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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 287 Su Tianyou: Dad, Is Our Family Very Rich? [Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

On September 15, 1983, the eldest son of Su Shaoze was born in Hong Kong Island Ming Chen Private Hospital!

The appearance of the heir of the Su family’s chaebol naturally carries an extraordinary meaning.

From this moment to the end of his life, countless auras will be shrouded in him, and his appearance will give the Galactic Empire a future heir.

Of course, whether Su Shaoze’s future wealth will be handed over to this kid will depend on his future ability and character.

But undoubtedly, the birth of this child stabilized the mood of many interest alliances around Su Shaoze, including subordinates like Ye Tianci and Huang Xizhao.

It also includes old brothers like Huo Ting’an and Hou Weidong.

Of course, many people who did not deal with Su Shaoze became in a bad mood.

But undoubtedly, this child born with a golden key in his mouth has attracted the attention of countless people from the moment he was born.

If Su Shaoze allowed it, it would only take half an hour, and the news of the child’s birth would be like a hurricane, quickly sweeping the news fishing boats across Hong Kong Island to report.

For the birth of Su Shaoze, the eldest son of the youngest richest man in Hong Kong Island and the heir to the Su family chaebol, the people who eat melons in Hong Kong Island have great interest.

No way, Su Shaoze himself is the top rich man on Hong Kong Island, and he is also the youngest, the most mysterious, and the most low-key.

And his son, from his mother’s womb, has already heralded a bright future. Born to stand at the pinnacle of life, blooming like a brocade.

In the stereotype of many people, being born in such a family with extremely rich material conditions, there must be a lot of “happy childhood” squandered at will, right?

It’s just that Su Shaoze doesn’t want to be like this, even he himself usually keeps a low profile, let alone his own children.

He doesn’t want his children to be exposed to the spotlight all day long. On the one hand, there will be some safety hazards. After all, Su Shaoze has had many enemies over the years, and there will be more in the future

On the other hand, being under the bragging of the media all day is not conducive to the growth of children, and it is easy to arouse children’s arrogance.

Su Shaoze only wants him to grow up in an ordinary environment, and doesn’t want him to become a playboy super rich second generation who bullies men and women.

I don’t want him to realize that he is different from other children since he was a child.

A poor man raises a rich daughter, and for a girl, Su Shaoze will give her the best of himself.

But in the face of this eldest son who is likely to inherit his inheritance, Su Shaoze will do his best to train him, demanding him with the strictest standards.

Don’t provide him with excessive material conditions, and don’t make him pay too much attention to material enjoyment. It’s good to suffer more when he was a child.

Maybe in the future when he grows up, he will come over and ask Su Shaoze: “Dad, is our family very rich?”

Su Shaoze will say: “You just found out?”


On the second day after the child was born, Ye Yingwen woke up from her lethargy, and saw Su Shaoze sitting beside the hospital bed, holding her hand, the two looked at each other and smiled slightly.

Ye Yingwen turned her head a little weakly, and looked at the child who was wrapped up on the small bed beside her, with a loving expression on her face, looking at him with gentle eyes,

Said in a low voice, “Our child.”

“our children!”

Su Shaoze nodded slightly, and took Ye Yingwen’s little hand tenderly and kissed it.

Ye Yingwen showed a gentle sweet smile on her slightly recovered face, stretched out her hand to caress the child’s cheek, and said softly: “His eyes are exactly the same as yours.”

“When he grows up, he will definitely be as healthy and strong as you, handsome and handsome, and many girls will like him, right?”

Ye Yingwen was full of joy, watching her son’s heart full of love.

Su Shaoze nodded with a chuckle: “This kid is my son, of course he is very similar to me, and he will definitely become as handsome as me when he grows up.”

As for many girls like it, what the hell?

Su Shaoze’s own ass is not clean, so don’t be fooled!

Ye Yingwen knew this kind of thing very well, but she just said something casually, if she was angry, she would have died of anger.

Now all she sees is her own son.

With a happy smile on his face, he glanced at Su Shaoze and asked softly, “Husband, what name are you going to name our baby?”

Su Shaoze said with a smile: “I have thought about it a long time ago. In my hometown, the next generation is the generation with the word ‘Shou’.”

Su Shaoze is talking about his family background in his hometown in the Mainland in this life.

Shou Zheng, Shou Guo, Shou Ye, Shou Cheng, etc.~

“But this is Hong Kong Island, I have already changed my name to Su Shaoze, and there is no need for our son to be chosen according to his seniority. 11

Logically speaking, Su Shaoze will create a large foundation for his descendants and build a huge galactic empire. His descendants only need to keep the family business.

ask for flowers

The word “Shou” is exactly what it should mean.

Su Shaoze still doesn’t like the word “Shou” very much, it’s too conservative, too moderate, and loses vigor.

To change!

Anyway, the parents and elders in this life are long gone, and no one cares about Su Shaoze anymore.

So Su Shaoze said: “God Bless, our son is called Tianyou.”

“God Bless, Su Tianyou~”

“God bless~”

Ye Yingwen muttered, then smiled, looked at her child with gentle eyes, and softly called: “My baby, you have a name, your name is Su Tianyou.

“God will bless you to grow up healthy and happy, and you will become as heroic and handsome as your father in the future.”

“cluck cluck~”

Ye Yingwen laughed softly, she liked her son more and more, and even had the urge to open her mouth to eat him.

“Wow wow wow—”

When the two were talking about each other, the cry of the child sounded again, and both Su Shaoze and Ye Yingwen focused their attention on the crying son who was moving his hands and feet.

“He may have pulled.”

As he said that, Su Shaoze stood up hurriedly, carefully moved his son’s position a few times, completely transformed into a dad, and unwrapped the child’s diaper.

The first poop of a child has a lot of taste, after all, it has accumulated sediment in the stomach for ten months.

It’s dark, like a dog skin plaster.

However, Su Shaoze only needs to do this kind of changing of diapers for children a few times, to experience the feeling of being a father.

After all, he prepared an ultra-luxury babysitter team of more than a dozen people for his son.

After emptying his stomach, the child began to cry and look for rations.

Fortunately, his mother is not only exceptionally talented, but also has ample rations, without the slightest problem, and there is no chance for Su Shaoze to help with her own mouth. Instead, the other free rations are wasted.

Geez, what a waste!

Su Shaoze looked at it, and couldn’t help but smacked his mouth, which attracted Ye Yingwen’s charming eyes, but his face was always full of happiness, looking at his wrinkled son, his eyes were full of love and begging. .


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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