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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 299: Tencent Electronics Developing Arbitrarily 【Ask For Flowers, Ask For Monthly Tickets! 】

Su Films signed Zhou Xingxing, a comedy geek. After Su Shaoze found out, he just said: “Focus on training and give him more opportunities.”

With Su Shaoze’s words, Zhou Xingxing will definitely not lack the opportunity to play roles in the future.

I dare not say the protagonist’s words, but the supporting role is definitely indispensable.

What Su Shaoze thinks is to use some ordinary roles to hone Zhou Xingxing’s acting skills first, and when his comedy talent is really stimulated, it’s time for him to play the leading role and take the lead in the movie.

Su Shaoze thinks highly of this kid, and counts on him to help him make money!

In the previous life, there was a saying that double Mondays were successful, but in this life, Wu Mengda replaced Zhou Xingxing early and became the Big Three of the new generation of Hong Kong Island.

But Zhou Xingxing is a piece of gold, as long as he is given enough opportunities, sooner or later he will shine.

There is no such thing as double Mondays, and you can still be the Big Three of Su Films!

Moreover, Su Shaoze has already prepared some 11 outlines for him, including classic works by Zhou Xingxing in his previous life.

Play hooky to Weilong, Gambler, Shaolin football, etc., as well as some foreign movies.

In Haolaiwu, the person most similar to Zhou Xingxing’s style is that Kai Ruijin.

Starting from the Terminator, over the years, Su Shaoze has also picked up a lot of wool from Haolaiwu, not bad for these few.

Masquerade in disguise, Detective Airplane Head, etc., the outline has been prepared and thrown to the screenwriting department of Su Films.

After writing it, put it on the curry of the script and eat it for a few years.

In the future, these scripts will be carried forward by Zhou Xingxing.

While helping Zhou Xingxing become famous, the biggest beneficiary is Su Shaolong.

These movies can help Su Shaoze make money, and they can also make money for the free people of the Lighthouse.

Su Shaoze never relents.

in a month!

Su Shaoze is teasing his son at home, and now this kid is only a month old, and he is officially in his prime.

It was only two or three years before Su Shaoze showed paternal love to him.

Once he is sensible and grows up, Su Shaoze will let him understand what a “loving father” is.

The breakfast was prepared by the servants at home. After she had a relationship with Li Jiaxin, Su Shaoze fired Wu Guofang.

The reason is that Li Jiaxin has become Su Shaoze’s woman, and Wu Guofang can be regarded as Su Shaoze’s elder no matter what.

How could Su Shaoze let his elders work hard as servants in his home.

Or go home and enjoy happiness with your daughter!

Anyway, Su Shaoze gave Li Jiaxin a lot of money every month, enough for their mother and daughter to live well.

In fact, since she has a relationship with Li Jiaxin, Su Shaoze is not worried about letting Wu Guofang stay at home!

Otherwise, wouldn’t Su Shaoze’s hobbies and every move be known clearly by their mother and daughter?

Su Shaoze would never make such a mistake.

After breakfast, Su Shaoze took a helicopter and flew directly to the apron on the top floor of the Galactic Empire Building, and took the elevator to his office.

When passing the stairs, I saw a somewhat strange woman.

Wearing a lady’s professional small suit, a hip skirt, black stockings, and high heels, she looks beautiful and very sexy, and she looks somewhat similar to Li Jiaxin.

“who is she?”

Lin Mengmeng, the little secretary of the glasses lady who was following her, immediately said, “Her name is Li Jiaming. You ordered her to enter the administrative department a month ago.”

Su Shaoze suddenly realized that she was Li Jiaxin’s sister and his own sister-in-law.

Without stopping, he directly opened the door of the office, walked in, took off his coat and handed it to the secretary.

“Call her in later and make me a cup of coffee.”

“Okay, boss.”

Lin Mengmeng walked out with her sexy buttocks twisted.

And Su Shaoze started to deal with some official affairs within the group, and these official affairs have been sorted out, just waiting for Su Shaoze’s approval.

A few minutes later, Su Shaoze’s private phone rang suddenly.

I glanced at it, but there was no screen, let alone a caller ID, so I had no idea who was calling.

Su Shaoze couldn’t help but miss the appearance of the smartphone in his previous life.

But as far as the current conditions are concerned, there is no need to think about smartphones, and it would be nice to be able to get tablet phones out.

Today’s Tencent Electronics is developing very rapidly, starting from the manufacture of pagers, and started the road of tyrannical development.

As long as it is in the field of electronics, Tencent Electronics wants to get involved.

Not only simple electric fans, radios, and electronic watches, but even more complex high-end electronic equipment such as TVs, VCDs, VCRs, and card OKs.

If you don’t have the technology and copy it, if you can’t even get it out of the plagiarism, then use some special means outside the business rules to get the core technology of the other company.

For the sake of performance and year-end bonus, the professional managers that Sheng found were very courageous.

In order to prevent the opponent from developing a certain technology first, they even dared to dispatch killers to kill the opponent’s key researchers.

In short, 493, the current Tencent Electronics has become a gluttonous behemoth with tyrannical development.

Although it is not as good as Sony, Toshiba in the island country, and Motorola in the United States internationally.

But in Hong Kong Island, Tencent Electronics has undoubtedly become a giant.

The annual business volume is astonishing, and most of the products produced are dumped to Southeast Asia, the mainland, South America and the magical country of Sange,

Many electronics factories on Hong Kong Island have now been reduced to downstream OEMs of Tencent Electronics.

It all depends on the face of Tencent Electronics.

However, even such a tyrannical Tencent Electronics, the development in the field of mobile phones is very unsatisfactory.

In the final analysis, there is still a lack of core technology.

“Sometime, I should mention to the management of Tencent Electronics that Nokia has already started researching candy bar phones.” Su Shaolong said in his heart.

The candy bar mobile phone is an epoch-making masterpiece, directly sweeping the mobile phone into the garbage dump of history.

This is a very large market. Whether Tencent Electronics can further leap forward depends on the candy bar mobile phone.

“Hey, who is it?” Su Shaoze picked up the mobile phone and said.

Bao Chuanwang’s serious voice came from the phone: “Ah Ze, it’s me.

“I just got some news about the north side.”


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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