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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 518: The Dog Is Naughty, Causing Trouble For Ling Qianjin [Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthl

The next day, Tang Haifeng asked for leave directly to send his daughter to school.

Tang Xiaoxuan was overjoyed, because Tang Haifeng was so busy with work that he rarely had time to send his daughter to school.

Along the way, Tang Xiaoxuan grabbed his arm, chattered, jumped up and down in the car, and talked about some things in school.

It seems that I completely forgot about being bullied by Su Tianyou yesterday, but Tang Haifeng can’t forget it!

Such a lovely daughter of mine was actually bullied by a little bastard, and she was coaxed away with just a piece of candy!

Is it because her daughter’s nickname is Tang Tiantian?

Tang Haifeng didn’t sleep well all night, he was sullen!

Because he is from the mainland, he has always been afraid that his daughter will be looked down upon and bullied by local students in the school on Hong Kong Island, because Hong Kong Island is generally a bit superior when facing the mainland.

But he didn’t expect that this kind of thing happened after only a few days of school.

Can’t bear it!

Soon, Tang Haifeng came to the office of the class teacher Yang Er.

“Hello, Teacher Yang, I’m the father of classmate Tang Xiaoxuan, and I’m causing trouble for you.”

“No, no, it’s because we didn’t do a good job.” Yang Qian’er said quickly, “You sit down first, we’ll wait for Su Tianyou’s parents.”

“This is what Su Tianyou did wrong.”

This was the first time she met Tang Xiaoxuan’s father!

He’s handsome, and has a refined temperament, no wonder he gave birth to such a beautiful daughter as Tang Xiaoxuan!

Yang Qian’er is very beautiful, but Tang Haifeng just took a look and didn’t care.

Cadres must stand the test.

Now he was thinking about his daughter.

“Children these days are really too bold, they behaved mischievously at a young age, it is time to educate them.

“I have to have a good talk with the other party’s parents later, and I must teach the children well.”

Tang Haifeng said in a deep voice, his tone and demeanor were like that of a leader, because he himself was sitting in the position of a cadre.

“Yes, you are right.”

“This child Su Tianyou needs to be disciplined properly, but his nature is not bad, but he is too naughty.

Yang Qian’er began to speak well of Su Tianyou, because she is a teacher and she is also heartbroken.

Soon, the door of the office opened, and a little kid ran in.

“Teacher, I called my father.”

As soon as Tang Xiaoxuan saw him, her eyes widened immediately. The puffy, angry look on her fair and tender face was very cute.

“Father, he is the one who bullies me, so beat him up.”

Heh, this little bastard is Su Tianyou!

Tang Haifeng saw that he was quite tall.

And Su Tianyou was not to be outdone, and stared at Tang Xiaoxuan: “Except for my parents, no one can beat me up!”

“Your father can’t, my father is very powerful.”

“Nonsense, my dad is amazing!”

While the two children were making noise, the door of the office opened again, and a man walked in.

He is very young, on the surface he looks only in his twenties, wearing a suit, with a straight figure, handsome face, and extraordinary heroism, he is exactly Su Shaolong.

After walking into the office and taking a look at Tang Haifeng, he nodded and smiled slightly, and then said to Yang Qian’er: “Mr. Yang, hello, I am Su Tianyou’s father.”

Because of Su Shaoze’s intentional low-key, few people can really see his face, even he rarely appears on TV and newspapers, and generally does not appear in public.

So when Yang Qianer saw Su Shaoze, she just felt a little familiar, and didn’t think about it carefully.

After all, in her imagination, the son of the richest man on Hong Kong Island should go to those aristocratic schools, or even go directly to Japan to receive royal and aristocratic education.

Although St. Vatis School is good, it is not the first choice of most powerful people.

Therefore, Yang Qianer only regards Su Shaoze as the parent of an ordinary student, at most as if she has a little money.

Although at the first sight of Su Shaoze, she felt that he was so handsome, stalwart and talented, Yang Qianer was very fond of him.

But when I think that Su Shaoze can teach such a son, who dares to marry a girl at a young age, it must not be a good father.

Maybe he’s a scumbag himself.

All good feelings suddenly disappeared.

Yang Qian’er didn’t recognize Su Shaoze, but Tang Haifeng at the side knew who Su Shaoze was.

ask for flowers…

Surprised: “Mr. Su?”

Su Shaoze also turned his head, and said to Tang Haifeng: “I’m sorry, Mr. Tang, the dog is naughty, and it’s me, the father, who didn’t manage him well for causing trouble to Ling Qianjin.

Tang Haifeng stood up, shook his head and said: “No, Mr. Su doesn’t have to blame himself, children are ignorant, just teach them.

Suddenly, no wonder the name Su Tianyou sounds so familiar!

It turned out to be Su Shaoze’s son!

Before coming to Hong Kong Island to work, Tang Haifeng had read Su Shaoze’s information, including his family’s information, and knew that his eldest son was named Su Tianyou.

It’s just that she fell into a misunderstanding like Yang Qian’er. She didn’t expect that Su Shaoze, the richest man on Hong Kong Island, would put his son in this school instead of the aristocratic school for a few days.

Hearing Mr. Su’s three words, Yang Qian’er didn’t think too much, it was just because it was a respectful title between the two of them.

Then he immediately said to Su Shaoze: “Mr. Su, your son is too naughty, he has learned all kinds of nonsense at a young age.”

“If you don’t study hard, you will disturb other female classmates instead.”

“I know that your parents are very busy at work, but no matter how busy you are, you can’t ignore your children’s affairs.”

Children’s education requires the joint efforts of the school and your parents. “

Yang Qianer gave Su Shaoze a lesson, as if this is a common problem of teachers, always thinking about talking about unpleasant things.

And Su Shaoze just listened quietly, this time he came as a parent.

This feeling of being educated by others is really quite fresh.

On the other hand, Tang Haifeng, who was watching, wanted to laugh in his heart, the majestic richest man in Hong Kong Island, his identity is not valid now!

Finally, after Yang Qian’er talked for more than ten minutes, Su Shaoze finally got rid of her entanglement and turned to look at Tang Haifeng.

Mr. Tang, it’s a pleasure to meet you, I didn’t expect to meet you on this occasion.

“I have just arrived in Hong Kong Island for a few days, and I planned to find some time to visit Mr. Su in person!”

Tang Haifeng shook his head and smiled: “I didn’t expect~ the little girl and Mr. Ling are classmates, it’s a coincidence!”.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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