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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 595 Who Can Become The Savior Of Hong Kong Island? [Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass!

It has been nearly a month since the stock market crash occurred. The Hong Kong Island Hang Seng Index has fallen by more than 2,000 points, or as high as 43%, creating the biggest tragedy in the history of the Hong Kong Island stock market.

Nearly 200 billion Hong Kong dollars in market value evaporated from the Hong Kong Island stock market, and the average loss per shareholder was as high as 150,000 Hong Kong dollars.

The stock market has fallen so badly, and shareholders have suffered such heavy losses, yet the Hong Kong government has been reluctant to rescue the market for a long time.

It cannot be said that there is no bailout, but the efforts made are minimal and have not had much effect.

The stock exchange and listed companies also pretended to be deaf and dumb, acting like a turtle, which made the public even more angry.

The accumulated anger of these people has reached its peak, and they have found a vent.

On this day, at 9 o’clock in the morning, the stock market opened, and the stock price still did not recover, and the decline was serious. The investors’ money was locked up in the stock market, and they suffered heavy losses. They also endured great mental pressure.

At this moment, chaos occurred, and they vented all the depression in their hearts.

In the Galaxy Empire Building, in Su Shaoze’s office, a huge TV is hung on the wall, and live real-time images from 11 Asian TV stations are being played on it.


The stockholders roared in grief and indignation, and it was even more young and Dangerous.

“how so?”

“My God, is this still Hong Kong Island?”

Lin Mengmeng’s beautiful eyes were fixed on the TV screen, looking worried.

Although Hong Kong Island is chaotic and there are many associations, they all abide by the rules, and there are very few such agitations.

“The stock market crash will not be relieved for a long time, and the depressed emotions of the people need a channel to release.” Su Shaoze shook his head and said.

This is accidental, but also inevitable.

Hong Kong Island is not a benign place, full of violent factors.

If some things cannot be resolved for a long time, it will inevitably lead to catastrophe.

Su Shaoze turned off the TV and didn’t continue to watch, the result was already doomed.

Because the Hong Kong Island Police Force has already suppressed it with all its strength.

The prisons on Hong Kong Island are running low again.

I called a few of my women and comforted them, telling them not to be afraid and worry, and things will subside soon.

Then he called Lone Wolf headquarters and asked them to step up their guard.

To be honest, no matter how chaotic Hong Kong Island is, it is the people at the bottom who suffer, and the super rich like Su Shaoze have little influence.

Even in some respects, this situation is more beneficial to Su Shaolong.

Because some people should be more anxious.

There was a mess outside the Governor’s Mansion. The ground was full of trampled banners, broken debris, and chaos.

There are also some injured people lying on the ground, bleeding, howling in pain.

The medical staff were busy in the middle, surrounded by many heavily armed police patrolling, with dignified eyes guarding the surroundings.

Railings have been set up at key intersections to block passages.

Everything indicates that there has just been a huge chaos here.

And it was only temporarily suppressed. Although the police arrested a group of people, the matter is far from over.

If the root cause cannot be resolved, it may happen again.

In the Hong Kong Governor’s Mansion, Wei Xin had just returned from inspection outside, and saw the chaotic situation outside the Hong Kong Governor’s Mansion with his own eyes.

So his whole person is very bad, and his gloomy face is extremely depressing.

Eyes full of anger and fear!

He had just assumed the position of Governor of Hong Kong for only a few months. He originally wanted to display his ambitions, make some achievements on Hong Kong Island, and then enter the cabinet.

But the reality gave him a blow, the financial crisis appeared.

What’s worse is that the financial crisis caused public dissatisfaction, and then riots occurred.

These stockholders on Hong Kong Island dared to attack the Governor’s Mansion wantonly.

If Wei Xin reacted quickly, even if he dispatched the police force and the garrison to suppress it, maybe Wei Xin would have become a prisoner of these rioters at this time.

“It’s downright lawless, it’s downright arrogant.”

Back in his office, Wei Xin started to spray at the officials below.

“The financial crisis has happened for almost a month, why hasn’t it been alleviated?” Wei Xin roared at the financial secretary.

“The stockholders’ dissatisfaction has reached the extreme, and they dared to storm the Hong Kong Governor’s Mansion. Why didn’t the police force detect it in advance, or even intercept it halfway?” Wei Xin angrily lashed out at the security chief

At this moment, Wei Xin vented all the anger and dissatisfaction in his heart on his subordinates.

It was a serious dereliction of duty and a stain on his qualifications that this happened during his tenure.

He still wants to enter the cabinet after retiring as the governor of Hong Kong!

“Hoo hoo ~”

After spraying for more than ten minutes, Wei Xin’s mood improved a lot, and he sat on the chair panting with exhaustion.

At this time, the security chief dared to express his opinion.

“Sir, there is a saying among the Chinese that it is a temporary solution, not the root cause, and it refers to the current situation.”

“Although the chaos was suppressed by the police this time, the public’s emotions cannot be eased. Sooner or later, such things will happen again.”

“To solve the fundamental problem, we still need to start with the stock market and rescue the market in time.”

Wei Xin nodded lightly, and looked at Li Zhao, the daughter-in-law of the financial bureau chief who exchanged 20 and certificates.

“Sir, we have tried our best to save the market, issued more currency, and eased financial policy for a period of time, but the effect is not obvious.” The financial secretary shook his head.

“We have no money!” Li Zhao continued.

“Then continue to issue more currency.” Wei said.

“No!” Li Zhao shook his head.

“We have issued an additional currency before, and the current inflation rate is already very high. If we continue to issue additional currency, there will be serious economic problems.

“Maybe there will be another financial crisis within a period of time.”

“Then what should we do?” Wei Xin said angrily.

The biggest problem now is the lack of money. Issuing additional currency will have huge side effects, so what about introducing external funds?

As long as there are enough funds to enter Hong Kong Island, investors can regain their confidence and continue to conduct financial operations with confidence.

Then the economy of Hong Kong Island can be revitalized slowly.

“Now that the financial crisis is raging across the world, and everyone is tightening their belts, who still has the money to invest in Hong Kong Island?” The Financial Secretary shook his head dejectedly.

At this time, Li Zhao said cautiously: “Perhaps, Mr. Su can.”


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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