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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 263: The Days With Sinister Hearts Are Overwhelmed 【Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass!

Listening to Governor Youde’s words, everyone in the room had a serious expression.

The stock market crash didn’t come too suddenly, but not everyone was like Su Shaoze, who had made complete preparations in advance, prepared a large amount of funds in hand, and was ready to buy the bottom.

Easily won the Hong Kong Island Electric Lighting Company.

And everyone else has lost a lot, it seems that Li Chaoren has lost more than a billion. The stock prices of his subsidiaries including Cheung Kong, Hutchison Whampoa, and Jiahong International have plummeted by 20% to 30%.

What a shame.

In addition to Li Chaoren, HSBC Bank, Hutchison Matheson, Hong Kong Island Land Company, and the global shipping company of Ship King Bao also suffered a lot of losses.

A few billion more, and a billion less, the market value has all evaporated, which can be described as traumatic.

So everyone hopes that the economic crisis will end soon.

Chinese-funded enterprises want to develop and grow, but British-funded enterprises want to get out early.

With the end of Sino-British negotiations, the return of Hong Kong Island has become a foregone conclusion.

Although the North issued a statement that private property is sacred and inviolable, it will do its best to protect the property safety of the British and Chinese in Hong Kong.

We also welcome people from all walks of life on Hong Kong Island to invest in the Mainland.

But it still has a great impact on the society of Hong Kong Island. Even many Chinese are panicked, let alone the British.

Even if what the North said is true, their property and interests will not suffer any loss, but after all, Hong Kong Island will no longer belong to the Japanese Empire from now on.

The special powers of these people on Hong Kong Island will disappear.

In the normal competition with Chinese-funded enterprises, it no longer has so many advantages, so in order to prevent the assets in hand from continuing to shrink.

These British-funded enterprises need to sell their assets at a high price at the right time, and find a takeover to take over.

However, the economic crisis is endless, and the assets in their hands have depreciated severely.

If this continues, when will they be able to escape?

They don’t care whether people on Hong Kong Island are suffering or not. They only care that their money will not continue to evaporate in the economic crisis.

Therefore, the economic crisis must be stopped and Hong Kong Island’s economy must be restored.

This is also the common goal of Governor Youde and all British-funded enterprises.

“Everyone, the purpose of calling everyone here today is to hope that everyone can come together to save the market.” Hong Kong governor Youde said straight to the point.

“The stock market of Hong Kong Island is related to the economy of Hong Kong Island. If the stock market is weak, the economy will also be weak.”

“The rise and fall of Hong Kong Island is related to your vital interests. At this time of crisis, I hope that everyone will not shrink back, stand up bravely, and contribute to the rescue of the Hong Kong Island stock market.”

Everyone was not surprised when they heard him say that. Because before they came, they had already guessed that they were summoned to save the market, and when they arrived, they saw everyone present, and they became more confident in their guess.

It’s just that I guessed it, and I still have different views on bailing out the market.

You must know that the Hong Kong Island stock market is still bearish all the time, not to mention that they have no money in their hands, even if they have all the money thrown into the stock market.

In case the stockholders lack confidence in the market and sell like crazy, let alone the top 20 tycoons, even the top 100 tycoons in Hong Kong Island are summoned to save the market

Also useless.

Because once the stock market crash breaks out, billions of Hong Kong dollars will not work.

Therefore, after listening to the words of the Governor of Hong Kong, everyone did not express their position, and they all waited for others to stand up first.

After a moment of silence, the head of the Kadoorie family, a white-skinned old man, spoke.

“Hong Kong Governor Youde is right. Our Kadoorie family has lived on Hong Kong Island for a hundred years, and has already integrated with the rise and fall of Hong Kong Island.”

“In the face of this stock market crash, we really can’t just stand by and do our best to rescue the market!” Kadoorie said in a deep voice.

The Kadoorie family is quite special. They were the first group of wealthy people to come to Hong Kong Island. When they returned, they did not withdraw from Hong Kong Island like other British-funded enterprises, but continued to survive in a stable manner.

Even after 40 years, the Kadoorie family is still the top 20 families on Hong Kong Island.

“However, Hong Kong Governor Youde, we also have our own difficulties. You asked us to save the market, and I support it 100%.

“To be honest, the current liquidity of the four listed companies in the hands of our Kadoorie family is less than 500 million Hong Kong dollars. For this stock market crash, it is simply a drop in the bucket.

“Yes, I also support Governor Youde’s words, but our company’s liquidity is not much, only less than 300 million Hong Kong dollars.” Zheng Yuyin also said.

Don’t expect real estate companies to have much liquidity.

Afterwards, other wealthy people also complained one after another, saying that their liquidity was insufficient and they could not help much.

Although all of you here have billions of assets, assets are not equal to funds. Generally speaking, their liquidity is only a few hundred million Hong Kong dollars at most, and it is impossible to accumulate too much cash

Once you have money in your hands, you invest immediately, and the real estate company buys land and builds a house. Money makes money, money rolls into money, and it will never be deposited in the bank.

Originally, the economic crisis made them suffer from no cash flow, and the money was kept in the project and could not be transferred.

0 for flowers…

So asking them to pay for the bailout now is simply embarrassing them.

Although Su Shaoze still has a lot of money in his hand, it is the money he is going to continue buying bottoms [it is impossible to use it to help the Hong Kong government rescue the market.

The reputation belongs to the Hong Kong government, what good can Su Shaoze do?

The difference here is that what Su Shaoze buys are all selected high-quality assets, while the Hong Kong government’s rescue goal must be to give priority to those important companies that have suffered the worst decline.

What Su Shaoze got back was just a bunch of stocks that could appreciate in value, and it was difficult to hold these companies.

“Okay, everyone, I know you have difficulties, so I have found a way to help you.” Sir Wilson waved his hand and said: “I have discussed with Mr. Shen Congee, and his HSBC Bank will issue loans to you in two installments.” .”


“This loan does not require collateral. The first batch of loans is one billion Hong Kong dollars per person.”

“Ah, that’s all right.”

“This is great!”

“One billion for one person, 20 billion Hong Kong dollars for 20 people, it should be able to save the market.”

All the rich people had happy smiles on their faces when they heard this.

With this one billion Hong Kong dollars, they can take advantage of this stock market crash to make a fortune.

But Su Shaoze was shown off by the Governor’s operation.


What is HSBC?

This is one of the issuing banks of the Hong Kong dollar.

These 10 billion cash is by no means HSBC’s deposits, and they will not have so many reserves.

how did that come about

Definitely printing money!

And the 20 billion cash is only the first batch, and there will be a loan in the future.

We must know that before the economic crisis, the market value of HSBC failed to reach 10 billion.

The sudden appearance of 20 billion Hong Kong dollars in the stock market can indeed save the stock market.

But the consequences are also very serious.


Even if the economic crisis can pass safely, the price borne in it will be transferred to the people of Hong Kong Island.

The money in their hands will become even more worthless, and they have to work hard every month to repay the crazy rising mortgage.

Everyone will live as a house slave.

As for this situation, will the Hong Kong government and Japanese people care?

Certainly not!

Hong Kong Island will soon no longer belong to them. Does the Hong Kong government need to care about the pressure of life for Hong Kong Islanders in the future?

Make a fortune and get away!

Seriously, do it!.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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