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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 451 Hong Kong Island Consortium, Head Su Shaoze【Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

In 1985, the economy of Hong Kong Island continued to develop at a high speed!

The six years from 1981 to 1987 were the most astonishing period of economic development on Hong Kong Island.

The total economic volume has doubled several times, creating a brilliant miracle.

It also established Hong Kong Island’s position as the head of the four Asian tigers and the status of the Far East International Financial Center.

Under this shareholder wind, the Galaxy Group also began to develop rapidly, and its assets showed an explosive growth rate.

The industries involved are becoming more and more extensive [financial industry, real estate industry, media industry, petrochemical industry, light industry manufacturing industry, retail industry, electric power basic industry, international trade industry, electronic information, etc.!

It is roughly estimated that the total assets of the Galaxy Group have exceeded 60 billion Hong Kong dollars, and this is because most of its subsidiaries are not listed.

“Four Four Three” Su Shaoze has completely secured his position as the richest man in Hong Kong Island, the head of the Hong Kong Island Consortium!

The Su family has become the most wealthy family on Hong Kong Island, the head of the four major families!

And in the same year, an event that was enough to have a major impact on the world economy happened in the United States, thousands of miles away!

August 3rd!

People on Hong Kong Island still commute normally, and the roads are full of traffic and congestion. Especially in the city center, the flow of people is quite dense, almost to the point of crowding.

While Hong Kong Island is developing its economy, the population of immigrants has also shown explosive growth. They have come to Hong Kong Island through various means, working to earn money or going astray.

Such a tiny place like Hong Kong Island is already a bit overwhelmed.

A Rolls-Royce came down from Victoria Peak, with a car escort on each side of its front and back.

Pass through the congested city center, cross Kowloon, and come to the New Territories, to a place called Lang Yu Shan.

It is surrounded by mountains and rivers, facing the sea, with a beautiful environment and lush vegetation. It was a small deserted village a few years ago, but now it has been developed into a private manor by the Butterfly Bay Real Estate Company.

Su Family Manor!

Compared to the dullness of Victoria Peak, Su Shaoze prefers to stay in this place!

The Rolls-Royce passed through the manor, and it took three minutes to reach the other side.

A small port has been built here, and ships are already parked on the sea.

When Bao Chuanwang got off the car, he soon saw Su Shaoze walking down from the yacht to greet him.

“Boss, I didn’t expect you to come in person.” Su Shaoze stepped forward to help Boat King Bao.

Bao Chuanwang is already quite fat, and his health is getting worse and worse. In recent years, the business of the Bao family has been handed over to the second son-in-law.

And this time, Ship King Bao came in person again!

“This time you have made such a big deal, I can’t do it if I don’t come!” Bao Chuanwang shook his head and said.

With the support of Su Shaoze and Chuanwang’s second son-in-law, Bao Chuanwang boarded the yacht.

At this time, many people had already arrived on the yacht. After seeing Bao Chuanwang, they all stood up and nodded.

“Ship King~”

This party was organized by Su Shaoze, and those who were eligible to attend were undoubtedly the heavyweights of Hong Kong Island.

First of all, the members of the four major families, and then He Gambling King, Li Sanshu, Hu Donglai, etc. How many people are there!

They are all resident figures on the list of the richest people in Hong Kong Island, with rich net worth and great influence. Although they are not as good as the Su family, they should not be underestimated.

If the outside world knew that these people gathered together, there would definitely be a lot of conspiracy theories.

After all, the combined influence of these people is too great, and it is not an exaggeration to control the economy of Hong Kong Island.

In fact, the miraculous ‘Hong Kong Island Consortium’ that has been rumored to the outside world is the dozen or so people at this moment!

Today, with the rapid economic development of Hong Kong Island, these wealthy families on Hong Kong Island are united intentionally or unintentionally, competing internally, uniting externally, and forming a group to make money!

Formed a group like the top ten consortiums in the United States, the Hong Kong Island Consortium!

But not everyone is qualified to be a member of the consortium. Those who can join the Hong Kong Island consortium are all heavyweights with a certain level of wealth and considerable influence in various fields.

Together, they can form industrial complementarities and benefit together.

Can bring benefits and benefits to the consortium as a whole, not just ask for returns.

Thus, the Hong Kong Island Consortium was born!

As the richest man on Hong Kong Island, Su Shaoze, although lacking in age and qualifications, his ability and strength are obvious to all.

In addition, Su Shaoze can bring benefits to the entire consortium, has a unique vision, and can lead everyone to make money together..

Under Bao Chuanwang’s deliberate resignation, Su Shaoze became the head of the Hong Kong Island consortium!

But this time, when Su Shaoze brought these people together, there was indeed a very important matter to discuss.

When everyone arrived, the yacht slowly left the port and headed towards the sea, and several speedboats followed far behind to escort them!

On board, besides Su Shaoze and others, were some bodyguards and the pilots confined in the cockpit.

Even the service girls didn’t let them come up, which is enough to show how important this discussion is.

There is a circle of sofas on the deck, and everyone sits on it, smoking cigars, drinking red wine or fruit juice, and blowing the sea breeze, which is very comfortable.

Su Shaoze lit a cigar, looked around the crowd, and said softly: “Everyone, Hong Kong Island is too small!”

Su Shaoze’s words attracted everyone’s attention and listened quietly to his speech.

“Everyone sitting here has extremely high influence in various industries, and there may be fierce competition among them.”

“But today, I hope that you can temporarily put aside the emotional disputes in business, and think about the future of our Hong Kong Island together.”

Su Shaoze’s calm words made these people nod. The purpose of their sitting together, 0.6, is to make money and to develop in the future!

“Over the past few years, the economy of our Hong Kong Island has developed rapidly, and you are all beneficiaries, and your net worth has increased several times.

“However, affected by geographical factors, Hong Kong Island is only a tiny place with limited population capacity, and many industries have been developed to the extreme.

“How should Hong Kong Island develop in the future?”

“Focus on the real estate industry? Keep raising land prices to absorb the people’s hard-earned money?”

Su Shaoze shook his head and said, “This is not a long-term solution!”

“In order to maintain the stability of Hong Kong Island’s economy, and even more so for our own interests, it is time for us to go out”

“It’s time to compete with those international consortiums.”

“Let the world feel the power of our Hong Kong Island consortium.”


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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