly mercenaries, few people do not know the name of Lone Wolf.

Especially for cougars, this has become their nightmare.

Puma has been established for four or five years, but the losses over the years are far less than the losses in the past six months. 0

Just because of their deadly enemy, the Lone Wolf mercenary.

If I had known that the lone wolf mercenaries were so powerful and difficult to deal with, they cougars shouldn’t have provoked them.

This is the voice of many people, but it is useless to say anything now.

Cougars and lone wolves have almost become a dead end situation.

If they want to go out by themselves one day without falling into the trap of the lone wolf and being robbed to death, then they must do their best to get rid of the lone wolf mercenaries now.

“The Lone Wolf mercenary headquarters should be on an island in Malaysia, with a lot of heavy firepower, even helicopters and warships, all bought by Su Lian’s army.

According to the person in charge of intelligence, only Wilhelm was greeted with anger: “Damn polar bears, they all deserve to go to hell.”

In the room, a strong man of Slavic descent snorted, panting heavily, his face darkened.

And when the Cougar executives were researching how to deal with the lone wolf, they didn’t realize at all that fifty elite lone wolf commandos had infiltrated a distance of a thousand meters from the Cougar headquarters.

They were all wearing green camouflage, with thick ink on their faces, lying motionless on the ground, blending in with the surrounding environment.

“Turn on the general signal shielding system.” Su Shaoze began to order with the walkie-talkie in hand.

“Old Pao, 0.0, you are in charge of attacking from the east, first unplug their watch towers and heavy machine gun positions, monkey, you are in charge of the west.”

“Huazi, you are in charge of the sniping, unplug any of their firepower points.”

“Everyone, don’t leave alive, shoot to kill.”

“Start to move, the first wave of howitzers cover.”

After a series of orders, Su Shaoze’s office began to take out the individual howitzers that had been prepared a long time ago, two for each group, ten for each.

After the warheads are loaded, the targets are all placed in the barracks of the camp. The first wave of strikes must kill the enemy to the maximum extent.


Ten grenades pierced the air and shot towards the target with piercing screams.

“Boom” “Boom” “Boom” “Boom”.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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