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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 305 The Pirate Princess [Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

Soon, Su Shaoze’s personal doctor, Dr. Qin, brought some medical equipment and made a detailed examination for Zhao Yazhi.

“Congratulations, Mr. Qin, Ms. Zhao is indeed pregnant, about a month old.” Doctor Qin stood up and congratulated Su Shaoze.

And Su Shaoze sat on the sofa, by Zhao Yazhi’s side, and immediately nodded and laughed when he heard this: “Thank you, Doctor Qin, I’m sorry for calling you here at night.

“Mr. Su, you don’t need to be polite, this is my duty. Doctor Qin chuckled lightly, and said to Su Shaoze neither humble nor overbearing.

Then he warned: “Miss Zhao is just pregnant, and the fetus has not yet stabilized completely. It is best to pay more attention to rest in the near future, and don’t be too tired.”

“If you have time, it’s best to come to the hospital for a comprehensive examination as soon as possible.”

Su Shaoze nodded slightly: “Okay, I will accompany Ah Zhi sometime.”

“Thank you, Doctor Qin!”

Su Shaoze thanked again, and then looked at the housekeeper next to him.

The housekeeper immediately understood, and took out a red envelope, which contained a lot of money, which was regarded as Doctor Qin’s consultation fee, and also regarded as hush money.

It is best not to let more people know about Zhao Yazhi’s pregnancy.

And since he can become the family doctor of the Su family, Dr. Qin’s principle of confidentiality has naturally been tested.

But still accepted the red envelope.

After Doctor Qin left, Ye Yingwen and Zhou Huimin walked over immediately: “Congratulations, Ah Zhi, you are going to be a mother too.”

“Hmm~” Zhao Yazhi was full of joy in his heart, and kept nodding his head, his eyes were about to shed tears.

Don’t think about those headaches in the future, Su Shaolong’s heart is full of excitement now.

This is his second child!

Although he has the soul of future generations, in Su Shaoze’s eyes, boys and girls are the same, and even daughters are closer.

But considering the future interests of the entire Su family, it would be better if the child in Zhao Yazhi’s belly was a boy.

At night, in Zhao Yazhi’s room, Su Shaoze comforted her for a while.

Knowing that she was pregnant, Zhao Yazhi was naturally very happy, gently stroking her lower abdomen, exuding a maternity brilliance.

But thinking of his acting career, Zhao Yazhi was tangled for a while.

“What’s the matter? You’re going to be a mother, why aren’t you happy`”?”

Seeing her pouted lips, Su Shaoze couldn’t help asking amusedly, he knew that the pregnant woman was emotionally unstable, and he needed to be coaxed at this time.

Zhao Yazhi raised his head and looked at Su Shaoze with big watery eyes.

“It’s not that I’m unhappy, it’s just that I’m pregnant, so I won’t be able to be the princess of the island!” Zhao Yazhi said tangled, very depressed.

“Hahaha~” Su Shaoze laughed, it turned out to be the reason.

Seeing Su Shaoze’s heartless look, Zhao Yazhi didn’t want to: “You’re still laughing!”

“I really like the role of Huangfu Yunna, I want to be a pirate princess.” Zhao Yazhi looked at Su Shaoze anxiously, pleading in his eyes.

But Su Shaoze shook his head decisively: “No.”

“Didn’t Doctor Qin say just now? You are just pregnant now, and the fetus is not stable yet, so you need to rest more.

“Forget about the pirate princess. I will arrange someone else to play the role. Your task now is to rest well and give birth to a healthy and strong baby.”

Su Shaoze said, although the tone is gentle, but the will is very firm.

Now that she is pregnant, it is just right for Zhao Yazhi to postpone all her work.

The Su family is not an ordinary family, and the current Su Shaoze has also grown into a standard chaebol head.

Everything is in the interests of the family.

At home, Su Shaoze can almost say his word, the decision he made can be discussed, but without a good reason, Su Shaoze will not change.

The child in Zhao Yazhi’s belly is related to the inheritance of the Su family, how can a small movie compare to it?

Even if Zhao Yazhi likes this movie very much, even if this movie is a movie that Su Shaoze personally wrote the outline and placed high hopes on, it is far less important than his own children.

Malacca Pirates!

It is the name of this movie, and it is Su Shaoze’s another woolly work. Naturally, the reference is the famous Pirates of the Caribbean.

Even the soundtrack inside, Su Shaoze intends to use the original one.

Magnificent and majestic.

He is a pirate!

However, in terms of the current technical means of Su Film Industry, the quality and special effects of the film produced must be much worse than the original film.

Get sprayed classic and don’t care.

Anyway, occupy the pit first!

At worst, after the new century and the development of computer special effects, the movie will be remade.

It will definitely make a large audience yell; Ye Qinghui, tears streaming down his face.

Regardless of the movie, what Su Shaoze has to do now is to comfort Zhao Yazhi.

“It’s too hard to make a movie, especially this movie still needs to go to sea, go to the Straits of Malacca to shoot, and there are a lot of action scenes. In case of accidents, “You make me regret it too late.”

.And you’ve always wanted to go to college! Isn’t this just an opportunity!”

“After you finish your college courses, you can directly join our company and become the deputy general manager first. There are still a lot of things waiting for you to do in the future!”

“What does a pirate princess care about!” Su Shaoze softly explained while hugging Zhao Yazhi’s fragrant body.

I don’t know if it’s the reason of illusion or psychological effect, Su Shaoze actually smelled a milky smell on Zhao Yazhi.

It made him even more eager to move.

At this time, although Zhao Yazhi was very reluctant and reluctant to play the role of the pirate princess, she was actually moved by Su Shaoze in her heart.

“Okay! Then who are you going to let me take over?” Zhao Yazhi said with concern.

She didn’t want to dust off the role of the pirate princess.

Su Shaoze thought for a while, and looked helpless: “The role of the pirate princess is tailor-made for you.

“No matter who else plays the role, it is definitely not as good as you.” (Zhao Nuo’s) “I don’t have a good candidate at the moment, but there are so many actresses in our company, I can always choose a more suitable one.”

Su Shaoze’s words made Zhao Yazhi very happy.

The man’s mouth was like honey, and the corners of Zhao Yazhi’s mouth curled up when he heard it.

Sure enough, she, Zhao Yazhi, was the most suitable pirate princess, and this role was tailor-made for her.

In fact, Su Shao already had a candidate for this role.

Although this role is a bit of a vase, the role of the pirate princess is already very good when men are in charge in the Hong Kong Island film industry.

Well done, absolutely brilliant!

Naturally, such a role cannot be given to others cheaply, of course it must be given to his own woman.

Zhou Huimin is relatively young, a little immature, and it’s okay to play the role of a girl, and she may not be willing to pick up what Zhao Yazhi doesn’t want.

Therefore, among the remaining women, it is Lin Qing who is dirty!.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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