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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 577 The Gluttonous Feast Of The Hong Kong Island Consortium, The Arrival Of The Financial Cr

October 5, 1987!

At night, the moonlight falls on the earth like the Milky Way, and the waves rush across, playing the sound of nature in this silent night sky.

It has been more than a month since the birthdays of the third young master of the Su family and the eldest princess, Su Shaoze has not left Hong Kong Island again, and everything seems to be back on track.

Hong Kong Island Langyushan Manor, in the master bedroom.

The moonlight shines on the ground through the window, with silver light, and the sea breeze gently blows the white window screen, which is comfortable and comfortable.

Su Shaoze was sleeping with Liu Xiaoli in his arms, two pairs of long legs gently wrapped around him, and there was a strange smell in the air.

Suddenly, the big brother beside the bed rang loudly.

“Beep beep beep~”

Su Shaoze opened his eyes in an instant, and Liu Xiaoli in his arms woke up in a daze, and murmured with his eyes closed: “What’s the matter? Husband, who’s calling? It’s so late.”

“There may be something urgent, I’ll go out to pick it up, you go to sleep first!”

Su Shaoze patted Liu Xiaoli’s smooth shoulders, put on her nightgown, took the big brother on the bedside to the balcony, and closed the door gently.

After the death, Liu Xiaoli was probably extremely sleepy, exhausted too much, and fell asleep again in a daze.

The balcony of the bedroom faced the sea directly, and a gust of sea breeze blew Su Shaoze’s hair, which also made him wake up a lot.

This phone number is Su Shaoze’s most personal phone number. There are only a few people who know this number, and they are all the most confidantes. Even Bao Chuanwang and Li Chaoren don’t know this number.

In the middle of the night, to make this call at the risk of disturbing Su Shaoze, there is no doubt that something happened.

Dark night, bright moon, sea breeze, sea waves!

Feeling relaxed and happy, as if the sea and the starry sky are in his arms, a man is standing on the balcony.


There was a woman’s voice on the phone, it was Qiao Na, one of the directors of Su Shaoze’s think tank!

She was arranged by Su Shaoze to go to America.

“Boss, ten minutes ago, the stock exchange opened, and the stocks of more than a dozen Internet technology companies such as Microsoft and Apple were the first to fall.”

“Five minutes later, stocks such as Niu Yostero Real Estate and Dominion began to fall one after another, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and the number of stocks falling was increasing.”

“Everybody on the exchange is going nuts right now…”(bbfc)

There was a mess of voices on the phone, wailing and cursing. Although Qiao Na had left far away and found a quiet place to make this call, the voice in the exchange was still too loud.

It is also enough to prove the seriousness of this financial crisis! It has only appeared for more than ten minutes and it is so scary.

The tragic volatility, the rapid transmission, and the wide range of influence are second only to the stock market crash fifty years ago.

“Hua Hua Hua ~”

The sea breeze blew, washed away the waves and made a rolling sound. After hearing what Qiao Na said, Su Shaoze’s eyes suddenly became sharp, and his face slowly became silent.

He didn’t say anything, only the faint sound of waves and loud curses could be heard.


After a few seconds, Su Shaoze breathed out lightly: “It’s okay, I’m fine.

“You continue to stay in New York, always pay attention to the movement of the stock market, and report at any time.

“Tomorrow, news from the United States should reach Hong Kong Island.”

First, East Longitude, Hong Kong Island, Sydney, Lundu, and finally the whole world.

“A storm sweeping the world is about to begin!”

After Su Shaoze finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

The appearance of this storm was expected by Su Shaoze, but somewhat beyond his expectation.

Because the storm started two full weeks earlier than Su Shaoze remembered.

What does it mean?

It shows that the appearance of Su Shaoze, the butterfly, and with his accumulation of more and more wealth, his influence is growing, which has affected the process of world economic development.

The stock market crash that should have erupted two weeks later has been brought forward to now.

This is something Su Shaoze did not expect.

But it doesn’t matter too much, because he has already made the preparations.

The first is to sell all the shares that can be sold in the hands and exchange them for cash.

Except for the non-sale shares of Galaxy Group, Su Holdings, etc., stocks such as Microsoft and Apple held by him have now been sold off.

In fact, because of Su Shaoze’s massive sell-off some time ago, the stocks in the US Internet industry fluctuated greatly.

Although Gaizi and others have made every effort to repurchase, the Internet has still become the first industry to fall in this stock market crash.

And this is only a small part of Su Shaoze’s influence in this stock market crash.

It is precisely because of the existence of the Galaxy Group that the Hong Kong Island consortium has risen, and it has begun to expand and acquire worldwide, which has accelerated the bubble growth rate of the US economy.

This made the black storm arrive two weeks earlier.

It is also enough to show that the Galaxy Group and the Hong Kong Island Consortium have become an international capital force capable of affecting the world economy.

Under the starry sky at night, with the sea breeze blowing on his face, Su Shaoze lit a cigarette and stood on the balcony quietly looking at the sea.

In my mind, I kept thinking about what else I hadn’t thought of in this storm.

What can be done, Su Shaoze has already done it in advance.

Sold a large number of current stocks [in exchange for more than one billion US dollars in cash.

Standard Chartered Bank has reduced its external mortgage loans three months ago, and has stored a large amount of cash in the bank as a precaution.

The foreign exchange of the island country has been doubled and returned to Su Shaoze’s hands. The original 30 billion Hong Kong dollars eventually became 110 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Also, Wing Lung Bank in Maoziguo has also stepped up the speed of taking deposits. Half a month ago, another batch of loans of 20 billion Hong Kong dollars had been transferred to the secret account.

The assets that Su Shaoze can use have reached 25 billion US dollars!

And it’s all cash!

And it is not public, no one knows that Su Shaoze has such huge assets.

Otherwise, once it is made public, Su Shaoze will instantly become the richest man in the world.

And this money also secretly flowed into the United States through various channels, and a small part, plus some funds from the Hong Kong Island consortium such as Bao Chuanwang and Li Chaoren, flowed into Thoreau’s Liangzi Fund.

Members of the Hong Kong Island Consortium also participated in this gluttonous feast.

Su Shaoze’s funds, plus the funds of the Hong Kong Island consortium, this huge asset was all used to short the United States.

It is enough to leverage the economy of the United States, and it may not necessarily make the economic level of the United States fall back by five years…

who knows?.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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