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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 538 Heaven Nourishes Health, Not Born By Heaven And Earth, But Nourished By Heaven And Earth

“Tian Yangen? What a strange name~”

Tang Xiaoxuan said in surprise, she has never seen someone with the surname Tian!

“Actually, this is the name we gave ourselves. I have forgotten what my original name was.” Tian Yangen said softly.

Then others were introduced.

Pointing to a boy sitting in the middle opposite, about eight or nine years old, with a curly haircut and a cold face, he looks cool.

“He’s called Tian Yangsheng~”

Tianyangsheng, a name like Long Aotian, arrogant and domineering, not born by heaven and earth, but raised by heaven and earth.

The name sounds a bit Zhong Er at first glance, but in fact, no one can understand the loneliness they bear.

They have no parents, and perhaps they hate their parents even more~abandoning themselves.

The helplessness and hardship in the orphanage taught them the sadness and suffering of the world, and he prefers to beat out the justice of his own world with his fists.

Where is the axiom? Why didn’t I see it? Where was the axiom when I had nothing to eat? Where was the axiom when I watched my sick brother die in pain and there was nothing I could do?”

“Axiom must be achieved with fists. You must have strength!”

This may be a bad person, but he is not a pure bad person, and cannot be simply judged by good or evil, because such a worldview contains a group of children’s suffering memories.

Their faces were pale, they were beaten and scolded, and they wandered alone in this cruel world.

Human nature is but a microcosm of the world.

The world has created all these tragedies, but now, Tian Yangsheng and his younger brothers and sisters are just a group of children.

Just when Tang Xiaoxuan started to make new friends, Lone Wolf had already started to act.

A group of fully armed lone wolf soldiers rushed to the outside of this remote courtyard in an assault vehicle.

And Su Shaoze also arrived at the fastest speed by helicopter.

Three armed helicopters flew in the sky, beside him, there was also his own son, God Bless.

It wasn’t the first time to take a helicopter, flying in the sky, Su Tianyou didn’t have any fear at all.

But this time, Su Tianyou felt something different.

There are real guys on the plane, not only the bodyguards are wearing bulletproof combat uniforms, holding assault guns, even the cabin is equipped with heavy machine guns.

It’s really going to war!!

“Dad, where are we going?” Su Tian Yuichi looked excited, not at all afraid of war, but very exciting.


Born with a dream of a gold and iron horse.

Maybe when he sees the real battlefield in the future, he won’t have this feeling, blood and flesh are flying, and gunpowder is filling the air.

There will never be the romance of gold and iron horses, but the cruel reality like hell.

“Let’s save Xiaoxuan, you’ll see her soon.” Su Shaogui patted the kid on the shoulder and said.

And Su Tianyou’s eyes lit up all of a sudden: “Really?”

Su Tianyou was very sad and angry when Tang Xiaoxuan was taken away by the bad guys.

Those bad guys deserve to be stripped down and spanked a hundred times!

“Dad, give me a gun. I want to fight the bad guys and save Xiaoxuan.” Su Tianyou said excitedly.

Then he got an assault gun with the clip removed, which stood taller than him, not to mention shooting, and he couldn’t even hold the handle of the gun.

Su Shaoze is going to take him to see the real battlefield in advance.

Of course, it’s just to feel the atmosphere of the battlefield, there won’t be too much danger.

This is just a small operation to rescue the hostages, and it will end soon.

At the same time, in the courtyard, those traffickers didn’t know the danger was coming.

Several people were gathering under the shed to play cards.

“Boss has been away for so long and hasn’t come back, is there anything wrong?”

“What can happen?”

“Didn’t it be said on TV that someone blew up a demolition building in Zhongtang today, it must be the masterpiece of the boss.”

“Don’t call him yet, maybe he is being chased by the note, and he will definitely come back if he gets rid of the note.”

“This little girl is really valuable! Our boss actually asked the other party for 100 million.”

“Of course, it doesn’t matter whose daughter it is, 100 million is not enough. If something happens to this little girl, the Hong Kong Island government will lose all face.”

…ask for flowers…

“This 100 million, how much can we divide? One person divides another 10 million? Hehe~”

“What good things are you thinking about? This matter was ordered by a big customer above. Let’s just take a look at the person and give you a million in the end.”


“Huh? What sound?”

When several people were playing cards and bragging, one of them suddenly seemed to hear something, and the next second there was only a bang, and the door was directly knocked open.

A group of lone wolf soldiers wearing bulletproof combat uniforms, hoods, and assault guns rushed in instantly.

These human traffickers with a guilty conscience thought that the police had found this place.

“Huh? Police~”

The two traffickers subconsciously stretched their bodies backwards, trying to pull out pistols from behind.

But the next second.

“Puff ~”

With two muffled bangs, two bullets were released from the barrel of the silencer, directly hitting the two men’s foreheads between their foreheads.

“Don’t move, raise your hands~”

The lone wolf soldier shouted, the muzzle of the gun was at the standard level, and the remaining guys would shoot directly if there was any movement.

The other commando came in over the wall from behind, and rushed directly into the house with swift movements.

Tang Xiaoxuan was sitting and talking with Tian Yangen, and the conversation gradually stabilized.

There was only a bang, and the door was knocked open.

All the children were startled, subconsciously turned over and backed away, gathered together, and looked at the door nervously.

They found that four men in black combat uniforms walked in. They couldn’t see their faces, but their eyes were full of vigilance, and their cold temperament instantly shocked these children.

Especially seeing the assault guns in their hands.

This is a real guy!

so cool!

Holding guns, the four commandos inspected the house on full alert, and found that they were all children, and found Tang Xiaoxuan in the corner.

He also looked nervous and panicked.

A lone wolf soldier walked over with a gun in his hand, and picked Tang Xiaoxuan up from the ground with one hand.

“Don’t be afraid, we are here to save you!”

Then he took out the walkie-talkie and said: “The hostages are safe!”.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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