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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 509 On The Verge Of Bankruptcy, Clark Mining Company [Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pas

Tuao is one of the countries with the richest mineral resources in the world, with the largest mining volume and the largest export volume.

It also gave birth to many mining companies, Clark Mining is one of them.

It’s just that compared to other mining giants, Clark Mining’s scale is not large, with total assets of about 500 million US dollars and more than 500 formal employees. It is a medium-sized mining company.

But today’s Clark Mining is completely in a huge crisis.

To be precise, they were cheated by someone.

“Fack, shit, fucking bitch”

On this day, a huge roar came from the office of the chairman of Clark Mining Company, the voice was full of fury and anger.

And you can hear the sound of smashing things.

Outside the office, many employees in the hall, listening to the roar, “September 20” all looked helpless and confused.

In the past few days, their chairman, Mr. Clark, has been in this state. Sometimes he growled angrily, and sometimes he was silently smoking a cigarette alone. It was very desolate.

And these employees also know that they will soon lose their jobs and must find a new job as soon as possible.

Because the company is likely to go bankrupt soon.

“It’s really unimaginable. For such a large mine, the estimated iron ore reserves will be one billion tons. I didn’t expect it to be fake.”

“Before this, we didn’t find any problems.”

“It’s crazy, those bastards are a bunch of lunatics, they should all go to hell.

“Go to hell? Huh, maybe they are taking our company’s money and lying on the beach in Hawaii for vacation!”

“Hey, poor Mr. Clark~”

“His company is gone, and we’re going to look for a new job.”

“How can it be so easy to find a suitable job now? Even if you go to another mining company, you may not be taken seriously, and you have to start from scratch.”

“Shit, I just bought a house last month and owe the bank a lot of money, Fark!”

People in Clark’s company were panicked, and everyone gathered in twos and threes, talking in low voices.

His expression was very confused and helpless, and he sighed.

It’s funny to say that just a week ago, their company had a big problem.

Because the government promulgated policies to further relax the restrictions on mining rights, as long as mineral veins can be found, mining rights can be purchased from the government.

Under such circumstances, Clark Mining is also ambitious to expand its scale and develop new veins.

But where is it so easy to find a mineral lode, it requires a lot of manpower, material and financial resources, and a lot of time to drill holes in the desert next door for exploration.

And most of the time it is useless work, a lot of energy and money are wasted, and nothing is found in the end.

But at this time, another mining company announced the discovery of a new vein, with reserves estimated to reach one billion tons.

It was a newly established mining company with a small scale and insufficient capital and technology. It was a fluke to find that mine vein, but it was somewhat difficult to mine the mine vein independently.

So I want to seek cooperation from other mining companies to develop that new mine from now on.

After this matter was known by Clark Company, Mr. Clark, the chairman, burst into great interest.

Immediately sent people to the mine veins for a general survey, after predicting that there may be one billion tons of iron ore buried underground, and then negotiated with the mining company.

Instead of cooperating to mine veins, they directly prepared to acquire that company.

Finally, after a fierce competition, Clark Company defeated several other mining giants, spent 210 million US dollars, and successfully won 80% of the company’s shares.

At that moment, the employees of Clark Company were very excited. The scale of the company expanded, and a new mine could be developed, and their income would also increase.

And just when the Clark Company was ready to mine the new vein, a shocking news came.

The construction team found that there were no large ore veins underneath that place at all, and there were only a small amount of iron ore, with very little reserves.

At this moment, Mr. Clark, the chairman, was stunned, and everyone was shocked.

Didn’t it say that the reserves are one billion tons?

Moreover, the survey team of the Clark Company has personally been there to measure, why not?

Frightened and furious, Mr. Clark rushed to the scene in person. After several investigations, he finally confirmed one thing..

He was cheated!

This vein is a fake, there is no billion tons of iron ore at all, and some are just a pile of broken stones.

And he also understood how those people deceived him and changed positions.

After Clark realized that he had been cheated, he immediately called the police [but it was too late.

That company has long been deserted, and everyone has disappeared without a trace. I am afraid they have already left Tu’ao, and it is almost impossible to get back the money.

Mr. Clark was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He actually took 210 million US dollars to buy a pile of broken stones and shares in an empty shell subsidiary.

Great disaster!

What does $210 million mean to Clark Corporation?

Meaning they have lost all cash flow and are saddled with huge debts.

And they got nothing.

Everyone knew that Clark Company was doomed, and before long, the bank would come to ask for debts. At that time, Clark Company could only declare bankruptcy.

So these days, Clark’s employees are not in the mood to work, and the chairman Clark has also been greatly stimulated, and his spirit has become a little abnormal.

Sometimes they growl angrily, and sometimes they cry softly.

All the blood of his life is gone.

On 4.8, when Clark Company was about to go bankrupt, on this day, several Mercedes-Benz cars suddenly stopped in front of the company.

Li Yunjie, the head of the Su Shaoze think tank, took people out of the car, took a look at this ordinary building, and could feel a sense of panic from the faces of the employees outside.

Li Yunjie also understood the source of their panic.

However, compared to that, he was in a pretty good mood, because everything that the Clark Company has encountered so far was written by him.

“Those guys did a really good job.” Nodding lightly in my heart.

Then he said to the seven or eight subordinates behind him: “Let’s go, it’s time for us to play!”

These people are the acquisition team of Galaxy Group!

The Clark Mining Company has become food on the dinner table of the Galaxy Group. .


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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