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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 333 This Brother-In-Law Is Not Simple [Please Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

“You, Hong Kong Island…”

Ye Zhiliang stood up suddenly, knocked over the chair behind him with a bang, and looked at Ye Yingwen in a daze, very shocked.

An extremely real idea appeared in his heart, and some memories that were about to be forgotten resurfaced in his mind.

He was just a very young child back then, but due to some special reasons, his parents left him at Uncle’s house to raise him and went to Hong Kong Island.

As for the appearance of his parents, his memory is already very vague, and he can’t even remember what they looked like.

Even these two words were a luxury for the former him.


Maybe some!

Why didn’t he take him to Hong Kong Island back then, why did he leave himself alone in this place, even because of his parents, he had to bear a lot of blank stares.

Over the years, parents have become a taboo for him.

He even wanted to ask those two people if they still remembered that they had a son in the Mainland.

But “047” is now, countless years of anticipation, resentment, hope, and anger are suddenly condensed.

A very beautiful woman from Hong Kong Island found herself.

“You, what are your parents’ names?”

Ye Zhiliang looked at Ye Yingwen in front of him, his eyes were slightly moist, his lips were trembling, and a dry voice came out of his throat, he asked with difficulty.

Compared to Ye Zhiliang who was panicked, Ye Yanwen’s demeanor was much calmer.

For this eldest brother whom she met for the first time, she naturally didn’t have too much affection in her heart, what she did was only the obsession and guilt of her parents for her eldest brother over the years!

Sitting on the chair, staring at Ye Zhiliang, took a deep breath, and said word by word: “My father’s name is Ye Honglu, his previous name was Ye Hongde, and my mother’s name is Zhang Guifang.”

When Ye Yingwen’s voice fell, something exploded in Ye Zhiliang’s mind.

It was so shocking that his whole body was in a daze, and his eyes were a little dim.

His body swayed for a while, holding his head and feeling like he was about to fall, Liu Lihua was so frightened that he hurriedly sat on the sofa with him.

“Ye Hongde, Zhang Guifang…”

Ye Zhiliang kept chanting these two names, feeling extremely complicated in his heart.

Ye Hongde, Zhang Guifang!

Therefore, the beautiful woman with extraordinary temperament in front of him is his own sister.

The heroic and handsome man next to him is his younger sister!

After calming down for a while, he raised his head to look at Ye Yingwen, his eyes were red, and he asked in a hoarse voice, “Are they all right?”

Perhaps because of her pro-big brother affection, Ye Yingwen’s mood was a little heavy, and she no longer had the noble temperament of a queen.

Meeting Ye Zhiliang’s gaze, he nodded slightly: “My parents are all very well, but I have missed you very much all these years.”


Ye Yingwen said softly, and finally called out those two words.

Su Shaoze looked calm, but gently held Ye Yingwen’s palm.

But Liu Lihua, who was sitting next to Ye Zhiliang, was shocked violently.

She looked at Ye Yingwen with disbelief, and then at her husband.

big brother?

She suddenly understood something.

I seem to have heard that her husband’s parents fled to Hong Kong Island before, and this woman came from Hong Kong Island.

Then the relationship is obvious, this is my sister-in-law.


Liu Lihua was also a little dumbfounded. She didn’t expect that after so many years, her sister-in-law would suddenly come to her house to find relatives.

And she understands the resentment of the people around her towards her parents-in-law over the years.

But as a wife, she just quietly stayed by Ye Zhiliang’s side without speaking.

“Then why didn’t they come by themselves, but asked you to come?” Ye Zhiliang said softly.

Ye Yingwen smiled wryly, shook her head and said, “My parents originally wanted to come and see you, but they have always felt very guilty towards you and missed you all these years.

“But this time we came to the Mainland because of business matters.”

“And the communication between the two places has just returned to normal, and everything has just returned to stability. After a while [the bird mother will bring the big sister and the younger brother to see you.” Ye Yingwen explained.

Ye Zhiliang nodded lightly. Although he felt resentment towards his parents in his heart, the one in front of him was his own sister!

If the parents came in person, maybe he would scold them, and then hide and cry secretly.

But facing his own sister, at this moment, he felt only a kind of blood affection.

Looking at Ye Yingwen’s gaze, it became more and more gentle and kind.

“Ying, Yingwen, tell me about what happened to you in Hong Kong Island these years!” Ye Zhiliang already agreed with this younger sister in his heart [and wanted to know how his parents lived on Hong Kong Island.

I heard from others that Hong Kong Island is full of gold and high-rise buildings.

They must have had a good time!

“When my parents went to Hong Kong Island, they didn’t have much money left. They could only buy a small house in the countryside and make a living by fishing.”

“Later, we gave birth to four sisters and a younger brother.”

“I am the fourth child. There are three older sisters on top and a younger brother on the bottom.”

“In the past few years, our family’s life was not very good, and the little money my parents earned from fishing was only enough to barely survive on Hong Kong Island.”

“However, life is much better now, my sister and the others are doing well, and my brother is now an actor in Su Films”

“Mom and dad stay at home all day for the elderly.”

Ye Yingwen briefly told Ye Zhiliang about their family’s life in Hong Kong Island these years, and told Ye Zhiliang that he has four younger sisters and one younger brother.

The two brothers and sisters talked a lot, describing the hardships of life over the years.

Su Shaoze, who was sitting by the side, saw that it was already very late, and the three little heads at the door of the bedroom were looking at this place eagerly.

Su Shaoze interrupted their brother and sister’s conversation.

“Brother, Yingwen, today is a great day for you brothers and sisters to reunite.”

“Let’s go to the restaurant to have a good gathering today, we have plenty of time to talk to you, the children are hungry.

Su Shaoze laughed.

Going to a restaurant? It’s a must.

Not to mention that Ye Zhiliang became the deputy director, the family was already planning to celebrate.

What’s more, now that his own sister is here, he, the eldest brother, must have some friendship with the landlord.

Must go, and go to the best restaurant in Jincheng.

I can’t let my brother-in-law look down on me.

As the eldest brother, he also wants to save face for his younger sister.

“Let’s go, Ze, let’s have a few drinks today.” Ye Zhiliang said.

The friendship of men is established at the wine table.

For this brother-in-law, he still seems to be very satisfied, at least for the time being.

Tall and handsome, handsome and burly, standing with Ye Yingwen, it is simply a man and woman.

But in terms of character, Ye Zhiliang will have to take a good look at it.

Wine, is the best thing.

Su Shaoze didn’t know what he was thinking, but still lightly smiled at 1.1 and said, “Today, I will accompany my eldest brother until we get drunk or return home.”

The two men stood together, and Liu Lihua and Ye Yingwen also started talking.

Suddenly said: “By the way, I saw a lot of people downstairs just now!”

“There are a lot of policemen and some people in black clothes. I don’t know what they are doing. Are they catching criminals?”

“Shall we go out later?” Liu Lihua said.

Stay safe in the house first, and wait for the police to catch the bad guys before going out.

But Ye Yingwen smiled lightly and said, “Sister-in-law, don’t worry.

“They’re not here to catch the bad guys, they’re here to protect us. Those in black are Brother Ze’s bodyguards.”

“Let’s just go straight down.”

Hearing this, Liu Lihua was stunned, and Ye Zhiliang was also shocked.

Those strong men in black are the bodyguards of his brother-in-law, and they even use the police to personally protect them?

Ye Zhiliang suddenly realized that such a brother-in-law of his seems to be very difficult!.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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