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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 536: Family Heritage, Gold, Antiques [Seeking Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

Prosperous Antiques, Troubled Gold!

In this era, the mainland is still very poor. Although antiques have attracted some people’s attention, the boom has not yet started.

But overseas, many Chinese antiques are very popular, especially some wealthy Chinese in Hong Kong Island and the United States like to collect these antiques.

However, in this era, the mainland did not pay much attention to it, which led to those priceless antiques flowing overseas at very low prices.

This era is also the period when tomb robbery and smuggling of antique cultural relics are the most rampant. Every year, a large number of antiques are destroyed and smuggled.

Until the new century, after the rise of the mainland economy, the rich are everywhere, the southern lords, arty coal bosses

With the support of these people, the antique market in the mainland began to be heated, and some antiques began to return from overseas.

From what Huang Mao said, the smuggling of antiques has obviously formed an industrial chain, and a large number of antiques have flowed overseas through their hands.

However, yellow hair is only a part of a small part of this industry.

The kidnapping of Tang Xiaoxuan was also instigated by other people.

“So it’s those antiques?”

In Tang Haifeng’s office, when he heard a call from Su Shaoze, he was suddenly stunned.

“That batch of antiques was indeed seized by my people. How could the things of our Chinese ancestors get into the hands of foreigners?”

“But I didn’t expect that Xiaoxuan was harmed because of this incident.” Tang Haifeng said angrily.

“You don’t have to blame yourself, you did the right thing.” Su Shaoze said comfortingly.

“Now that person has confessed, and I have sent someone to rescue Xiaoxuan, you can rest assured, Xiaoshou will be back soon.

After hanging up the phone, Su Shaoze sat in his study and shook his head slightly.

He didn’t expect it to be because of a batch of antiques.

Tang Haifeng ruined their plan, so they kidnapped Tang Haifeng’s daughter as revenge, and extorted 100 million Hong Kong dollars as compensation for the previous loss, and they could make a fortune.

At the same time, Su Shaoze also got the list of the previous batch of seized antiques.

There are so many good things!!

The most valuable piece is the official kiln blue and white bowl of the Song Dynasty.

The porcelain of the Song Dynasty was famous all over the world, and it was the pinnacle of ancient porcelain craftsmanship, and the five famous kilns were even more famous.

The most important thing is that porcelain in the Song Dynasty is extremely rare now.

The value of the official kiln blue and white bowl is almost two million US dollars.

That’s a lot of money in this day and age.

There are also some other antiques, so many things have been lost, no wonder the people behind the scenes want to take revenge on Tang Haifeng.

“Good stuff ah `w!”

“They are all treasures left by our ancestors. If they fall into the hands of foreigners, it will be difficult to get them back.”

Looking at the photos of the official kilns, Su Shaoze whispered.

In this era, the protection of antiques in the mainland is still at the initial stage, and it is difficult to implement.

As a result, a large number of antiques were damaged or flowed overseas.

Rather than being ruined, these treasures should fall into the hands of Su Shaoze.

He is protecting antiques!

At the same time, this is also a matter of increasing family heritage, which is generally not used.

Who knows what the descendants of the Su family will look like in a hundred years.

When that time really comes, these gold and antiques stored in the past may become the capital for the Su family to make a comeback.

“The antiques scattered among the people in the mainland can be slowly collected. Those foreign devils also took away a lot of good things back then!”

Su Shaoze took out the paper and pen and began to write and draw, the latter is Su Shaoze’s real goal.

Many antiques were taken away by foreign devils back then, and many of them are now in the hands of some museums in Ouzhou, or private collectors in the United States.

Like the twelve bronze heads.

Su Shaoze will try to get it back as much as possible. These antiques have witnessed the shame of China, and the value of some of them is even more immeasurable.

These iconic antiques can be sent back.

In that way, the hat of Su Shaoze, the red-capped businessman, will only get brighter and brighter.

The hidden benefits are immeasurable.

There are also many other antiques living overseas, Su Shaoze is going to find out first, and get them over slowly.

Collect it as a family legacy!

Trade through normal means, as long as it doesn’t cost much.

If you can’t do it under normal circumstances, then you have to think of some special measures.

Maybe there will be a group of antique thieves in Ouzhou in the future!

At that time, it wasn’t just Huaxia’s antiques that were stolen. Although the white-skinned ghost’s history is short, there are still some good things.

“..and Ah San~”

Su Shaoze suddenly remembered.

According to legend, the ancient Asan liked to bury gold in the temple.

In recent years, the gold in these temples has been slowly unearthed, but it is not known how much remains to be discovered.

Let’s investigate first, if possible, I would like to go to Ah San’s place to rob.

At the same time, Tang Xiaoxuan was locked up in a dilapidated courtyard in the New Territories.

Also imprisoned here are more than a dozen children, old and young, wearing shabby clothes, and their bodies are so thin that their bones can be seen.

It is conceivable that these children have been locked up here for a long time.

There were several guards around the yard, and any child who tried to escape would be beaten violently if he was caught, and even once, a child who escaped was beaten to death in front of all the children.

“It’s time to eat~”

Two men came in with buckets, (are you okay) still cursing: “Hurry up and eat, and go to work after eating.”

The meals they prepare are simple.

Each person has a steamed bun and a bowl of porridge, so you can’t eat too much.

After these children got the steamed buns, they ate them hungrily.

Only Tang Xiaoxuan in the corner watched all this in fear.

Holding his knees with his hands, his small face was pale and trembling.

“What should I do with this little girl? She hasn’t eaten for a whole day, and the higher-ups specifically told her not to let anything happen to her.

“Don’t worry about it, she won’t die of starvation if she doesn’t eat for a day. When she is very hungry, she will know the smell of steamed buns.”

“When I was young, I dreamed that I could eat white steamed buns every day.”

The two men left, Tang Xiaoxuan breathed a sigh of relief, but she was still so helpless and nervous.

With tears in her eyes, she missed her parents.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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