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The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island — Chapter 624 Galaxy Group Reform, Hiding Behind The Scenes 【Ask For Flowers! Ask For A Monthly Pass!

On this day, not only Hong Kong Island, but the media all over the world were sensational because of this ranking.

Twelve of the top 30 billionaires are from Hong Kong Island, and four of the top ten are from Hong Kong Island.

It simply created a precedent in history.

Except for the Americans, no one can be as terrifying as the Hong Kong Island consortium.

So the sensation caused was very intense!

Some extreme media accused the Hong Kong Island consortium of being a group of shameless robbers, who took advantage of the financial crisis to search for wealth from the United States.

Every penny they earn now is the hard-earned money of Americans.

Of course, there are criticisms and praises, and many overseas media call them heroes.

Even calling Su Shaoze a legend!

Not only because of this time, since his debut, he has been a “630” legend.

Just like what the [The Times] said: “The birth and rise of a legend, the coming of an era!”

“Ten years ago, he came to Hong Kong Island with nothing. With his hardworking hands and sharp eyes, he seized every opportunity and accumulated enough original funds in two years.

“Created the Galaxy Group!”

“Ten years later, Galaxy Group has become the largest conglomerate on Hong Kong Island, with industries involving finance, real estate, energy, heavy industry, electronic information, media and entertainment, etc.

“Became one of the largest comprehensive groups on the West Pacific coast.”

“And the king who single-handedly created this huge galactic empire has now stepped onto the throne of the richest man in the world.”

“His time has come!”

In Langyu Mountain Manor, Su Shaoze was lying on a deck chair, holding a newspaper, looking at the unbelievable rainbow farts these days, hehe shook his head.

But in fact, my heart is also dark.

No wonder there were so many stupid kings born in ancient times. It turns out that everyone likes to be flattered.

In the past few days, the news that Su Shaoze became the world’s richest man was very sensational, and the news that the 12 richest people in Hong Kong Island joined forces to rank among the top 30 richest people in the world was even more shocking.

Therefore, Su Shaoze had to stay at home to hide.

At the same time, it is also planning for future opportunities, which companies should be acquired, and to what extent should the Yinhe Group expand its power on the bright side.

“During this time, the limelight has been enough, and we still need to keep a low profile in the future.” Su Shaoze said secretly.

Fortunately, he was already prepared!

Early on, he hid most of his wealth.

The assets exposed on the bright side are strictly calculated.

At this time, Su Shaoze’s net worth was revealed to be 32 billion US dollars, just 8 billion US dollars more than the world’s second richest man in the United States.

Although this number is astonishing, it is still within an acceptable range.

It doesn’t look too obtrusive.

But there is another problem that Su Shaoze has to consider.

In a few days, Su Shaoze will have to carry out several large acquisition plans, and they must be carried out in the name of the Galaxy Group.

In that case, Su Shaoze’s social value on the bright side will usher in another skyrocketing, which is not conducive to his low-key original intention.

“So, it’s time to introduce other shareholders to the Galaxy Group.” Su Shaoze said secretly.

The current Galaxy Group is not listed, and Su Shaolong still holds 100% of the shares.

This is simply very unreasonable for a super group with assets of 30 billion US dollars.

Just like Bao Chuanwang’s Jiulong Group, Li Chaoren’s Changjiang Group, etc., besides them themselves, there are also some small shareholders.

So Su Shaoze is also preparing to reform the Galaxy Group and reduce his shareholding in the Galaxy Group.

Cause other shareholders!

But this does not mean that Su Shaoze will give up his interests in the Galaxy Group.

The so-called introduced shareholders are by no means other forces, but belong to another vest of Su Shaoze, an offshore company under Su Shaoze Holdings.

For Su Shaoze, it is nothing more than the difference between left and right, but it is a clear reduction of his shareholding in Galaxy Group.

The Locke Filler family, the Morgan family, etc., have been constantly reforming in the past hundred years.

Using these various methods to downplay the sense of existence of his own family.

Just like the core industry of the Locke Filler family, Standard Oil Company.

Now it has been forcibly divided into more than 20 oil companies, and the Locke Filler family has very little shares in these oil companies..

But secretly, they control offshore venture capital one by one through family funds, and hold standard equity in another form.

Regardless of whether it is the right to speak or the actual control right, the Locke Filler family’s control and influence on more than 20 oil companies in the Standard Department are still very terrifying.

The fundamental purpose of doing so is to avoid the dissatisfaction and anger of the people and the government towards the Locke Filler family.

At this time, what Su Shaoze did was exactly what Locke Feller did.

Let the Su family gradually hide behind the scenes, stay in the dark, and avoid the eyes and attention of the world.

But the tentacles protruding from the abyss can allow the Su family to firmly penetrate into every corner of the world.

Only in this way can it be enough for a family to carry out a hundred years of precipitation and development.

When Su Shaoze was lying on the deck chair and meditating, a football flew over suddenly and plunged into the swimming pool next to Su Shaoze, splashing a splash of water.

Oops, “} went to the swimming pool.”

Not far away, on the lawn that had been transformed into a small football field, Su Tianyou yelled at a child angrily.

The kid looked a year or two older than Su Tianyou, and he was not to be outdone: “It’s because your pass is so bad, I can’t shoot at all.

Beside 2.6 there are a few children chattering, all of them are about the same age as Su Tianyou and his brothers, and their identities are also different.

Basically, they are the children of the grandchildren of Bao Chuanwang and Hu Donglai.

They are all the future successors of the major chaebols in Hong Kong Island. Sooner or later, the Hong Kong Island conglomerates will be handed over to them, so under the intentional arrangements of the parents, they play together from time to time

Seeing that these boys are fighting again, Su Shaoze doesn’t care, even if it’s a fight, it’s nothing.

Anyway, Su Shaoze’s son has inherited his powerful genes, so he never suffers from a fight.

Once at school, Su Tian Yuichi personally beat three senior students who were a head taller than him to the ground.

On the other hand, Su Shaoze, seeing this group of kids playing around, smiled softly and said: It’s not bad to buy a football club for fun.


The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island

The century-old family began to rise from Hong Kong Island



In the 1980s, a man came to Hong Kong Island and rose from chaos and darkness.

Established a mercenary group, acquired a power media company, intervened in the international trade of oil, called the wind and rain in the financial industry, and stood up in the real estate industry.

He established a symbol of the era, the Galactic Empire!

He established a family chaebol spanning centuries, the Su family!

A hundred years later, a world masterpiece “Economic War” was published, and people realized the mystery and terror of this family for the first time.

“Since the 1980s, the Yinhe Group has been established for a hundred years, and it can be seen behind almost every major change in the world.”

The world-renowned economist Lawrence once wrote in his book “The Invisible Black Hand”: “When the voice of money sounds again and the power of power rises to the surface, the world will bow its head before this famil


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