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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 270: Ye Yingwen Is Pregnant【Please Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

The news about Ni Zhen spread among the rich second-generation circle on Hong Kong Island, and everyone seemed to be gloating. They were very happy to see Ni Zhen being unlucky.

And some entertainment tabloids also got wind of it and started reporting.

But there are no pictures and no evidence, people are at most just looking at it for fun, and they are still skeptical about the matter itself.

But I didn’t expect that just a few days later, West Weekly, a subsidiary of Su’s Media, was the first to come up with a real hammer to break the news.

In the photo, a young man was beaten into a pig’s head, but Ni Zhen’s appearance can still be seen.

Although the lower body was covered with a thin layer of mosaic, it was still possible to see what he was doing.

Western Weekly is one of the largest newspapers on Hong Kong Island, with a circulation of around 300,000 copies per issue, firmly ranking among the top three.

It is not as literary as Ming Pao, nor is it political as Hong Kong Island Daily. It is an entertainment newspaper through and through.

And because of its strong background and the support of Su’s Media and Yinhe Group, Western Weekly is not afraid of offending people at all.

It is always the first to report things that others dare not report.

Therefore, Western Weekly is also the most popular newspaper on Hong Kong Island. Let’s not talk about whether it is authoritative or not, at least the people of Hong Kong Island believe it completely.

Suddenly, the name Ni Town became popular in the streets and alleys of Hong Kong Island.


After getting the news, Ni Zhen in the hospital was so angry that he was about to faint, and Ni Kuang also scolded those gangsters.

And threatened to mobilize friends of the police to retaliate.

It took a long time for this incident to gradually dissipate the heat, but Ni Zhen, who was lying in the hospital, did not dissipate even half of the shadow in his heart, but became more and more frightened.

I have even been having nightmares for several nights in a row, dreaming of that man with tattoos all over his body, scars on his arms, and a hideous face, walking towards him with a knife…

Every time I wake up in a nightmare.

Now that I think about Ni Zhen, I am terrified. If that person shakes his hand, thinking of Ni Zhen will not dare to think about it anymore.

After more than a month, Ni Zhen, who had been hiding in the hospital, finally couldn’t stand it anymore. What’s more, since the stitches were removed, he suddenly felt that the one under him was not working anymore, so he had to go out and find a woman to try. give it a try.

In the evening, Ni Zhen went to the bar again, and directly spent money to find a girl to come out, but the result drove him almost crazy.

A few days later, the news that Ni Zhen’s piece of work was not good spread like flying all over the circle of the rich second generation, and this time it spread faster and wider than the previous rumor, and later even many elders in the family heard it This news.

Ni Zhen once again became the object of these people’s crazy ridicule.

He was not afraid of Ni Zhen’s revenge at all.

Don’t look at Ni Zhen who is usually seen doing mischief all day long and always pretending to be driving a sports car, but in fact, he is just an entry-level younger brother in the rich second generation circle on Hong Kong Island.

Compared with the sons of Li Chaoren and Zheng Yuyin, Ni Zhen is just a small person.

In fact, the more wealthy second generations like Ni Zhen with a little achievement, the easier it is to be rampant, that is, the so-called nouveau riche.

And those real rich second generations are not the kind of people who are willing to lie on the foundation of their elders and wait to die. Many of them have been sent abroad since they were young, and they have broader knowledge and more ambitions.

Therefore, a guy like Ni Zhen who only knows pretend is what they look down on the most.

And their real idol is Su Shaoze.

Started from scratch, rose step by step, and single-handedly established the Galaxy Group, a behemoth that monopolizes Hong Kong Island’s electricity and entertainment, and is involved in real estate, finance, manufacturing, electronics and other industries.

And Su Shaoze’s relationship is even more widespread in politics, business, police and gangsters, and he is a top tycoon on Hong Kong Island.

With such achievements, it is easy for people to overlook his age.

But really think about it, Su Shaoze is only in his twenties~

Therefore, he became the child of someone else’s family in the mouth of these rich second-generation parents.

Learn from Su Shaoze~

If they listen too much, they will naturally be annoyed and jealous, but Su Shaoze’s status is no longer something they can envy.

When the gap is too big, they can only look up.

At this time, Su Shaoze stayed with Zhou Huimin all the time, looking like an uncle, enjoying Zhou Huimin’s service.

At this time, Zhou Huimin was wearing a lotta costume, her pure face was full of rosy, sitting beside Su Shaoze, her eyes were full of fascination.

Naturally, she also knew about Ni Zhen, because during this period of time, that guy didn’t come to pester her again.

When she thought about it, it must be Su Shaoze who made the move and gave Ni Zhen a hard lesson.

But she didn’t know what kind of nightmare Ni Zhen had experienced until she saw today’s newspaper.

I’m afraid the unlucky child has left a psychological shadow~

The person who did it was quite creative, and he could think of this way to punish him.

Now Zhou Huimin has grown a little crooked.

Ni Zhen had a minor operation. She didn’t feel the slightest sympathy or silence in her heart, but felt very creative.

Under the protection of Su Shaoze, Zhou Huimin became more and more like a little witch.

But in front of Su Shaoze, she is still very well-behaved, as before, like a pure and gentle little sister next door.

So much so that Su Shaoze was ‘deceived’ by her.

It’s like 220 now, wearing a lotta costume, with a young and delicate body full of vitality [Two small hands of Song Dynasty are walking gently on Su Shaolong’s body.

very fun~~

And at this moment, Su Shaoze’s phone rang. Su Shaoze’s work phone is kept and handled by the little secretary of the glasses girl, and the person who knows his personal phone is very

He signaled Zhou Huimin not to make trouble, and after connecting the phone, he heard Ye Yingwen’s voice.

“Yingwen, what’s wrong with me outside?”

All men are lying~

Su Shaoze also didn’t explain that he was with Zhou Huimin, but what Ye Yingwen said next made him not calm down.

“What? You, are you pregnant?”

Ignoring Zhou Huimin’s cute appearance, Su Shaoze sat up instantly.

His face was full of astonishment, even nervousness and surprise.

“Yingwen, are you pregnant?”

He never thought that Ye Yingwen would actually tell him that she was pregnant?

Want to be a father?

Su Shaoze’s mind froze a bit.

When Zhou Huimin heard this, the movements of his hands froze instantly, and he raised his head to look at Su Shaoze with a startled face, his two cute big eyes were very innocent. .


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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