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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 415 Fugitive's Creampie【Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

A well-prepared banquet ended in such a hasty way, which made many people very confused and felt that the trip was in vain.

And Su Shaoze took Liu Xiaoli back to the holiday villa by the sea.

A wonderful night began again, and Liu Xiaoli, who had just experienced human affairs, seemed to be crying all the time.

And on the same night, late at night, in an ordinary rental house in Kowloon District, a man let out a low-pitched roar like a beast.

This is just a very ordinary rental house, with a size of more than ten square meters. There are many rental houses like this in Hong Kong Island, but the price is not cheap. Most of them are ordinary working-class people who are renting.

Although this house is not big, it is tidy and not as messy as other rental houses. It can be seen that the hostess of this house loves to keep clean.

A minute later, the man sat up from the bed with his upper body bare, and looked at the clock hanging on the wall.

It’s already eleven o’clock at night!

You can vaguely hear the chaotic sounds of the night market on the street outside, but compared to that, the room is very quiet, like two worlds.

The curtains were drawn tightly, isolating the room from the outside world. There was only one light bulb in the room that fell on the roof, emitting an orange light, illuminating the man’s face.

Zhang Shihao!

Zhang Shihao just sat on the bed smoking a cigarette quietly, beside him lay a woman.

This woman was very beautiful, she looked less than thirty years old, and tightly grabbed the quilt to wrap her body.

Her demeanor was very haggard, and there seemed to be tears flickering in the corners of her eyes, revealing a fear in her eyes.

The man in front of her is a demon to her!

Because at the foot of the bed, there is a dead body on the ground, it is her husband!

Just last night, when the woman came home from get off work and was preparing to pack up for dinner, she suddenly found that the things in the kitchen had been tampered with and the food in the cabinet had been eaten.

The woman thought it was a thief, and when she was about to call the police, a man appeared in front of her with a gun in his hand!

The woman was dumbfounded on the spot, and her heart was full of panic!

What made her even more terrified was that when her husband returned home 20 minutes later and saw a strange man appearing in his home with a gun, and his wife was still kidnapped, she was even more shocked!

Then, women have nightmare nights!

The demon killed her husband, wiped off his neck, and the woman’s mind collapsed, but she did not dare to resist under the threat of the demon.

It’s been a whole day and night, and the woman doesn’t know how she got here. She lives like a year, exhausted physically and mentally!

All the grief and fear can only be turned into silent crying.

She really wanted to call for help, but she didn’t dare, because she would definitely be killed by this man before the police showed up.

She only hoped that this man would leave quickly.

Because she heard this man make a phone call last night, asking the person on the other end of the phone to prepare the boat, and he will leave Hong Kong Island tonight.

That’s right, Zhang Shihao is leaving here!

He can no longer stay on Hong Kong Island, and the police are hunting him all over the world!

After killing Guo Hongtu yesterday, Zhang Shihao fled immediately, but the police mobilized a large number of police forces in a short period of time, and directly surrounded all the residential areas in that area, and everyone had to check their ID cards.

However, Zhang Shihao, the son of destiny, could not be trapped. He escaped directly from the sewer, enduring the stench, and escaped the first wave of police pursuit.

But he knew that his photo had been released by the police, and he couldn’t move an inch on Hong Kong Island, so he could only temporarily hide in a rented house!

Kill the hostess, occupy the hostess, escape this day first, and leave Hong Kong Island immediately on a stowaway tonight.

Time passed by every minute and every second, Zhang Shihao stood up from the bed, put on his clothes, and packed his pistol and bullets.

The AK47 was thrown away when he fled, and now he only has a pistol and two bullets in his body.

Even the money was just dug out from the hostess’s house, but fortunately Zhang Shihao still had some deposits in foreign accounts, so going abroad would not lead to a miserable life.

After Zhang Shihao got ready, he turned around, looked at the woman on the bed and said slowly: “I’m leaving!”

The woman, on the other hand, had a terrified expression, gritted her teeth tightly, and kept nodding. It could be seen that she was very frightened, and her whole body was trembling.

‥…ask for flowers…

She just wanted the demon to leave quickly.

But Zhang Shihao sat on the bed slowly, and his palm fell on the woman’s face, “The woman’s body trembled suddenly.

Gently stroking her face like this, Zhang Shihao said softly: “But I really miss you~”

At Zhang Shihao’s most dangerous and most tense moment, it was this woman who soothed his soul.

If it was possible, he would like to take this woman with him and leave, anyway, that woman Guo Jinfeng didn’t know where she went.

It’s a pity that Zhang Shihao just thought about leaving with this woman!

“You, you can, you can come back and take a look~” the woman said involuntarily, trembling with fear.

Zhang Shihao suddenly smiled: “I will naturally come back in the future.”

“However, maybe you won’t see that day, and you will never see me again~”

As he said that, the tenderness in Zhang Shihao’s eyes quickly disappeared, turning cold.

A rope suddenly appeared in his hand, passed through the woman’s body, and tightly strangled the woman’s neck.


The woman let out a scream, her face was full of disbelief, the demon still wanted to kill her, just like killing her husband.

Holding the rope firmly with both hands, he kept patting Zhang Shihao.

“Let go, let me go, don’t kill me, please~”

The woman was begging, her eyes were full of fear, her body was struggling violently, but it was of no avail at all, her strength was far from Zhang Shihao’s.

I wanted to shout loudly, but I couldn’t.

The woman’s struggle became weaker and weaker, and after a while, her hands became weak and limp, completely out of breath.

Looking at those wide-open eyes that had already turned white, Zhang Shihao sighed softly. In order for him to escape safely, this woman still wanted to be killed.

She already knew too many things about Zhang Shihao, including where Zhang Shihao left Hong Kong Island tonight, so she must die.

All dangers must be nipped in the bud. .


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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