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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 388 Wait A Minute, Where Is My Husband? [Please Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

Ahao and the others were stopped at the other end of the tunnel, and Guo Jinfeng became even more flustered when he didn’t see them following up.

But listening to the commanding voice on the phone, she could only bite the bullet and drive forward.

Twenty minutes later, she had arrived at the gate of an abandoned factory in the countryside in Tuen Mun.

The dilapidated gate was stained with rust, surrounded by overgrown weeds, leaning against the foot of the mountain, and there was not a single building in the surrounding hundreds of meters. It can be seen that no one has lived here for a long time.

Although Hong Kong Island is an international metropolis, there are still some wastelands in rural areas like Tuen Mun.

Guo Jinfeng looked around nervously, and drove in cautiously.

The moment she entered, the factory gate slammed shut, Guo Jinfeng’s pretty face turned paler, and she forced herself to remain calm.

Stopped the car, got out of the car, and saw a few men wearing black hoods and walked out.

These are the kidnappers who kidnapped his husband.

“I have already brought the money, where is my husband?”

Guo Jinfeng said with strong courage, but after all, she was only a young woman with good courage, but her nervousness still betrayed her.

“Bang bang bang~”

The next moment, Guo Jinfeng heard a burst of low footsteps.

I saw a tall middle-aged man walking down the stairs welded by iron frames, and there was a muffled sound every time he took a step!

“Mrs. Zhang, you really are not simple. You really dare to come here alone. You are worthy of being a hero among girls~”

“But you are not afraid that after I take the money, I will bring you and your husband together?”

Inside the factory, Su Shaoze walked down the iron stairs step by step.

Wearing a black jacket and wearing a ‘human skin mask’, his voice became deeper and deeper, and he completely changed himself. Only those sharp eyes seemed to see through the woman in front of him.

“I trust you!”

“There are rules for everything, and anyone who breaks the rules will not end well!” Guo Jinfeng said in a deep voice.

In fact, she had no choice. It was impossible to call the police, so she could only choose to believe the kidnappers.

“That’s right, doing things requires rules, just like your husband, Zhang Shihao, took the ransom from the Guo family, but killed the second son of Guo to silence him.

“There are no rules in doing things, and it should be the end of the current situation, don’t you think so? Mrs. Zhang!”

Su Shaoze’s deep voice seemed to be sneering, and Guo Jinfeng shouldn’t say anything at once.

Although Guo Shaojiang’s death was a misunderstanding, Ah Hao and the others thought that Zhang Shihao was arrested by the police or the Guo family and killed Guo Shaojiang, but they didn’t expect it to be this group of people.

But now it’s over, Shao Jiang’s shit pot is destined to be buckled on Zhang Shihao’s head.

“But since Mrs. Zhang believes in me, I won’t let you down. I will let Mr. Zhang go after I get the money!” Su Shaoze said.

“No, you have to let my husband go first.” Guo Jinfeng said.

What if the kidnapper really got the money and refused to let him go?

Just like Guo Shaojiang’s unlucky incident, don’t care if it’s a misunderstanding, anyway, the Guo family has already paid the money but failed to redeem the person.

Guo Jinfeng is also worried about being tricked by Su Shaoze!

And now she has a choice, because she has poured all her money on gasoline, and if the kidnappers dare not keep their promises, she will let them get nothing.

“I’m here even with people and money, are you still afraid that I might run away?” Guo Jinfeng said excitedly.


“But I want to check the money first!” Su Shaoze nodded and said, anyway, this woman has already arrived here, so I’m not afraid that she will run away.

But at this time, Guo Jinfeng’s face became a little tense, and he lost his composure.

Struggling to open the trunk, revealing the money inside, it was full of big golden bulls.

But after Su Shaoze glanced at the money, he laughed.

“Mrs. Zhang, are you kidding me? What I want is fifty million!” Su Shaoze said in a cold voice.

Although there is a lot of money in the trunk, it is only about 20 million yuan, which is far from 50 million yuan.

“I only have so much money!” Guo Jinfeng shook his head and said.

Although Zhang Shihao looks good and has done several big-ticket projects, he spends quickly, and it is Guo Jinfeng’s limit to be able to come up with 20 million in cash.

She has already mortgaged the house!

“Then I’m sorry, according to the rules, you can only take half of Mr. Zhang!” Su Shaoze said ruthlessly.

Upper body or lower body, or vertical split down the middle?

As he said that, Su Shaoze was about to make a phone call to get someone to do it, but Guo Jinfeng yelled directly: “Wait!”

“There are 20 million here. If you agree, you can get it. Otherwise, I will let you get nothing.”

“I’ve poured petrol on it!”

Guo Jinfeng said in a deep voice, looking at Su Shaoze firmly in his eyes, holding a lighter in his hand, very heroic.

Looking at this woman, Su Shaoze sighed in his heart, he really has the spirit of a hero among women, and Zhang Shihao’s success in the future cannot be achieved without the help of this woman.

But having said that, the rules cannot be changed!

Although Su Shaoze didn’t care about the money, he couldn’t let Zhang Shihao go easily.

Su Shaoze was unmoved, and always looked at her coldly, even if the 20 million were burned, so what?

To Su Shaoze, it is just a pile of papers, and Zhang Shihao, Guo Jinfeng and even the 20 million are just pieces for Su Shaoze.

The real one to deal with is Guo Hongtu, otherwise, why would it be worthwhile for Su Shaoze to take action himself?

Under Guo Jinfeng’s gaze, Su Shaoze took out his phone and said in a cold voice: 1.1. Kill Zhang Shihao!”

Kill Zhang Shihao without giving money?

Su Shaoze’s ruthlessness and decisiveness made Guo Jinfeng even more shocked, his eyes widened, and he screamed in horror.

“don’t want!”

At this moment, Guo Jinfeng could no longer calm down, his expression flustered, and his psychological defense began to collapse.

In front of Su Shaoze, he has no capital to bargain at all!

All the weaknesses are tightly grasped by Su Shaoze.

“In the end what you want?”

“How on earth can you let us go?”

Guo Jinfeng cried out in a broken voice, tears in his eyes.

This woman finally showed her weak side.

But (De Nuo’s) Su Shaoze remained unmoved, and said coldly: “Fifty million!”

“I do not have anymore!”

The space was still, only Guo Jinfeng’s crying was left, Su Shaoze knew that twenty million was probably the limit of this woman.

No more, I can’t take it out!

But that’s a little tricky, dog!

Su Shaoze originally planned to let Zhang Shihao go, and let him cheat Guo Hongtu before he died, but he didn’t want to let Zhang Shihao go so easily!

This guy is always thinking about kidnapping the rich to make money. This habit is not good and needs to be changed!

Looking at Guo Jinfeng, Su Shaoze nodded lightly, it’s time to play Cao thief again!

“20 million, I can let Zhang Shihao go, but the remaining 30 million, then use yourself to repay it!”


After the words fell, Guo Jinfeng stopped crying, and watched Su Shaoze walking step by step with panicked eyes.

“No, what are you going to do?”

“Wait, wait a minute, where is my husband?”.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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