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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 322 Mainland Retail Industry, Gangdong International Mall [Seeking Flowers! Ask For A Monthl

After staying in the capital for a few days, Bao Chuanwang and the others all returned to Hong Kong Island one after another, and only Su Shaoze remained.

After visiting the capital city for a few days under the leadership of Liu Xiaoli, Su Shaoze soon took Ye Yingwen, Lin Mengmeng, Liu Xiaoli and several women, as well as his own bodyguard team, to drive to Lu Nan.

In addition, there was a car behind, and the person in it was the cadre in his thirties who had been following Su Shaoze all the time.

One is to solve those unnecessary troubles for Su Shaoze, and the other is to monitor them!

However, Su Shaoze was originally going home to worship his ancestors and visit relatives, so he didn’t plan to do anything more, so naturally he didn’t mind having an extra guide.

Su Shaoze’s hometown is in the Luxi area, so he didn’t choose to take the train north from Guangzhou, because it would take several days and nights.

Going south from the capital is actually closer, and as the road becomes more and more bumpy, Su Shaoze’s mood is getting heavier and heavier.

Man is a very contradictory creature. When he sees what he wants most in his heart, he is a little afraid to see it.

It’s like people miss their hometown, but when they go back, they will feel closer to their hometown.

However, Su Shaoze doesn’t really feel much about this “hometown”. Although the original memory of this body is integrated, the feelings are not deep.

But for some reason, at this moment, Su Shaolong’s heart was still a little heavy.

The next moment, Su Shaoze felt his palm being grabbed, and smiled at Ye Yingwen, not knowing what to say.

Su Shaoze and his group set off in the morning, arrived at the capital of Lu Province in the evening, and found a hotel with reasonable conditions to stay.

After resting for one night, when he was about to go out the next day, he ushered in two old people from Lu Province.

Needless to say, Su Shaoze is already a registered figure, and his every move in the mainland cannot be separated from the eye.

The fact that he returned to his hometown to worship his ancestors had been notified to this side long ago.

So much so that it was visited the next day.

“Although the lives of the people of Lu Province have improved compared to the past few years, they are still suffering!” the old man said with emotion.

“Although it’s a bit abrupt, I still hope that Mr. Su can do more research here to see where he can invest.”

And what else can Su Shaoze do?

Before he came to the mainland, he had already made such preparations. In fact, he is also willing to invest in the mainland, but it also depends on the conditions.

Although he is willing to do his part for his hometown, Su Shaoze really didn’t expect to invest in this place in Lu Province.

There are gold mines, coal, petroleum, and steel, but such basic raw materials are beyond the reach of an individual enterprise like Su Shaoze.

Other than that, it is real estate. The price of houses in later generations is so high that the price in a small fourth-tier city has reached more than 10,000.

In fact, other than selling land, there is no other way. The development of the city is completely supported by real estate~

As for investing in real estate in Lu Province, except for Qingshi, it will take ten years for other cities to develop.

However, it is still possible to build a few factories in my hometown. In the next ten years, the electronic industry in Lu Province will develop well.

Although I can’t make a lot of money, it can be regarded as helping the construction of my hometown.

“The two leaders can rest assured that I, Su Shaoze, am from Lu Province. This is my root. Before I came here, I also considered investing in my hometown to contribute to the construction of my hometown.”

Su Shaoze smiled and said: “However, the two leaders should also know that the road has to be taken step by step before we come back. We are even more blind to the situation here, and don’t know where to start.”

“So what I mean is, I’ll send someone over to do some investigation and then make a decision. Of course, now I have some rough ideas, but I can ask the two consuls to give me some advice.


When Su Shaoze said this, he looked at the next two, and then continued:

“Now the living conditions of our people are getting better and better, and the demand for material goods will also be higher and higher, so our Galaxy Group plans to build several large shopping malls in the mainland. If the profitability is good, we will continue to expand the scale .”

“According to our group’s plan, the first batch of shopping malls will be located in the four cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, but since Lu Province is my hometown of Su Shaoze, I can make the decision. The city invests in a large shopping mall.”

·Ask for flowers‥

“If the operation is good, the provincial capital, several seaside cities and Liaoshi will be the second batch.”

Besides real estate, what else can make money in the Mainland?

Rely on the dividend of population!

Hong Kong Island is a tiny place with only five million people, which is nothing compared to the mainland.

And when there are too many people, they need to eat, drink and drink, and they need daily life, and this is a huge market.

This is inseparable from shopping malls, supermarkets and stores.


So Su Shaoze plans to build a few large shopping malls in the mainland first, and then use the shopping malls as the center to spread across the country and establish chain supermarkets in major cities.

Moreover, the Galaxy Group itself has a chain supermarket called Gangdong Supermarket.

At first, the supermarket was established by a couple. The man was named Gangsheng, and the woman was named Toshiba, so it was named Gangdong.

Later, it developed and gradually opened several branches.

Later, due to the poor management of the original owner, the capital chain was broken, and the supermarket was acquired by HK Electric.

Finally, when Su Shaoze integrated HK Electric, Gangdong Supermarket also separated.

However, due to the constraints of the population and area of ​​Hong Kong Island, Gangdong Supermarket has not had much development so far.

Because the territory of Hong Kong Island’s retail industry has already been divided up.

But the mainland is different!

In this regard, the mainland is still a blank.

And now is the best time for Gangdong Supermarket to enter the mainland. In a few years, some foreign retail giants will also start to target the mainland and enter the domestic market one after another.

At that time, if Gangdong Supermarket wanted to enter the mainland, it had to face brutal competition, such as price wars.

But now, Gangdong Supermarket has entered the mainland in advance, and it is easy to establish the strength of the Gangdong brand in the hearts of the people in the mainland.

In the future, even in the face of competition from foreign retail giants, it will have a great advantage. .


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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