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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 541: A Treasure Worth Billions Of Dollars 【Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass! 】

“At about eleven o’clock last night, a gun battle broke out in a building in the middle of Pros Street in Xicheng District.

“According to eyewitnesses, the attackers were a group of masked bandits armed with assault guns, submachine guns, grenades, howitzers and other heavy weapons.”

“They attacked the building, killed everyone in the building, then doused it with gasoline and burned all the bodies and the whole building.”

“This morning, the police found a total of 23 corpses in the ruins of the building, and more clues are being further investigated.”

The next day, the TV station in Lowana State broadcast a news about last night’s gun battle. There were still ruins after the war on the TV screen. The wooden building was burned and only one main frame remained.

A row of corpses were placed on the ground, all covered with white cloth, and many police officers were investigating clues at the scene.

Such a tragic gun battle, if it were placed on Hong Kong Island, would definitely become a hot spot in the news, a shocking incident of people eating melons.

But in the United States, the people were only a little surprised, and at most complained, why did so few people die?

Liberty Mili’s house, gun battles every day.

In this land, gun battles are happening almost all the time, and the folks of the grain collectors are used to this kind of thing.

Watching the scene of the gun battle, they could even drink beer, cheering and hoping for a worse fight.

Therefore, last night, the actions of the lone wolf only caused a small impact. After the white-skinned ghosts knew about it, they didn’t care. Some cheaper conch.

Even the police simply investigate and stop paying attention after cleaning up the mess.

Judging from the situation at the scene, it was obvious that two groups of gangsters were fighting each other. Both sides had firearms, but the group that was wiped out was more aggressive.

But at this time, no one noticed that a rich man worth tens of millions, the president of an international trading company, Mr. Wolf Macdonald, disappeared.

Hong Kong Island, Galactic Empire State Building.

“Beng bang bang `”!”

There was a knock on the door of Su Shaoze’s office, Lin Mengmeng, who was dressed in a well-fitting suit, walked in with high heels.

Glancing under Su Shaoze’s table, he could faintly hear some dense noises coming from there.

Lin Mengmeng didn’t care either, this kind of thing is normal for her, and Su Shaoze won’t shy away from her either.

But it must have frightened the person under the table, the movement stopped for a moment, and I am afraid I dare not breathe.

“Keep doing your thing.”

Su Shaoze patted the woman’s cheek, then asked Lin Mengmeng, “What’s the matter?”

If there is no very important matter, Lin Mengmeng will not disturb her at such a time, unless she also wants to be together.

Lin Mengmeng did have something important to do, but because there were outsiders in the office, she didn’t say it clearly, but put a fax in front of Su Shaoze.

“It’s from America.”

Su Shaoze picked it up and looked at it. It was not a business matter, but a fax from the Lone Wolf Branch of the United States.

Lin Mengmeng has been following Su Shaoze for many years. In terms of intimacy, she is almost comparable to Ye Yingwen. She is one of Su Shaoze’s most trusted people.

Therefore, in addition to many business matters, Lin Mengmeng also intervened in some shady matters.

Be it emotionally, physically, or profitably, Lin Mengmeng has completely handed herself over to Su Shaoze.


After Su Shaoze finished reading the fax, he was silently surprised.

It was his orders to get Wolf MacDonald.

This guy is the mastermind behind the kidnapping of Tang Xiaoxuan, not to mention that Tang Haifeng is his friend, just because Tang Xiaoxuan calls him uncle, Su Shaolong will help her avenge her.

Although Wolf Macdonald is an international antique dealer, he has many gunmen under his command, and secretly controls the two gangs in Lowana.

However, compared with elites like the lone wolf mercenaries, the people under this guy’s hands are completely inadequate.

It’s normal to take down this guy easily, but what Su Shaoze didn’t expect is that this Wolf MacDonald knows a lot of things!

Just when he was about to be killed and thrown into a tin bucket to fill the sea, in order to survive, he uttered a piece of news in panic.

He found a treasure!

The value is likely to exceed billions of dollars!

Billions of dollars is also an irresistible temptation for Su Shaoze at this time.

I just don’t know if what this guy is telling is the truth, and if there is such a treasure.

But even if there is a one-tenth possibility, it is worth Su Shaoze’s trip to the United States.

After all, that’s billions of dollars!

What’s more, if the timeline is normal, the financial crisis in the United States will break out in a few months.

This time Su Shaoze is going to short the U.S. stock market, and what he will use will be a huge sum of money.

Before that, Su Shaoze needed to make the layout in advance.

How to enter this huge amount of funds into the U.S. market as low-key as possible, how to operate during the stock market crash, how to cash out after the stock market crash, and how to buy bottoms in the future, etc.

The most important point is that you need to find a scapegoat in the country of origin.

Concentrate the firepower on everyone else, and let others take the limelight. He makes money in a low-key manner. He doesn’t want to cause troubles all over the world. He knows that he has made a lot of money in this stock market crash.

too dangerous!

There are many things to do in the United States, Su Shaoze has to go to the United States very early. (Zhao Li’s)

“..Get ready, I’m going to America next week.”

Su Shaoze instructed Lin Mengmeng.

“Okay.” Lin Mengmeng nodded, said a few more words, and then quietly left the office.

After she left, a woman’s voice suddenly came from under the table.

“Boss, Sister Mengmeng~”

A young beauty in her twenties, with Kazilan’s big eyes open, looked up at Su Shaoze with an aggrieved look.

I was so anxious that I was about to cry.

I was so ashamed, I don’t know if Lin Mengmeng found out that she was conscious just now.

She is another secretary of Su Shaoze, she just took office yesterday, and she is still a fresh and tender newcomer.

It needs Su Shaoze’s good training and training.

Su Shaoze shook his head slowly, and moved the seat back a little: “It’s okay, your cute sister won’t say anything.

“Stand up and lie down on the table.”.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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