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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 434 Public Opinion Oppression, Magical Kingdom【Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

“Global Times reported that in recent days, there have been large-scale riots in India, and fierce conflicts broke out between the local indigenous people and the Chinese ethnic group.

“So far, the conflict has caused thousands of deaths…”

“Mi Associated Press reported that the conflict in Nanyang is becoming more and more intense, and the situation is gradually getting out of control.”

“The local aborigines are not only committing violent crimes against the Chinese, but many foreign tourists who have not had time to evacuate while traveling in India have also become the targets of the indigenous people in India, including American citizens.”

“According to statistics, hundreds of American citizens have already been attacked by Indian natives.

The conflict in Nanyang has attracted attention from all over the world, and major newspapers in the country have carried out special reports on this matter.

If it is said that a few days ago, these American elders remained neutral and were even happy to see the natives bullying the Chinese, then the situation has completely changed now.

Those natives are simply crazy, and even regarded the citizens of the United States as targets of attack and robbery.

My majestic world policeman, the citizen of the lighthouse country of democracy and freedom, can you a group of aboriginal monkeys fight?

In less than three days, the United States has received hundreds of attacks on its own citizens.

Generally speaking, it means being robbed, and if it is serious, it means being beaten up. If it is even more serious, it means being stripped naked and beaten up. The latter type is mainly aimed at women.

Yinni is a country comparable to Ah San, who treats health like drinking water.

More than 20 American women have been assaulted, including Doron Hendal’s sweetheart.

And no one knows that in the past few days, most of the activities against ghosts are driven by lone wolves.

Especially the matter of Doron Hendal was planned by Hou Weidong!

On the TV, the picture is in a ward. Jenny is lying on the hospital bed, her face is bruised and purple, and the red mark on her neck has not disappeared. One can imagine more on her body.

Facing the camera, Jenny shook her head with tears and said: “It was a nightmare, the six of them knocked out my boyfriend, and then, woo woo woo~”

“Thank you, thank you for your encouragement, I will try my best to adjust my emotions and body, and devote myself to work as soon as possible.”

And on ABC TV station, the morning news also showed images of Indigo, the chaotic streets, and Indobobos who gathered together like a nest of flies whistling past.

They kept smashing and looting on the street, and there was nothing left of the shops on both sides wherever they passed.

Soon they interviewed a victim, an American man.

“As soon as I got out of the taxi yesterday, two Indian natives came up and gave us a big fight. They grabbed my bag and ran away.”

“I hurried forward to catch up, but I didn’t expect that soon I would encounter even more terrifying things.”

“A dozen of them surrounded me and beat me up again. Two of my ribs were broken and six of my teeth were missing.”

“That’s a group of demons, all of them should be thrown into hell.”

On the hospital bed, a man wrapped up like a mummy cried to the camera.

His experience represented the experience of a considerable part of the ghosts in this barbaric country. Facing those aborigines who had just been civilized and just walked out of the virgin forest, their identities no longer mattered.

Moreover, the local police in Yinni are quite weak. After all, the whole country is in a mess, and it is simply too difficult to catch a few criminals.

There is no way, most of the time, the police can only arrest a few people to calm the anger of Mr. Yang.

However, international fishing boats are still developing in a direction that is not conducive to India.

In a civilized society, the Indigo natives have become the representatives of barbarians, drinking blood, robbing and killing people.

The ink pad has become a forbidden place for white girls (bbef), because it is a magical country.

Hong Kong Island, Victoria Su’s Manor!

Su Shaoze was sitting on the sofa watching TV with his two sons in his arms.

What was broadcast on the TV screen was the news of the ink pad. The Chinese shop was smashed, the Chinese residents were beaten by the natives, and they squatted on the ground with their heads covered in blood, their faces covered with blood.

An old Chinese lady about 60 years old sat on the ground, looked up at the sky, and cried loudly.

All the miserable pictures are showing the tragic fate of the Chinese.

Zhou Huimin, who was on the sofa next to her, looked at these pictures, worried and frightened.

“These natives of the ink pads are simply disgusting. They treat us Chinese like this. What are we doing to them?”

Zhou Huimin said angrily, with a swollen face.

Zhao Yazhi, who had just given birth, was at the time when her motherhood was rampant, and seeing a few Chinese children crying in terror on the ground, she also felt distressed.

“Why are those natives like that? It’s just too hateful that such a young child can do anything.” Zhao Yazhi said with a snort.

Having held her son in Su Shaoze’s hands, she can feel at ease only by holding her son at this time.

“Brother Ze, why don’t you go and teach those Indian natives a lesson? They are a bunch of barbarians.” Seeing that Su Shaoze’s hand was free, Zhou Huimin immediately leaned over and grabbed Su Shaoze’s arm and shook it.

And Ye Yingwen said helplessly: “Amin, don’t make trouble, this kind of nationwide riot broke out in Yinni, unless other countries intervene, they can only be quelled by themselves. Our Su family is just a merchant family [it is difficult to intervene in this kind of political event.”

As an official of the Department of Justice, Ye Yingwen has become more mature and rational. She just got off work and is wearing a lady’s suit. She is very capable and looks like a strong woman.

However, Su Shaoze shook his head in response to her words: “It’s okay, it doesn’t matter, I have long wanted to teach those ink mud monkeys a lesson.”

The situation of this riot became more and more chaotic, and Su Shaoze’s impetus was indispensable behind this.

It is the first step of Su Shaoze’s plan to muddy the water first, drag those ghosts into the water, and create some fishing boats that are not conducive to India.

Form a political correctness!

Indigo natives are savage criminals and Chinese are poor victims

Then it was time for Su Shaoze to do his real work. The indigenous government actually wanted to develop Su Shaoze’s oil field, which was to use the cake in Su Shaoze’s hand.

For the sake of profit, you can live forever!

Taking advantage of the escalation of this riot, this matter was resolved at once.

“Drip drip ~”

The satellite phone rang, and after Su Shaoze connected, Hou Weidong’s voice came from the phone.

“Boss, some guests are here and want to see you.”


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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