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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 457 Yen! Jpy! [Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

When Su Shaoze found out that Liu Xiaoli was also pregnant, she naturally wanted her to return to Hong Kong Island for delivery, but Liu Xiaoli had just returned home for a few days, so she didn’t want to return to Hong Kong Island too early.

So Su Shaoze could only send a baby-care team to the mainland to take care of Liu Xiaoli.

If it wasn’t for Su Shaoze who couldn’t get away, he would have wanted to go to the mainland to bring Liu Xiaoli back.

During this time, Su Shaoze’s time became even more tense.

The entire Hong Kong Island consortium has mobilized a total of 60 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash, preparing to enter the foreign exchange market of the island country.

And the Galaxy Group alone contributed 30 billion.

It’s a big gamble.

Although Su Shaoze knows that the possibility of his failure is very small, unless there are subversive changes in the general environment, otherwise he will not fail.

But Su Shaoze still dare not take it lightly, after all, this is 30 billion Hong Kong dollars!

During this period of time, the mood of these rich people on Hong Kong Island began to tense, and they showed less and less time outside.

Many people speculate that major events may happen on Hong Kong Island, but in fact it is an island country.

11 east of the stock exchange, a busy day begins.

Not long after Taro Fukuda, the president of the exchange, was sitting in his office, there was a knock on the door, and an assistant walked in with a document.

“President, this is the news reported by Manager Hattori. A sum of money suddenly appeared in the foreign exchange market and is buying Japanese yen.

Taro Fukuda glanced at it and let it go. This is a normal process. Any large-scale capital transactions should be reported to him, the president, as soon as possible.

Although this amount of funds is quite a lot, a full 100 million U.S. dollars, it is nothing to an international stock exchange.

So Fukuda Taro didn’t care about it, he just thought that speculators in any country were optimistic about the yen.

But not long after, the assistant knocked on the door again.

“President, it’s another sum of money to buy Japanese yen.”

By the end of the day, more than one billion U.S. dollars had poured into the foreign exchange market, divided into hundreds of separate transactions, and all of them were bought in Japanese yen.

You must know that this is only 1985, and more than one billion US dollars is a huge sum of money.

“Find out the source of these funds for me, who is it?” Fukuda Taro said with a solemn brow.

“Yes, President~”

It’s very unusual. Although the foreign exchange market has a huge trading volume, many international speculators will buy some Japanese yen for investment, but they have never made billions of dollars in one day like now.

Converted into Japanese yen, it is 300 billion!

But Fukuda Taro did not expect that this was just the beginning, and more funds poured into the foreign exchange market in the next few days.

And the same thing is happening not only in the East Longitude exchange, but even in major stock exchanges all over the world.

Caused the yen to rise to a certain extent.

“President, according to our investigation, some of the money in the foreign exchange market comes from Maoziguo, and more comes from Hong Kong Island.

“Maoziguo? Hong Kong Island?”

Hearing these two places, Taro Fukuda frowned even deeper. How did these two places get together?

“What are those guys on Hong Kong Island trying to do?”

Hong Kong Island and East Longitude are both the world’s financial centers and the two largest cities in the Far East this generation.

But Hong Kong Island is a colony of the Japanese, and its economic development has always been under the control of the Japanese.

Therefore, it is rare to see the flow of capital from Hong Kong Island internationally.

This time, it was uncharacteristically, Fukuda Taro did not expect that “those guys on Hong Kong Island are so generous.

Take out so much money to buy yen foreign exchange.

“During this time, those people on Hong Kong Island have one trillion yen in their hands, right?” Fukuda Taro muttered to himself.

Although the inflow of capital from Hong Kong Island will increase the value of the yen, it will be beneficial to the economic development of the island country.

But this news, he still wants to inform those consortium banks in China, who knows what the gang on Hong Kong Island are planning?

Don’t be fooled by them!

People’s hearts are dark, and everything they think is a conspiracy.

God is so pitiful, how can such an honest person like Su Shaoze be so wicked?

I just want to hitch a ride and take a piece of meat from the island nation.

If you really want to blame these islanders, it will be four years later.

In this way, the 30 billion funds of the Galaxy Group were all bought into Japanese yen through the operation of the Galaxy Fund in the foreign exchange market.

The funds in the hands of other rich people were also converted into Japanese yen through their own channels.

And for the next few days, these rich people on Hong Kong Island began to worry, after all, this time they invested more than half of their net worth!

They also believed in Su Shaoze, so they gambled!

If they lose, they will definitely vomit blood, and the economy of the entire Hong Kong Island will be shaken up.

“Mr. He, I didn’t expect you to be afraid of losing a bet. You must know that you are the king of gambling?” Yin Ze joked on the phone.

The king of gambling He shook his head helplessly: “Because I am the king of gambling, I never gamble. This time, I believe in Aze and you are the reason why I bet so much money~”

“As long as it is a gamble, there will always be a winner or loser in the end. This time it depends on our luck at 237. I don’t worry about betting so much money. What are you afraid of, the king of gambling?” Su Shaoze said while sitting on the boss’s chair, leaning back , under the body is a head that is working hard.

Gambling King He smiled helplessly on the phone. This time he invested four billion Hong Kong dollars, but his net worth is not as rich as Su Shaoze’s. If he loses everything, he will definitely vomit blood.

“How about the king of gambling, you can transfer all the yen in your hand to me, it’s still too late.” Su Shaoze said hehe.

He Gambler suddenly smiled awkwardly: “How could that be?”

We have come to this point, whether we win or lose, we have to go on. I only hope that Su Shaoze’s information is accurate, and luck will always favor him.

After hanging up the phone, Su Shaoze couldn’t help complaining: “These old gangsters are still relying on me, and they are so hard to make money with them, and I don’t see half of them even if I win the bet.

These days, Su Shaoze’s phone calls are extremely frequent. It’s because these old gangsters have no idea and come here to find comfort.

But Su Shaoze doesn’t care about their mood!

Under the fire, Lin Mengmeng’s beautiful black silk legs were directly set up and placed on the table.

Just make money by yourself and enjoy yourself, and this time Su Shaoze took them to make money for free, they should be grateful to Su Shaoze. .


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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