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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 352: Su Shaoze's Deterrent Power 【Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

Public report?

Hearing this sentence, Li Shutang, who has already cultivated into an old fritter, knew that things were not easy.

Ordinary people report violations of law and discipline, and the subordinates can deal with them. They can either send two or three police officers to investigate, or just kick the ball. They can’t reach the Chief Superintendent Zhuo Jingquan at all.

What’s more, it would not be so mobilizing and mobilizing the police force of the entire region, which almost turned the West Kowloon area upside down.

The identity of the person who can make Zhuo Jingquan do this is certainly not simple!

“The law and order of Hong Kong Island requires the cooperation of the police and the public. The attitude of our police force is to welcome the public to report violations of law and discipline.” Li Shutang said in an official tone, and then changed his voice.

Asked directly about the whistleblower.

Zhuo Jingquan knew that if he didn’t show some dry goods today, he would not be able to pass the “May 47th” test.

Li Shutang, an old guy, always likes to put on the status of an old senior, and Zhuo Jingquan is messed up.

So today we must suppress this guy, otherwise the anti-crime operation in the West Kowloon area will not go on at all.

Not only counterattacks from associations, but also serious strife within the police force.

So Zhuo Jingquan only said one word.


Hearing this word, Li Shutang on the other end of the phone instantly thought of someone.

There are quite a few people with the surname Su in Hong Kong Island, but there is only one person who can be so respected by Zhuo Jingquan and has the status to let Zhuo Jingquan mobilize the action troops.

Chairman of the Galaxy Group, owner of the Su family chaebol, the richest Chinese in Hong Kong Island Su Shaoze!

Thinking of Su Shaoze, Li Shutang immediately thought of something, no wonder Zhuo Jingquan dared to directly mobilize the police force so boldly to start the anti-crime operation.

It turns out that there is this person behind me who is endorsing the book!

I just don’t know how the members of the association offended Su Shaoze, and even made such a big fight.

But since there is Su Shaoze’s shadow behind this matter, then Li Shutang can’t make a simple and rude decision.

Changed the topic directly and didn’t talk about Su Shaoze at all.

His tone softened a lot, and he said softly.

“Just now, Jiang Tiansheng, Luo Tuo, Deng Bo and other club bosses called me and asked me what happened. I was also at a loss.”

“I have no objection if you want to suppress the arrogance of the association, but this storm must be controlled within a reasonable range, and it must end as soon as possible.”

“The time for the return of Hong Kong Island is getting closer and closer, we cannot leave a chaotic Hong Kong Island.” Li Shutang said on the phone.

This time, Zhuo Jingquan launched a sudden crackdown, which made the major clubs on Hong Kong Island bewildered, and called the top police force through various connections.

The attitude of the top police force is also very clear.

Associations can be suppressed, but there must be a certain degree of control, and the associations must not be overwhelmed.

Although clubs are the negative energy side of society, the society of Hong Kong Island cannot lack clubs.

It is also with the help of the community that the police force can achieve a balanced state of law and order on Hong Kong Island.

And once the association quits, the hundreds of thousands of young people on Hong Kong Island who have no formal jobs will lose their restraint in an instant.

Hong Kong Island would quickly descend into great chaos.

And even if it can’t reach this level, just a strike by associations is enough for the Hong Kong government to accept.

You must know that the association is not only engaged in black businesses such as white fans and casinos, but also has many legitimate businesses!

As far as the simplest parking is concerned, this is one of the most important sources of income for the club, and it is an indispensable occupation for the Hong Kong club.

The resources of Hong Kong Island are tight, and the parking space is even more tight. Most of the parking spaces are not available on the side of the street and in the office area.

So the community launched a parking service!

The owner of the car asked for some money and asked the parking boy to park his private car in a special parking lot under the care of the association, and the boy would drive it back after get off work.

This has become a habit of Hong Kong Islanders.

So once the association strikes, it is conceivable that the traffic on the entire Hong Kong Island will be completely paralyzed.

From all aspects, the existence of associations is of great significance to the associations in Hong Kong Island. In at least twenty years, the existence of associations is indispensable in Hong Kong Island.

So under the pressure of all parties, Li Shutang had to make such a phone call to Zhuo Jingquan, and Cao Daoquan also understood this.

He didn’t really want to eradicate the club this time, he just wanted to complete the task that Su Shaoze gave him!

“I understand, I will take care of everything…”

“In addition, Sir Li, please tell Jiang Tiansheng, Luo Tuo and the 14K veterans that this matter has nothing to do with them, so don’t worry about it.”

After speaking, Zhuo Jingquan hung up the phone.

He was waiting for the report from the action team. As long as the things Su Shaoze told him were completed, it would be entirely within his will to end the storm at the mysterious time, and he would have a lot of freedom.

On the other side, Li Shutang put down the phone and thought for a while.

Many high-ranking people speak in a half-covered manner, relying entirely on the other party to comprehend their own meaning.

Zhuo Jingquan just mentioned Hong Xing, Dongxi, and 14K, but among the four major associations, He Liansheng was the only one left out.

Li Shutang understood.

Su Shaoze must have been offended by some short-sighted guy from Liansheng!

He Liansheng is the oldest society on Hong Kong Island, and the world will evolve. After a long time, the scale has grown, and all rotten birds have been recruited, and there are many black sheep.

Although Li Shutang has a good relationship with Liansheng veteran Deng Bo, they sometimes drink tea together.

But he will not offend Su Shaoze just to win Liansheng.

“I offended this one, and Liansheng will be bloodletting this time!” Li Shutang shook his head and said.

And on the eve of this storm, on 5.6, even before the police lined up and walked out of the gate of the police station, Lonely Security had already started.

Su Shaoze had no intention of relying on the police to solve Chen Wenjuan. The police were too slow and their mechanism was too rigid.

When we arrived at the location and found Chen Wenjuan, the day lily was cold.

The main task of the police is to cover the actions of the lone wolf.

Knowing the location where Chen Wenjuan was hiding from those gangsters, Su Shaoze immediately mobilized a lone wolf action team.

Rescue his cheap mother-in-law as soon as possible.

In the final analysis, Brother Biao’s group are just some punks who can’t get on the stage, and using a lone wolf elite to deal with them is enough for them to brag about for a lifetime.

If they survive this time around!.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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