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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 398 Su Family Father And Son, Loving Father Su Shaoze【Please Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Mont

Zhang Shihao returned home secretly, fearing that Guo Hongtu’s people would find out.

It’s just that when he opened the door, he didn’t see his mother in the house at all.

Moreover, the living room was still in a mess, as if it had been touched by many people.

Zhang Shihao’s head was stunned all of a sudden.

Not long after, he learned a piece of news from the people around him that made him extremely angry.

Just the night before, almost at the same time he was attacked, Zhang Shihao’s mother died of gas poisoning.

It was too late when he was discovered the next day, and now he is still lying in the morgue of the hospital!

Zhang Shihao’s head was blank, and his eyeballs seemed to be red.

“Guo Hongtu, you and I will never die together.”

Zhang Shihao roared angrily, completely plunged into madness, a big man burst into tears.

A man can have many wives, so he doesn’t care about Guo Jinfeng who betrayed him and made his body dirty.

But there is always only one mother, who can never be replaced!

Zhang Shihao’s family conditions were very poor when he was a child. His father ran a herbal tea shop to make ends meet, and his mother would go out to do some casual work for others when she had time, which was very hard.

Moreover, his father had a very bad temper, often beating and scolding Zhang Shihao, and every time his mother was protecting him tightly.

If we say that in this world, the only last person Zhang Shihao cares about is his mother.

But now, his mother was killed.

It is said that he died of gas poisoning, but Zhang Shihao can be sure that it was definitely Guo Hongtu’s hands.

This old thing is too ruthless!

Not only do they want the lives of Zhang Shihao and his brothers, but even Zhang Shihao’s family members are not spared!

“Death, I must let the Guo family die completely.”

Zhang Shihao roared angrily, his eyes were bloodshot.

Just when Zhang Shihao’s family was ruined, Su Shaoze’s family on the other side was full of harmony.

He already has two sons!

The eldest son, Su Tian Yuichi, is more than a year old and can already walk slowly. At this time, he is playing in the living room under the care of the nanny.

The second son, Su Tianyu, is only two months old, and he sleeps foolishly except for breastfeeding.

Su Shaoze returned home, and after seeing his second son, he walked down from the upstairs bedroom, then picked up the eldest son Su Tianyou in the living room, and walked to the dining table.

This little guy’s parents are both handsome men and beautiful women. With the combination of high-quality genes, this kid already looks a little handsome.

Struggling restlessly in Su Shaoze’s arms!

Very strong!

But he was always ruthlessly suppressed by his father.

“Okay, stop making trouble with him, and make him cry~||!”

Seeing his son crying under Su Shaoze’s claws, looking at him eagerly, he was about to cry.

Ye Yingwen, who is a mother, felt distressed, stepped forward, hugged the child and left.

How can there be such a father!

bullying kids!

Just like the saying goes, when there is no danger, dad is the greatest danger!

Entering his mother’s familiar embrace, Su Tianyou burst into tears, as if he was accusing Su Shaoze of his evil deeds.

Dad is bad!

But Su Shaoze didn’t care about these things, stood up and said with a chuckle: “It’s okay for children to beat, cry and make noise.

“My son of Su Shaoze, you must have an indestructible will!”

Where is this!

For his son, Su Shaoze will never be merciful, and now he still has the mind to laugh and laugh with these two boys and enjoy the happy time between father and son.

But after a few years, when these boys became sensible, Su Shaoze would let them know what “love from father” is.

Even after they grow up, Su Shaoze plans to let them enter the Lone Wolf special training for a period of time every year!

The little guy who was finally coaxed stopped making trouble [Su Ze and the others walked into the restaurant.

It was still the same positions, Su Shaoze and his three wives, but a baby seat was added next to Ye Yingwen.

“I heard at work this morning that Guo Hongtu was temporarily arrested by the police, saying that he was involved in a murder case.”

After Ye Yingwen fed her son a small spoonful of lean meat porridge, she wiped the corner of the little guy’s mouth with a wet towel, looked up at Su Shaoze and said.

Ye Yingwen works in the Department of Justice, which is one of the three most important departments on Hong Kong Island, responsible for judicial activities.

From a legal point of view, even the Hong Kong Island Police Force is subordinate to the Department of Justice, but the actual situation is that the police force is directly under the jurisdiction of the Governor of Hong Kong.

However, if there is any trouble in the Hong Kong Island Police Force, they can’t hide it from the Department of Justice, let alone the affairs of a rich man like Guo Hongtu.

Moreover, Ye Yingwen was just promoted this year and became the head of a department, which is considered a small leader.

She is very outstanding at her age, many of her classmates and even senior brothers and sisters are still at the bottom of the qualifications!

However, who let her have a man’s support behind her?

If there are no major accidents, Ye Yingwen’s career will definitely go smoothly.

The final goal is the position of the first sister.

“..Guo Hongtu really killed someone?” Zhou Huimin opened his eyes curiously, a little unimaginable that such a billionaire worth billions would be associated with a murderer.

“It should be true. Guo Hongtu did have a motive to kill people. After all, the people who died were those who kidnapped his son. These things are too coincidental.” Ye Yingwen said softly.

Looking at Su Shaoze, there was still some worry.

Zhou Huimin is young and has experienced few things. She has always been under the careful protection of Su Shaoze, and everything she sees is a piece of sunshine.

But Ye Yingwen is aware of how much darkness is hidden in this world, and she is even more aware of how many unsightly and dirty methods these rich and chaebols have used to get to where they are today.

Let alone Guo Hongtu, just Su Shaoze.

Ye Yingwen also knew very well what kind of a hero the person next to her was, and she also thought of Guo Shaoheng six years ago.

That’s how he died too!

I can’t help but wonder whether what happened six years ago and what happened now has something to do with my husband.

While eating, the three women started discussing.

Even a noble woman can’t hide her lively nature, not to mention that the Guo family is one of the ten richest families in Hong Kong Island.

“In this way, wouldn’t the Guo family really be on the verge of dying out? Guo Hongtu is so old, how pitiful~” Zhou Huimin said.

“Why is he pitiful? I heard that he even killed women who were five months pregnant. He is simply a devil.”

“Really~ It’s so hateful, he should be imprisoned in Stanley for the rest of his life.” Zhou Huimin said viciously.



The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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