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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 258 Do You Dare To Touch My Woman, Su Shaoze? I Don't Know How To Live Or Die [Ask For

In less than an hour of fighting, nearly two hundred mercenaries of the puma were all wiped out.

Even those white-skinned ghosts who were injured and fell to the ground, or surrendered with a white flag, did not survive the fate of being chug in the end.

Here is the cruelest virgin forest, there is no Geneva Convention, there are only beasts in the dark, bloody fights.

Death is the fate that these people have been doomed for a long time.

However, the demise of the cougar did not cause any waves to the whole world, and even the vast majority of people did not know what a cougar was.

But for the entire underground dark world, the destruction of the cougar set off a huge wave.

At the same time, the name of the lone wolf mercenary quickly spread throughout the dark places of the world.

On the plane back to Hong Kong Island, Su Shaoze came out of the toilet and experienced the feeling of rapid progress again.

Not long after, a tall and attractive stewardess in a professional short skirt and high heels came out, but the black silk on her legs had disappeared.

“Boss, it’s like this every time, don’t you feel tired?”

After Su Shaoze sat down, the old Pao next to him complained.

Su Shaoze brought them all down. In the beginning, it was just that Su Shaoze liked to hook up with the stewardess on the plane.

But gradually, Zhang Lihua, Li Zhendong and others also learned badly.

But these two guys are not as strong as Su Shaoze, and they came out early.

As for the ridicule of the brothers, Su Shaoze didn’t care at all, patted Lao Pao on the shoulder and said: “Life is short, enjoy yourself while you can.”

“This kind of happiness, you old gun will not be able to experience it in the future.” Su Shaoguai said with a regretful expression on his face.

Old Pao curled his lips and ignored him.

Not long ago, I just experienced a tragic battle. Several team members died in battle, and the rest of the team members were also powerlessly exhausted.

What is the best medicine to heal their wounds?


So, a few days ago, they all went on vacation on the beach in South America, and they indulged one by one.

No shortage of money!

Only Lao Pao was alone and unmoved.

It’s not that he can’t do it, but that he doesn’t want to feel sorry for his wife.

That’s right, Lao Pao is married!

It is often said that the three major joys of a man are promotion, wealth, and death of his wife.

Huo Ting’an and Hou Weidong, the first group of brothers who followed Su Shaoze in Hong Kong Island, are now billionaires.

With a lot of money in his hand, there is no shortage of women at all. While he is young, he doesn’t want to be bound by marriage.

But Lao Pao is different, because he was injured before, he suffered countless indifference and discrimination, so his heart is very sensitive.

Until a woman barged in.

That is a very ordinary woman, neither has a beautiful appearance, nor a beautiful figure, this is an ordinary country girl.

But she is hardworking and capable, and takes care of Lao Pao very thoughtfully. After Lao Pao’s parents were brought to Hong Kong Island, they also recognized this girl very much.

So, they got married!

Then Lao Pao became a good man at home!

Becoming an outlier among their playboy brothers, compared to him, Su Shaoze feels like a proper scumbag.

The plane was about to land on Hong Kong Island in half an hour, so Su Ze picked up a newspaper and glanced at it.

But he was instantly attracted by the title of the entertainment section above, and his face froze.

The title reads, “A talented man matches a beautiful woman, Zhou Huimin’s love affair is suspected to be exposed!”

Is Zhou Huimin in love?

What kind of operation is this!

Su Shaoze frowned immediately, and continued to look down.

Just read the article: “Hong Kong island talent Ni Zhen and the young girl Zhou Huimin’s love affair was exposed. They recently collaborated in the filming of the blockbuster movie “Heaven and Earth Man” of Su’s Film Industry. It is suspected that because of the drama, the relationship quickly warmed up.”

“A few days ago, a reporter from this newspaper photographed the two whispering and interacting frequently in the crew.”

“Ni Zhen also accompanied Zhou Huimin out to buy a bag of fruit, and paid the bill on his own initiative, showing a positive attitude and gentlemanly demeanor.

“Yesterday, Ni Zhen held flowers in his hands, boldly confessed his love under the eyes of everyone…”

“Love is self-evident.”

Looking at the reports in the newspaper, Su Shaoze shook his head suddenly.

The whole article is full of words such as suspicion and speculation.

Even in the photos that were taken, the two of them were only sitting closer, which didn’t explain anything.

At most, it’s just that Ni Zhen wants to pursue Zhou Huimin.

This is normal, after all, Zhou Huimin is so beautiful, it is impossible for no one to like it.

0 looking for flowers……

But Su Shaoze still felt very upset, because Ni Zhen, a scumbag, was Zhou Huimin’s husband in his previous life.

The more Su Shaoze looked at him, the more unpleasant he became. Now, under the power of time inertia, Zhou Huimin met this guy again.

What’s more, Ni Zhen even boldly started the pursuit, which is simply provoking Su Shaoze’s rebellion.

very angry!

Ni Zhendou is one of Ni Kuang, one of the Gangzi, and Ni Zhen has perfectly inherited his talent and style.

Therefore, some newspapers of good deeds put the name of Hong Kong Island’s young talent on his head.

In addition, he has a good skin, is suave, and writes a good article, so Ni Zhen’s reputation is similar to that of some small stars.

Loved by women inside and outside the circle.

And Zhou Huimin made his debut because of a hurricane rescue, and later shot a series of hit films, all of which are the key projects of Su Film Industry.

After debuting for two years, there are many opportunities, and he has released records, hosted shows, filmed movies, and filmed TV series… It is really enviable to be so highly praised.

And because of her pure appearance and innocent temperament, she is deeply loved by men inside and outside the circle. However, she revealed that she has not talked about her boyfriend yet, and her relationship is still blank.

So this time the scandal with Ni Zhen seems to be to fill this gap.

And some journalists of good deeds are also willing to contribute to the flames, just to sell the area.

Ni Zhen is launching a vigorous pursuit of Zhou Huimin, unaware that he has already gotten into big trouble.

Su Shaoze was already very upset.

“Bastard, I don’t know what it means.” After reading it, Su Shaoze said coldly, throwing the newspaper back on the baffle.

The Huahua company in Nizhen is really easy to change, and its nature is hard to change!

He couldn’t walk when he saw a beautiful woman, especially when he couldn’t choose anyone, and he chose Zhou Huimin. Others relied on his father being Ni Kuang and had a strong relationship with Jin Yong and others, so they didn’t touch him because they gave his father face.

But it doesn’t mean that Su Shaoze puts Ni Kuang’s pervert in his eyes.

“You bastard, are you looking for death?! You dare to touch my Su Shaoze’s woman, do you want me to chop off your dog’s paw!!”

Damn, I really don’t know how to live or die!.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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